Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 26

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 26 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Jeff Merkley
I am pretty good at arithmetic, and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight. But we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.
- Jeff Merkley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Grace Kelly
Why getting angry? Getting angry doesn’t solve anything… I don’t like yelling and fighting and I can’t quarrel, I prefer to let it drop… When people use disagreeable words, I feel crushed and remember them for a long time.
- Grace Kelly
Collection: Fighting
Image of Carli Lloyd
You have to fight harder, dig deeper, and prove all the doubters wrongs.
- Carli Lloyd
Collection: Fighting
Image of Patrick Fugit
Any kind of sequence when you have to express physical space and time can be difficult to story-tell because, if you're sitting there watching it like it's a play or something, your mind can track what's going on, or if you're watching an actual fight you can kind of track what's going on, but as soon as you have to start telling the story and tracking for the audience, it becomes much more complicated.
- Patrick Fugit
Collection: Fighting
Image of Saddam Hussein
Those who fight in God's cause will be victorious.
- Saddam Hussein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Janis Joplin
You're only as much as you settle for. If they settle for being somebody's dishwasher that's their own f***ing problem. If you don't settle for that and you keep fighting it, you know, you'll end up anything you want to be.
- Janis Joplin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paul Baran
History has shown that there are very few mechanisms as effective at maintaining the status quo as a set of institutionalized regulations. Once set in regulatory concrete, reconsideration of the basic underlying assumptions is very difficult. While it will be an uphill fight to re-examine the basic underlying assumptions of any law or administrative rule, it is clearly not impossible. It will just take longer than if not so well institutionalized.
- Paul Baran
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernard Membe
The Palestinians fight for their rights and their land using stones and catapults but the Israelis retaliate with disproportional and overwhelming power by using bullets and bombs thus killing so many innocent civilians
- Bernard Membe
Collection: Fighting
Image of Amiri Baraka
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jaya
Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
- Jaya
Collection: Fighting
Image of Curtis LeMay
You've got to kill people, and when you've killed enough they stop fighting.
- Curtis LeMay
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Krakauer
The only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubbornness to engage in new circumstances.
- Jon Krakauer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Stacy Dragila
I had some Barbies, but they were few and far between the mud fights.
- Stacy Dragila
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Legend
The best way to fight poverty is to empower people through access to quality education
- John Legend
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abu Bakr
To fight against the infidels is Jihad; but to fight against your evil self is greater Jihad.
- Abu Bakr
Collection: Fighting
Image of Warryn Campbell
I'm really excited about breaking new acts. While I'm trying to preserve the culture and make sure I fight for the acts that the major labels have thrown away, you can't throw away Musiq Soulchild, Kelly Price and Jon B.
- Warryn Campbell
Collection: Fighting
Image of Keith Thurman
When it comes to boxing I find a way to clear my mind. When it comes to boxing you have to fight. Clear your mind and fight. You can't really think of outside things when you're in the ring.
- Keith Thurman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Keith Thurman
Mike Tyson has to be one of my greatest all time fighters. Muhammad Ali. I like going back looking at the classics like Roberto Duran. I like the old time fighters, when you had a champion in the old days you really had a true champion. Muhammad Ali would take on anybody. You had the greats fighting everybody.
- Keith Thurman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Keith Thurman
There's a lot of great fights to make.
- Keith Thurman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Roger Ross Williams
There is much institutionalized racism in The Netherlands and the non-White population is just now beginning to fight for their rights.
- Roger Ross Williams
Collection: Fighting
Image of Shawn Anthony Levy
If you go to any fight, whether MMA or boxing, there's a whole musical soundscape to these events. There's pre-event pump up/psych-up music, there's fighter introductions, there's between rounds, so my musical needs are really diverse.
- Shawn Anthony Levy
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Kiriakou
The big issue is this incremental whittling away of our constitutional rights, our most important constitutional rights, including freedom of speech. This is something that we really have to put our foot down on, and we have to fight it at every step of the way.
- John Kiriakou
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cristian Mungiu
You need people in a society to have reached a certain standard of living before they can be polite. You learn how to respect others because you don't have to fight as much, you have what you need.
- Cristian Mungiu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charles Kingsley
Do today's duty, fight to-day's temptation; and do not weaken and distract yourself by looking forward to things which you cannot see, and could not understand if you saw them.
- Charles Kingsley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brooke Valentine
If people wanted to fight me-because of my hair or because my skin was too dark-then I fought them
- Brooke Valentine
Collection: Fighting
Image of Yuen Woo-ping
I'm not retired, I will continue directing films and doing fight choreography. I won't stop.
