Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Bob Herbert
The soldiers in Iraq are fighting, suffering and dying . . . anonymously and pointlessly, while the rest of us are free to buckle ourselves into the family vehicle and head off to the malls and shop.
- Bob Herbert
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon M. Chu
I can't let fear kill my creative brain. Fear is the killer. Your bad choices come from fear. And I'm constantly combating fear. I'm one of the most fearful people, which may be why I'm so sensitive about it. I combat fear, constantly. So, when something like this happens, it only makes us stronger, but it reminds you that your strength is by being able to fight that stuff off and being okay with failure. If I get everything I wish and I get to make movies for the rest of my life, I'm going to have many failures and I need to be okay with that.
- Jon M. Chu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joe Arpaio
You go to London, you see a TV set in every cell and the sign up that all the officers must treat prisoners with dignity. What about your dedicated soldiers that have helped fight in Afghanistan and Iraq? They're living in tents and our soldiers are living in tents. So it's OK for soldiers to live in tents, in hot tents, but it's wrong for inmates?
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Fighting
Image of James Holman
None but those who have traveled, can appreciate the delight experienced from recalling in this way the interesting points of an interesting journey, and fighting, as it were, their battles over again.
- James Holman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sima Yi
There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die.
- Sima Yi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Arthur Golden
When we fight upstream against a rocky undercurrent, every foothold takes on a kind of urgency.
- Arthur Golden
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gamaliel
Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.
- Gamaliel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Greenfield
Men and women in my lifetime have died fighting for the right to vote: people like James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, who were murdered while registering black voters in Mississippi in 1964, and Viola Liuzzo, who was murdered by the Ku Klux Klan in 1965 during the Selma march for voting rights.
- Jeff Greenfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Daniel James Brown
Harmony, balance, and rhythm. They're the three things that stay with you your whole life. Without them civilization is out of whack. And that's why an oarsman, when he goes out in life, he can fight it, he can handle life. That's what he gets from rowing.
- Daniel James Brown
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ethan Nadelmann
I'm not fighting for the Marlboro-ization of marijuana.
- Ethan Nadelmann
Collection: Fighting
Image of Orlando Cruz
Four years ago, I was fighting for the world championship title in Puerto Rico. The spectators bad-mouthed me; they called me a faggot. They told my opponent to pluck my feathers. In Puerto Rico, when you talk disparagingly about a gay man, you call him a duck. That's when I realized that something had to change.
- Orlando Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Mearsheimer
In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler believed that his great-power rivals would be easy to exploit and isolate because each had little interest in fighting Germany and instead was determined to get someone else to assume the burden. He guessed right.
- John Mearsheimer
Collection: Fighting
Image of John R. Allen
The Russians haven't helped us at all in the fight against ISIS. When you total up the numbers of sorties that have been going into Syria, aircraft attacks, if you will, going into Syria, when the Russians said they were going to assist, we got a very small number of Russian sorties.
- John R. Allen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Scott Kenemore
When fighting zombies, the only comfort one can have--if, indeed, it can be called a "comfort"--is knowing where the zombies are. "They are over there, and we are over here. When they come at us, we're going to shoot them down. That's how it's going to work. They're just zombies, and they're way over there. No way are we going to f*** this up." But when zombies then unexpectedly pop up behind you--Bam!--the whole battle plan's not so cut and dried, is it, Mr. Tough Guy?
- Scott Kenemore
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ryron Gracie
Once you learn to remain calm under the stressful circumstances of a fight, you will have no trouble remaining calm under the stressful circumstances of life.
- Ryron Gracie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Agnes Denes
People are always fighting reality until it's pushed down their throats.
- Agnes Denes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Roy Wilkins
Nothing should be overlooked in fighting for better education.
- Roy Wilkins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexis Davis
I didn't get into fighting for the money. I didn't want to be famous. I just want to fight.
- Alexis Davis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexis Davis
The best I fight is when I'm just there being a competitor and enjoying myself.
- Alexis Davis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Diego Sanchez
As for whom I would like to fight, I always want to fight a guy coming off a win, because the guys coming off a loss are always very tough. They're fighting for their lives.
- Diego Sanchez
Collection: Fighting
Image of Diego Sanchez
I feel like I always knew fighting was what I wanted to do.
- Diego Sanchez
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michelle Waterson
I fight because it allows me to face my fears head on, and conquer those fears one by one.
- Michelle Waterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gabriele Amorth
When I get to the Good Place I will continue to fight the Devil even harder.
- Gabriele Amorth
Collection: Fighting
Image of Julian Fantino
Coordinating our efforts and sharing information and expertise is a great way to step up our fight against violent criminals. We are determined to make Ontario communities safer for law abiding citizens.
