Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 24

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 24 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Ilana Mercer
Prosperity and penury do not turn on gyno-centric and gay matters. But leftist statists and libertarians of the left place these wedge issues at the forefront of the fight for freedom. [...] Every bit as bad as liberals, "libertarian" political operators are prepared to shed political blood over any imagined sign of bigotry.
- Ilana Mercer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mary Deasy
The Irish are never at peace but when they're fighting.
- Mary Deasy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Traci Lords
You consume me I don't even fight Oh, I feel intoxicated... But beware I bite.
- Traci Lords
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Huckabee
I support and have always supported passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. As President, I will fight for passage of this amendment. My personal belief is that marriage is between one man and one woman, for life.
- Mike Huckabee
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frank Church
The National Security Agency’s capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide. If a dictator ever took over, the N.S.A. could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back.
- Frank Church
Collection: Fighting
Image of Graca Machel
It is the meaning of what my life has been since a youth - to try to fight for the dignity and the freedom of my own people.
- Graca Machel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jasmine V
It's funny how people who we fight with the most at the end of day are the ones that really got your back.
- Jasmine V
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paige VanZant
I used to be a cheerleader, but fighting just seemed more, "me". So I went that route.
- Paige VanZant
Collection: Fighting
Image of Daryl Davis
When two enemies are talking, they're not fighting.
- Daryl Davis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mariska Hargitay
Adoption was a bumpy ride - very bumpy. But, God, was it worth the fight.
- Mariska Hargitay
Collection: Fighting
Image of Douglas Hofstadter
The entire effort of artificial intelligence is essentially a fight against computers’ rigidity.
- Douglas Hofstadter
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kehinde Wiley
The backgrounds by design are a very key part of the conversation, because I want a kind of fight or pressure to exist between the figure and the background.
- Kehinde Wiley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bashar al-Assad
The Russians are fighting for us, for the world, and for their self.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: Fighting
Image of Katie Pavlich
When you don't have as much debt as we do, we don't have to worry about having this debt ceiling fight every single year. And I really think people are getting sick of having this news cycle every single year from Congress, from the Washington bubble.
- Katie Pavlich
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jomo Kenyatta
To .. all the dispossessed youth of Africa: for perpetuation of communion with ancestral spirits through the fight for African freedom, and in the firm faith that the dead, the living, and the unborn will unite to rebuild the destroyed shrines.
- Jomo Kenyatta
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frank Grillo
Im a believer in getting punched in the face. I know it sounds cliched, but to me, fighting is a metaphor for life.
- Frank Grillo
Collection: Fighting
Image of H. Rider Haggard
Women love the last blow as well as the last word, and when they fight for love they are pitiless as a wounded buffalo.
- H. Rider Haggard
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jack Levin
Building prisons to fight crime is like building cemeteries to fight disease.
- Jack Levin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eddie Alvarez
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you fight good.
- Eddie Alvarez
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robbie Lawler
I did a lot of smoker fights and fought pretty much every week since Pat wouldn't let me fight until he was sure I was ready. I was also boxing and so I had 30 unofficial fights or more of those.
- Robbie Lawler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robbie Lawler
I also watched boxing all the time and Tuesday Night Fights on USA and just kept hitting my heavy back in the garage.
- Robbie Lawler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wade Guyton
We are all frustrated with computers, all the time... But we also always develop a relationship with computers these days - something my parents never had... there%u2018s always a kind of negotiation, sometimes you are in tune with it and other times you are fighting with it.
- Wade Guyton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ruslan Provodnikov
I do not care about titles, I am glad I have one now because nobody wanted to fight me, now they will.
- Ruslan Provodnikov
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rory Miller
No intelligent man has ever lost a fight to someone who said 'I'm gonna kick your ass'.
- Rory Miller
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ricardo Liborio
Just because you lose doesn't make you a loser. It's not the same fight every time.