- Yuen Woo-ping
Collection: Fighting
Image of Yuen Woo-ping
The invention progress is tough sometimes. When I first choreographed the Drunken Master in the past with Jackie Chan, I spent months to create the whole sequence. There were no fight sequences before; it's just a name. I have to choreograph it all by myself.
- Yuen Woo-ping
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joe Casey
I didn't want people to accuse me of being really depressive. I really tried to fight against that and not have a complete downer about the subject.
- Joe Casey
Collection: Fighting
Image of Duncan Roy
As I found out making this last movie ["Method"], if you ever do things in an unusual, different way, you got to fight because there's no way people will let you.
- Duncan Roy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Solange Knowles
I was working through a lot of challenges at every angle of my life, and a lot of self-doubt, a lot of pity-partying. And I think every woman in her twenties has been there - where it feels like no matter what you are doing to fight through the thing that is holding you back, nothing can fill that void.
- Solange Knowles
Collection: Fighting
Image of Artur Pawlowski
I was born to stand, fight and when all is done to give God the glory for the victories.
- Artur Pawlowski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Billy Lawrence
If something's working, you lean into it. You don't fight it.
- Billy Lawrence
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ari Up
Find out who you really are, then accept who you are. Fight for your life every day to be who you are.
- Ari Up
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sarah Treem
I'm not convinced that Trump's administration is a death knell for feminism. I think it could be the kind of kick in the pants that we need in order to come back together and see ourselves in the same fight.
- Sarah Treem
Collection: Fighting
Image of John J. Legere
Part of my role at T-Mobile is the ability to just be myself, because I'm 58 years old and I've done very well, and I don't need to fight my way up the hierarchy with my suit and hair anymore.
- John J. Legere
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eytan Fox
We have to learn how to stop being afraid of people who are different than us, who are supposedly our enemies. We are taught that our enemies are there, not that people want to live in peace. They don't want to fight. They just want to live and enjoy life and accomplish things.
- Eytan Fox
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Snow
Some of my films have caused riots, fights, and all kinds of things.
- Michael Snow
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sugar Ray Leonard
My toughest fight was myself. For me to disclose and let things out was not easy because we don't want to seem weak or like we are different, but I learned that it's okay.
- Sugar Ray Leonard
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sugar Ray Leonard
The only way for a fighter to get back in shape is to fight his way back.
- Sugar Ray Leonard
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cloris Leachman
I have a terrible image in my mind of a cow going to slaughter. There's not a lot of fight in them. Pigs, they'd squeal and thrash around. They'd fight. It's almost as if cows don't know they have a choice. Not that they don't panic, but they do so in a quiet way.
- Cloris Leachman
Collection: Fighting
Image of T. E. Lawrence
Mankind has had ten-thousand years of experience at fighting and if we must fight, we have no excuse for not fighting well.
- T. E. Lawrence
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lee Krasner
I went into my own black-out period which lasted two or three years where the canvases would simply build up until they'd get like stone and it was always just a gray mess. The image wouldn't emerge, but I worked pretty regularly. I was fighting to find I knew not what, but I could no longer stay with what I had.
- Lee Krasner
Collection: Fighting
Image of Leo Santa Cruz
I have to stay concentrated. I have to maintain focus and concentration. I can't get ahead of myself. I give 100 percent in training and in the ring. I always want to put on a great fight for the fans.
- Leo Santa Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Leo Santa Cruz
There are no little fights for me. I consider every fighter dangerous. You lose when you think a fighter is not on your level and then he comes in hungrier than you. That will never happen to me.
- Leo Santa Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Knowles
Life is fighting. In life, it's the look ahead that counts. We are all born equally far from the sun. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love.
- John Knowles
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha
It is every Muslim's duty to fight those of a different belief until only Allah is worshipped around the world. Everybody has the opportunity to accept Allah and to change to the right path.
- Abdul Sattar Abu Risha
Collection: Fighting
Image of Madeline Zima
I would love to play a role that is a lead role that people appreciate and a lot of people get to see. I just don't want to have to fight for every role anymore.
- Madeline Zima
Collection: Fighting
Image of Madeline Zima
I have to just go in and audition, like everyone else, and fight my way to the top.
- Madeline Zima
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bone Crusher
Bring It On, ..nobody in the world could handle me in a fight. Including Chuck Norris.
- Bone Crusher
Collection: Fighting