Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 27

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 27 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Olga Kurylenko
No matter how much you try to pretend and force yourself and maybe fight against love and try to forget or be oblivious to it, there's no way to fight it. I think when it's there, it's there.
- Olga Kurylenko
Collection: Fighting
Image of Christian Kane
You win the fight by fighting.
- Christian Kane
Collection: Fighting
Image of Masashi Kishimoto
If you don't like the hand that fate's dealt you, fight for a new one.
- Masashi Kishimoto
Collection: Fighting
Image of Johanna Lindsey
But you don't let true happiness slip out of your grasp without one helluva fight.
- Johanna Lindsey
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kate del Castillo
I'm still fighting to get the things I want and to do the projects I want to do. I think it will always be a fight or a challenge, but not being in my comfort zone keeps me very excited and happy.
- Kate del Castillo
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mario Vargas Llosa
One can't fight with oneself, for this battle has only one loser.
- Mario Vargas Llosa
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jerzy Kukuczka
I agree to the fight. The award, which is getting for these hardships, it is exorbitantly large. It is the joy of life.
- Jerzy Kukuczka
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Algieri
[Mate] really is an overall incredible health drink and on top of it it's part of the culture. It's something my whole family and does and what we have always done. It's warm and soothing for the belly and it helps you digest as well. I drink it all the way up until fight day. It's a part of my routine.
- Chris Algieri
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Algieri
The judges are much closer to the action than the fans are. Fans sure can sway the way a fight looks. I am confident in the ability of the judges and if I do what I need to do and things go the way that we plan, we will come out with the victory regardless of the fan support.
- Chris Algieri
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Algieri
All of my fights have been exciting, even the lopsided ones. I am not concerned about taking a conscious approach to making my style more exciting. I think I go out there and fight in the manner that works best for me getting a win and it just so happens that it's good to watch.
- Chris Algieri
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Algieri
For one, [ Freddie Roach] is wasting his time because I don't even read those reports. So that's the first thing. Secondly, I hear about them from other people around me and it doesn't make a difference to me. It seems kind of odd for him to be coming out so much and saying so many different things and every day it's a new thing. But like I said, I don't read them and I don't care about them and it doesn't make a difference come fight night.
- Chris Algieri
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Algieri
I am a guy that does a million other things in addition to boxing. I have a lot of other stuff that I have been into my entire career and I have put all of that on hold now I am doing more stuff involving the actual promotion of the fight like doing interviews and making appearances.
- Chris Algieri
Collection: Fighting
Image of Benjamin E. Sasse
What happens in Senate fight club stays in Senate fight club.
- Benjamin E. Sasse
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alice Nutter
There are times when I wouldn't rule violence out. I personally don't like violence at all. But it wasn't until we had the Trafalgar Square riots that the Poll Tax went out in Britain. When people take to the streets and fight the police, it's the one thing the government can't control. You can march round in circles for the rest of your life and they can ignore it, but once you start damaging property and fighting with the police, they can't. Even though they tar you with a brush and say you're a set of bastards, they have to actually tone down what they are doing.
- Alice Nutter
Collection: Fighting
Image of Edward Allen Bernero
I eternally fight internal battles about developing things that only appeal to the East Coast and the West Coast. For years I've been trying to do a Western, nobody's interested in doing a Western, how can that be?
- Edward Allen Bernero
Collection: Fighting
Image of Edward Allen Bernero
Well, it was an interesting phenomenon, because I come from a very union town - I come from Chicago. And have been involved in unions most of my life. I think in a lot of ways unions aren't necessary anymore, because what they were started for, I think a lot of those conditions don't exist. And this union is so odd, because any sort of fight we do in this union is not for us, it's for future generations.
- Edward Allen Bernero
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steve King
When the legislation that passed in the farm bill that says that it’s a federal crime to watch animals fight or to induce someone else to watch an animal fight but it’s not a federal crime to induce somebody to watch people fighting, there’s something wrong with the priorities of people that think like that.
- Steve King
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tom Bowman
There are a lot of car bombs and roadside bombs, house bombs, even, in this city planted by ISIS. So - but it's going to be a tough fight ahead, and the Iraqi generals expect to take the city back, the city of Ramadi, by mid-January.
- Tom Bowman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tom Bowman
Right, because they're looking at also organizing the Sunni tribes up around Mosul to take back that city as well. That's the second largest city in Iraq. That's going to be a very, very tough fight. And the Shia militias were not used in Ramadi, and we're told by the Iraqi generals that they don't want any Shia militias up in Mosul, either, to take back that city. So - but again, that's going to be a very, very tough fight.
- Tom Bowman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rafael Cavalcante
I prepare for the next fight and I train for that opponent. I'm thinking about Dan Henderson and not thinking about the championship.
- Rafael Cavalcante
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rafael Cavalcante
I don't care that no one has successfully defended the (light heavyweight) title. I care about preparation, training and getting inside the cage to fight.
- Rafael Cavalcante
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rafael Cavalcante
I always train like a family. Antonio Rodrigo is like my mentor. He helped me a lot. He's always there with me. My coaches and I have made a strategy for this fight.
- Rafael Cavalcante
Collection: Fighting
Image of Avi Lewis
If you have a culture based on hunting and fishing and all the animals are disappearing and the fish are sick, then you can't live traditionally. Then your treaty is being violated. Obviously there are degrees of choice in terms of that decision to fight.