- Ricardo Liborio
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tim Heidecker
The thing that struck me is so many people that said, "Hey, I've been watching you since I was 12, and I'm 25 now." It was a weird shift, because you start off fighting for an audience based on doing something so strange that only you find funny, and it's weird when other people find it funny. Those people aren't always ready to laugh yet, and there's a sort of standoffish quality to it.
- Tim Heidecker
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dan Schilling
One of the most disruptive forces in the Church is arrogance. It is natural for people to bring their pride to Church, and try to prove their own greatness to others. This is an urge we need to constantly be fighting
- Dan Schilling
Collection: Fighting
Image of Teresa Mummert
Someone is always going to try to knock you down and take your place. It is up to you to fight for what you want.
- Teresa Mummert
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
As it says in Bible, God fights on side of heaviest artillery.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Reischauer
They fight so much for two reasons. One is they don't want to be blamed for breaking the spending caps. And secondly, they don't want to be blamed for spending the Social Security surplus on non-Social Security problems.
- Robert Reischauer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Margaret Atwood
Lose your temper and you lose the fight.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erik Apple
A fight is a fight. And life is a fight. No matter how many fights you have under your belt, it will continue to be a learning experience. And you can never prepare yourself for every scenario. Awkward, odd, and difficult situations will always present themselves. You just have to stay cool and work through them.
- Erik Apple
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erik Apple
A fight is a fight. And life is a fight.
- Erik Apple
Collection: Fighting
Image of Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
I went to Annapolis for tougher laws to hold cops accountable. I'm fighting to bring back the trust between the police and the community.
- Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Collection: Fighting
Image of Katrina Law
I've always been athletic and a dancer, so I love doing fight choreography.
- Katrina Law
Collection: Fighting
Image of Katrina Law
I'm not going to say it's easy, but I do have an ease with picking up fight choreography because of my dance training.
- Katrina Law
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jay Heinrichs
You fight to win; you argue to achieve agreement.
- Jay Heinrichs
Collection: Fighting
Image of George Otis
God almost never calls His people to a fair fight.
- George Otis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Empress Dowager Cixi
Now they [the Powers] have started the aggression, and the extinction of our nation is imminent. If we just fold our arms and yield to them, I would have no face to see our ancestors after death. If we must perish, why not fight to the death?
- Empress Dowager Cixi
Collection: Fighting
Image of S. E. Hinton
They grew up on the outside of society. They weren't looking for a fight. They were looking to belong.
- S. E. Hinton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Otis Moss III
I will fight to the death for one's right to be able to practice in their temple, their mosque, or in their church, even if they have a different belief than I do.
- Otis Moss III
Collection: Fighting
Image of John F. Kerry
Values are not just words, values are what we live by. They're about the causes that we champion and the people we fight for.
- John F. Kerry
Collection: Fighting
Image of Johnny Isakson
You know, if you didn't pay close attention, you'd think we were the only people in Iraq and the only people fighting the terrorists.
- Johnny Isakson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mark Dacascos
I consider myself a martial artist and an actor. They can work together or individually. I love to do action. I love having a good role in which I can act and fight. Thats double happiness.
- Mark Dacascos
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sayed Kashua
I hope that one day I will gain power somehow, and somehow convince myself that there is still hope and go back and fight, people who's trying to make that place worth living for both Jews and Palestinians.
- Sayed Kashua
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Sucsy
One of the good things is the relationship between director and editor used to be more contentious. Studios used to leave directors alone more during the post production process and now they're clamoring to get in. So, the director and the editor end up teaming up sort of against the studio to fight what they're doing and you lose the creative tension that you used to have between an editor and a director.
- Michael Sucsy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kris Wu
I won't let you be disappointed; I will show you my fighting spirit.
- Kris Wu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Aya Kito
Gather up your fighting spirit or the disease will deafeat you!
- Aya Kito
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brian Jacques
Where's the point in fighting and slaying if you can make a friend out of anybeast instead of a foe?
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Fighting