- Julian Fantino
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marvin Hagler
The only difference between street fighting and boxing is there a ref there from stopping me from killing you
- Marvin Hagler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marvin Hagler
I am a fighter who walks, talks and thinks fighting but I try not to look like it
- Marvin Hagler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marvin Hagler
Whether Pacquiao loses in the first round, whether he knocks out Mayweather in the first round, it's still going to be the biggest fight in history.
- Marvin Hagler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael B. Jordan
I'm definitely a lover, but I fight when I have to - for something or someone.
- Michael B. Jordan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexander Hamilton
When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense — to fight the government.
- Alexander Hamilton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Shaukat Aziz
Terrorism is a big danger to Pakistan's independence. We will fight this danger for the sake of independence of Pakistan and will defeat it at all levels.
- Shaukat Aziz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cara Castronuova
I don't care who you are or what you have gone through - everyone has something they are fighting for.
- Cara Castronuova
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michel Martin
Otherwise, their only engagement I'm going to have with [Donald Trump] is fighting back against their attempts to undo Dodd-Frank, their attempts to destroy the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and all of those things.
- Michel Martin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adolf Hitler
I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Almighty Creator. By fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Fighting
Image of SZA
Singing was more of a hobby, and I was terrified of anyone's opinions. The only reason I kept doing it was because people responded positively, and if they hadn't I don't really know if I'd feel the same. I'm not into fighting for people's affections.
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tony Harrison
Articulation is the tongue-tied's fighting.
- Tony Harrison
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sophie Barthes
Madame Bovary is one my favorite novels. Emma Bovary will always be an enigma, but as the years pass, I feel that I understand her better. She has a violent nostalgia, almost an infantile nostalgia, to be understood by the men surrounding her. I like her relentless fight for independence, her rebellion against the mediocre, and her quest for the sublime, even if she burns her wigs in the process. I like that Flaubert never judges her morally for her self-destructiveness, for her desperate attempt to satisfy her wildest desires and appetites.
- Sophie Barthes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Candice Patton
The thing that I love about The Flash and about superhero shows, in general, is that it's not about having superpowers that makes you a superhero. You don't have to be The Flash and have super speed to do the right thing. You can be a great reporter or you can be a cop, like Joe West, and still fight for the things that matter.
- Candice Patton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Happy Chandler
If they can fight and die on Okinawa, Guadalcanal (and) in the South Pacific, they can play ball in America.
- Happy Chandler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adam Cole
My all-time favorite match that I've ever had was against Kyle O'Reilly in 2012, the 'hybrid fighting rules match' where we were bleeding buckets all over the place. And it was really a match that took my career to the next level.
- Adam Cole
Collection: Fighting
Image of Irena Klepfisz
Most Jewish feminists and gays that I know remain angry and frustrated by Jewish progressives. Deeply committed to progressive causes, frequently in the vanguard of political action, Jewish feminist and gays find ourselves fighting for the rights of others without the secure knowledge that others will fight for us.
- Irena Klepfisz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tyron Woodley
I don't need to be in a comfortable spot to achieve greatness. I fight for it no matter what.
- Tyron Woodley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Fannie Lou Hamer
Whether you have a Ph.D., or no D, we're in this bag together. And whether you're from Morehouse or Nohouse, we're still in this bag together. Not to fight to try to liberate ourselves from the men - this is another trick to get us fighting among ourselves - but to work together with the black man, then we will have a better chance to just act as human beings, and to be treated as human beings in our sick society.
- Fannie Lou Hamer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Ben Garant
If you can learn to be incredibly passionate about your work without fighting for it just because it's yours, that's a huge thing.
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Giuntoli
You learn these little tricks for stage fighting, which are really tiny and you wouldn't think of them, but it makes all the difference in the world. I love it!
- David Giuntoli
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steve Scalise
I want to continue doing good work where we can expand opportunities for all Americans. That's what we're fighting for.
- Steve Scalise
Collection: Fighting
Image of Edmund Vance Cooke
You may batter your way through the thick of the fray, You may sweat, you may swear, you may grunt; You may be a jack-fool, if you must, but this rule Should ever be kept at the front;-- Don't fight with your pillow, but lay down your head And kick every worriment out of the bed.
- Edmund Vance Cooke
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alex Haley
Never completely encircle your enemy. Leave him some escape, for he will fight even more desperately if trapped.
- Alex Haley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rory MacDonald
There's a lot of nerves. It all goes away though once they say "fight".
- Rory MacDonald
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rich Franklin
For me honestly I think that fight was lost six weeks before the fight even began
- Rich Franklin
Collection: Fighting