- Avi Lewis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Zach McGowan
I don't think it's ever hard to punch someone in the face who's just punched you in the face. I would say that anyone who thinks they can walk up to someone and punch them in the face without getting punched back is an idiot. At the end of the day, if someone came up here and punched you, trust me, you would fight back. That is just basic survival.
- Zach McGowan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barbara Hulanicki
I have worked with some horrible idiots in my life. You learn the pattern of how architects work and the thing is not to fight it. Just to be very quiet, let them get on with it and let them really mess it up.
- Barbara Hulanicki
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jan Zaveck
It's my pleasure and honor to be here fighting on HBO and in the United States.
- Jan Zaveck
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lynne Stewart
Today, it's not the same playing field as when I first became a lawyer in 1977, where the government had been restricted by our wonderful Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren's court rulings. Now it's all going the other way, the flow is against the defendant, against anything that could really help a client. But you still fight it, you do what you can do. It's all there is.
- Lynne Stewart
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mick Garris
Fighting the wild branches of a haunted tree is not something that every actor is confident enough to attack, literally and figuratively.
- Mick Garris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tavoris Cloud
I switched to my new trainer Abel Sanchez to add versatility to my game. I'm coming to fight a serious fight. If I knock him out, it will just put another feather in my cap. I'm predicting a win, but I never look for the knockout because that's not my game plan. If my punches result in a knockout, so be it.
- Tavoris Cloud
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tavoris Cloud
The word 'snooze fest' comes to mind when talking about Hopkins' fighting style, that's what a lot of people say. He's a boring fighter.
- Tavoris Cloud
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tavoris Cloud
I'm ready. I feel like I can't be beat. You have to feel like that being a fighter. I just feel like this is a bigger type of energy. I feel like I've beaten so many odds. I feel kind of invincible. It's going to be a good fight.
- Tavoris Cloud
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Soules
My priority going forward is to be able to be involved in things like the farm and fighting hunger events, and then doing things to give back to charity, and staying involved in agriculture and farming, and building that.
- Chris Soules
Collection: Fighting
Image of Afrika Bambaataa
Don't get caught up on 'I'm brown, black, white, red, blue, whatever.' You gotta ask, what were you called before 1492? All these names we're using now are just an illusion made to keep us fighting each other.
- Afrika Bambaataa
Collection: Fighting
Image of Afrika Bambaataa
Everybody wants to make some money, but they really love what they do. You got others who are just "money, money, money," and fast life and women and everything. They go a whole other route. That's a fight of good vs. evil. A balance. It seems that more of these stations are pushing a negative side instead of keeping a balance, and to me, that's a conspiracy that's going on all over the planet.
- Afrika Bambaataa
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
When there is a fight of reason versus emotion and the mind wonders which one to follow, in most times, emotion wins over reason. But it is reason that should win and emotion shouldn't.
- Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
Collection: Fighting
Image of Francesca DiMattio
When people say ceramics is therapeutic and seductive, I think it's really about the wheel. Nothing I've done has that feeling; I feel like I'm fighting with the material the whole time. It doesn't want to be vague. It doesn't want to be asymmetrical. It doesn't want to have different clays combined. It doesn't want to do any of the things I make it do.
- Francesca DiMattio
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rose Wilder Lane
Anyone who says that economic security is a human right, has been to much babied. While he babbles, other men are risking and losing their lives to protect him. They are fighting the sea, fighting the land, fighting disease and insects and weather and space and time, for him, while he chatters that all men have a right to security and that some pagan god—Society, The State, The Government, The Commune—must give it to them. Let the fighting men stop fighting this inhuman earth for one hour, and he will learn how much security there is.
- Rose Wilder Lane
Collection: Fighting
Image of Klaus Kinski
On working with director Werner Herzog: I have to shoot without any breaks. I yell at Herzog and hit him. I have to fight for every sequence. I wish Herzog would catch the plague.
- Klaus Kinski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steig Larsson
But if you want to win, you're going to have to fight.
- Steig Larsson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ray Lewis
I fight for the man next to me. It don't matter about me, what matters about me is sacrificing for you; for the ultimate goal which is us.
- Ray Lewis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chiang Kai-shek
China not only fights for her own independence, but also for the liberation of every oppressed nation. For us, the Atlantic Charter and President Roosevelts proclamation of the Four Freedoms for all peoples are corner-stones of our fighting faith.
- Chiang Kai-shek
Collection: Fighting
Image of Seth Moulton
Diplomacy should always be our first option. Most politicians only talk, not fight. I’ve fought; talking is far better than fighting.
- Seth Moulton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexandra Breckenridge
Sometimes you'll be on sets, and people will be fighting and there will be some nasty person that thinks they're the next Brad Pitt.
- Alexandra Breckenridge
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evel Knievel
I would always rather be in the arena fighting than be a spectator.
- Evel Knievel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Corey Flintoff
[Francois] Hollande said the United States and Russia should join forces. And his words specifically were to fight this terrorist army in a broad single coalition.
- Corey Flintoff
Collection: Fighting
Image of Micah Lexier
My collaborations have to be very positive. I will never work with a person I fight with.
- Micah Lexier
Collection: Fighting
Image of Soman Chainani
Beauty can only fight the truth for so long.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alfred Gough
With a television show, it's about fighting to get it on the screen every week. It's like going into battle, and you have to fight these fights. Some are big fights, some are skirmishes, some you can come to detente on, but it's always a fight.
- Alfred Gough
Collection: Fighting