Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 23

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 23 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Rick Falkvinge
We safeguard the right to attribution very strongly. After all, what we are fighting for is the intent of copyright as it is described in the US constitution: the promotion of culture. Many artists are using recognition as their primary driving force to create culture.
- Rick Falkvinge
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jesse Helms
On your principles, you should never yield; you should be prepared to be defeated. Nobody likes to be defeated, but you should let everybody know in the most articulate and thoughtful and civil way you can (you don't go out and pick fights with people) that in certain matters that you define as matters of principle you will not budge, you cannot yield, you will not compromise. If you don't have the votes or the winning argument, then you stand to be defeated and rolled over, and you'll just have to come back another day.
- Jesse Helms
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ken Hutcherson
The civil rights movement is understanding your freedom under the Constitution of these United States and if anyone tries to take those freedoms from you, you better rise up and fight and that's what we're doing together.
- Ken Hutcherson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abbie Hoffman
I think we are constantly faced with the same decision. The decision to be blindly obedient to authority versus the decision to try and change things by fighting the powers that be is always, throughout history, the only decision.
- Abbie Hoffman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Herrick
It is the end that crowns us, not the fight.
- Robert Herrick
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jenny Hval
Norway is pretty forward thinking in terms of gender equality, but we don't seem to practice it as well as we think. I'm constantly thinking: How much power have we really gained? We have to keep fighting to even keep what we've fought for already.
- Jenny Hval
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wovoka
You must not fight. Do no harm to anyone. Do right always.
- Wovoka
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brenda Strong
It feels good to rail against what is wrong in the world, to fight the good fight, to beat the drum of making a difference. I am right there with you.
- Brenda Strong
Collection: Fighting
Image of Louis Leterrier
Whats great about The Avengers is that its the next step. Its not just superhero fights super-villain and superhero wins. Its about superheroes that come together and interact. Its a clash of the egos. You could do Avengers 1 without a villain, just with all these guys coming together. They could sit down and just have a discussion.
- Louis Leterrier
Collection: Fighting
Image of Allan McNish
As a driver you enjoy winning races and, if you win in the easiest way possible, fine, but in reality we all remember the fights to the end, the nip-and-tuck stuff.
- Allan McNish
Collection: Fighting
Image of Anthony Horowitz
A German philosopher once wrote that he who fights monsters must take care that he doesn't become one himself.
- Anthony Horowitz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andrew Barrett
Far as I know, Legal Aid was invented to help poor people fight wrongs; [the criminals] are abusing the system, and the damned lawyers help them do it. They're all sticking two fingers up at them who pay their taxes. And I'll tell you sommat for free, Sir George, them who pays the taxes are eventually going to get fed up of it.
- Andrew Barrett
Collection: Fighting
Image of Derek R. Audette
Whether you actually can or can't fight city hall is of little relevance. Either way, when the need arises, you must!
- Derek R. Audette
Collection: Fighting
Image of Emilie Autumn
If you're going to die, then die. If you are going to live, then fight.
- Emilie Autumn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nathan Hale
Liberty? Independence? Are they to remain only words? Gentlemen, let us make them fighting words!
- Nathan Hale
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Slattery
You have to fight for what you need to fight for.
- John Slattery
Collection: Fighting
Image of Etty Hillesum
We have to fight them daily, like fleas, those many small worries about the morrow, for they sap our energies. We make mental provisions for the days to come, and everything turns out differently, quite differently. Sufficient unto the day. The things that have to be done must be done, and for the rest we must not allow ourselves to become infested with thousands of petty fears and worries.
- Etty Hillesum
Collection: Fighting
Image of Carl Hiaasen
I was born and raised here [in Florida], so I still have tremendous affection for the state - especially the few wild places that haven't disappeared under concrete. What's left is still worth fighting for, and that's why I stay.
- Carl Hiaasen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Seth Grahame-Smith
An accomplished woman is one who has a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing and the modern languages; she must be well trained in the fighting styles of the Kyoto masters and the modern tactics and weaponry of Europe.
- Seth Grahame-Smith
Collection: Fighting
Image of Taraji P. Henson
I'm constantly proving myself. I have to always prove myself. There are roles where I feel like, "That should have been a straight offer. Why am I having to call my people and fight for it?"
- Taraji P. Henson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gunnar Nelson
When it comes to fighting you shouldn't be thinking at all. You have to clear your mind and trust yourself completely.
- Gunnar Nelson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gunnar Nelson
I dont think about what my opponent will do in the fight and especially what he has to say about me - doesn't matter to me at all.
- Gunnar Nelson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eric Taylor
Every man at some point in his life is gonna lose a battle. He's gonna fight and he's gonna lose. But what makes him a man is that in the midst of that battle, he does not lose himself.
- Eric Taylor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
I do not lose; I just do not get decisions sometimes. You lose when you quit. I have never quit. When it comes down to a decision, judges make a decision as to which fighter they want to win the fight. I have always been able to survive no matter whom they decide to give the fight to.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
A fight with Mike Tyson or Riddick Bowe always sells, because those people came to win. When you come to win, people will see a good show. When you come to survive, it can become boring.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
Opponents make an excuse as to why they do not want to fight someone. Who are the people you actually make a big payday fighting against? There are not too many people out there. Most people refuse to fight people that are necessary. They think winning is the only thing to do. It is not winning if you have not fought the best.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Greg Bryk
Fights take a long time to shoot.
- Greg Bryk
Collection: Fighting
Image of Greg Bryk
How do you fight the stagnation of monogamy and the monotony of time together?
- Greg Bryk
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jean Pascal
Honestly, I don't like to brag about myself, but I really think I'm the only boxer who came out better from a Hopkins fight.
- Jean Pascal
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jean Pascal
The beauty about boxing fights is that they offer lots of opportunity to really learn something about yourself and your opponent.
- Jean Pascal
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cary Fukunaga
You're always against the clock. But really just fighting for quality.
- Cary Fukunaga
Collection: Fighting
Image of Don Kelly
It's taking our officers much longer to respond to an accident because they have to fight their way through all of the traffic just to get to the scene
- Don Kelly
Collection: Fighting
Image of Matt Serra
Good thing it's a fight and not a modeling contest or you'd be f#cked.
- Matt Serra
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vani Hari
When a body is in an alkaline state, it avoids disease, but when it's in an acidic state - where you're eating a lot of processed foods, meat, dairy - you're not going to have that hydration in your body, and you're not going to have that ability to fight off disease, and it's going to impact your immune system and the inflammation in your body too.
- Vani Hari
Collection: Fighting
Image of Fred Hampton
We got to face some facts. That the masses are poor, that the masses belong to what you call the lower class, and when I talk about the masses, I'm talking about the white masses, I'm talking about the black masses, and the brown masses, and the yellow masses, too. We've got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don't fight racism with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity. We say you don't fight capitalism with no black capitalism; you fight capitalism with socialism.
- Fred Hampton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Fred Hampton
We've got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don't fight racism with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity.
- Fred Hampton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Fred Hampton
You don’t fight fire with fire. You fight fire with water. We’re gonna fight racism with solidarity. We're not gonna fight capitalism with Black capitalism. We’re gonna fight capitalism with socialism. Socialism is the people. If you’re afraid of socialism, you’re afraid of yourself.
- Fred Hampton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Caleb Landry Jones
If you're a good fighter on the street, you don't have to tell anybody that you're good at fighting. Let someone else talk about how great you are at this or that or whatever is the case. And if no one finds out then no one finds out, that's fine too. But I think leading by example is always the strongest.
- Caleb Landry Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Luke Rockhold
Don't focus on the outcome, when you focus on the outcome it creates anxiety and it builds. I just need to enjoy the moment and let it be. If I just fight I know I'm going to go out there and perform and do it my best. Don't focus on winning or losing.
- Luke Rockhold
Collection: Fighting
Image of Luke Rockhold
I just need to enjoy the moment... I just fight I know I'm going to go out there and perform my best.
- Luke Rockhold
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joe Donnelly
I hear from everybody, and they say Joe, nowhere but in Washington do they think not working together makes sense. Were not hired to fight.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joe Donnelly
What we need to do is stand up and fight for our people in our states.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Fighting
Image of Zoe Cassavetes
If you are the writer/director especially, no one cares more about the project than you do. You know it in and out. You created it. So always listen to input but don't be afraid to veto and fight decisions that you know instinctively are wrong.
- Zoe Cassavetes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charles Haynes
There really is confusion out there. Finding common ground sounds good. But the reality is, a lot of people on all sides have a stake in the fight.
- Charles Haynes
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Ben-Gurion
When we say that the Arabs are the aggressors and we defend ourselves — this is only half the truth. As regards our security and life we defend ourselves and our moral and physical position is not bad. We can face the gangs... and were we allowed to mobilize all our forces we would have no doubts about the outcome... But the fighting is only one aspect of the conflict which is in its essence a political one. And politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. Militarily, it is we who are on the defensive who have the upper hand but in the political sphere they are superior.
- David Ben-Gurion
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kazushi Sakuraba
Maybe I will hire someone to make some belts for me. It's easier than fighting for them you know.
- Kazushi Sakuraba
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tennessee Celeste Claflin
Let us have a fair field! This is all we ask, and we will be content with nothing less. The finger of evolution, which touches everything, is laid tenderly upon women. They have on their side all the elements of progress, and its spirit stirs within them. They are fighting, not for themselves alone, but for the future of humanity. Let them have a fair field!
- Tennessee Celeste Claflin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Pete Hamill
The only way to fight nostalgia is to listen to somebody else's nostalgia
- Pete Hamill
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Fitch
One of the reasons I got into fighting was because I'd never really been in a fight. It's like in Fight Club, the famous line, 'How much can you really know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?'... It's the the clearest mirror you'll ever stand in front of.
- Jon Fitch
Collection: Fighting