Top fear Quotes Collection - Page 32

Discover a curated collection of fear quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 32 provides more fear quotes.

Image of Douglas Coupland
If you look at life as a whole, we have to admit life's good where we live. But in an evil Twilight Zone kind of way there's nothing else to choose. In the old days there was always a Bohemia or a creative under-world to join if the mainstream life wasn't your bag - or a life of crime, or even religion.And now there's only the system. All other options have evaporated. For most people it's the System or what... death? There's nothing. There's no way out now.
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: Fear
Image of Seneca the Younger
He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Fear
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
My whole life, I had thought that my story was, again and again: Once upon a time, there was a boy, and he had to risk everything to keep what he loved. But really, the story was: Once upon a time, there was a boy, and his fear ate him alive.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Fear
Image of Karen Marie Moning
Fear and doubt are major stampeders.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Fear
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hard put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Fear
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
If you are not afriad, thereis no way you will get mad at me. If you are not afraid, there is no way you will hate me. If you are not afraid, there is no way you will be jealous or sad.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Fear
Image of Hannah More
In grief we know the worst of what we feel but who can tell the end of what we fear?
- Hannah More
Collection: Fear
Image of Haruki Murakami
The journey I'm taking is inside me. Just like blood travels down veins, what I'm seeing is my inner self and what seems threatening is just the echo of the fear in my heart.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Fear
Image of Edna O'Brien
fear is a dreadful drawback because it stops us living in the moment.
- Edna O'Brien
Collection: Fear
Image of William Wordsworth
My apprehension comes in crowds, I dread the rustling of the grass, The very shadows of the clouds, Have power to shake me as they pass, I question things and do not find, one that will answer to my mind, And all the world appears unkind.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Fear
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
The waitress had the appearance of a very old hooker who had finally found her place in life
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Fear
Image of Henry David Thoreau
People die of fright and live of confidence.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Fear
Image of Kathryn Stockett
it always sound scarier when a hollerer talk soft.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Fear
Image of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
I had done battle with a great fear and the victory was mine.
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Collection: Fear
Image of Edward R. Murrow
We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.
- Edward R. Murrow
Collection: Fear
Image of Edward R. Murrow
There is a mental fear, which provokes others of us to see the images of witches in a neighbor's yard and stampedes us to burn down this house. And there is a creeping fear of doubt, doubt of what we have been taught, of the validity of so many things we had long since taken for granted to be durable and unchanging. It has become more difficult than ever to distinguish black from white, good from evil, right from wrong.
- Edward R. Murrow
Collection: Fear
Image of Baron de Montesquieu
What unhappy beings men are! They constantly waver between false hopes and silly fears, and instead of relying on reason they create monsters to frighten themselves with, and phantoms which lead them astray.
- Baron de Montesquieu
Collection: Fear
Image of E. Lockhart
Always do what you're afraid to do.
- E. Lockhart
Collection: Fear
Image of Oscar Wilde
To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled - because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too cowardly to exercise it. The virtues which cloak these faults are called patience and forbearance.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Fear
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Fear
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
FEAR is an acronym in the English language for 'False Evidence Appearing Real'.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Fear
Image of Philip Zimbardo
Fear is the State's psychological weapon of choice to frighten citizens into sacrificing their basic freedoms and rule-of-law protections in exchange for the security promised by their all-powerful government.
- Philip Zimbardo
Collection: Fear
Image of Christopher Pike
I turned to look into his face one last time. It was as if I could see the whole universe in his eyes. Maybe he was God, maybe he was simply enlightened. I didn't care right then, in that blessed moment, I just loved him. Later, though, the love was to turn to hate, to fear. They seemed so opposite, the feelings, yet they were all one note on his flute.
- Christopher Pike
Collection: Fear
Image of Alyson Noel
Fear separates--makes us feel alone--disconnected--while love--love does just the opposite--it unites. {shadowland}
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Fear
Image of Fred Rogers
Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.
- Fred Rogers
Collection: Fear
Image of Saadi
Were the diver to think on the jaws of the shark, he would never lay hands on the precious pearl.
- Saadi
Collection: Fear
Image of Edward Abbey
Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Fear
Image of Andy Stanley
What you fear most will determine whether you merely save for the future or give for the future.
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Fear
Image of Marilynne Robinson
She knew that was not an honest prayer, and she did not linger over it. The right prayer would have been, Lord . . . I am miserable and bitter at heart, and old fears are rising up in me so that everything I do makes everything worse.
- Marilynne Robinson
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
On the other side of the fear live your possibilities.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
We grow fearless by walking into our fears.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Luther Burbank
Let us read the Bible without the ill-fitting colored spectacles of theology, just as we read other books, using our own judgment and reason, listening to the voice within, not to the noisy babel without. Most of us possess discriminating reasoning powers. Can we use them or must we be fed by others like babes?
- Luther Burbank
Collection: Fear
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
There exist some evils so terrible and some misfortunes so horrible that we dare not think of them, whilst their very aspect makes us shudder; but if they happen to fall on us, we find ourselves stronger than we imagined, we grapple with our ill luck, and behave better than we expected we should.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Fear
Image of Edmund Burke
The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear.
- Edmund Burke
Collection: Fear
Image of Sherman Alexie
It was so quiet, a reservation kind of quiet, where you can hear somebody drinking whiskey on the rocks three miles away.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Fear
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
Don't put too fine a point to your wit for fear it should get blunted.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Fear
Image of Wally Lamb
So many bad things have happened to them that they can't trust the good things. They have to shove them away before someone can get it back.
- Wally Lamb
Collection: Fear
Image of Isabel Allende
Wishes and fears are illusions, Dil Bahadur, not realities. You must practice detachment.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Fear
Image of Benjamin Carson
Surrendering to fear and allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by peril isn't something most of us can afford to do.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Fear
Image of Joe Abercrombie
Fear has made them sloppy. The world teeters at a precipe. All scared to take a step in case they put a foot into empty air. The instinct of self-preservation. It can destroy a man's efficiency.
- Joe Abercrombie
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
Beneath every excuse lies a fear. Practice being fearless.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Robert Burns
All my fears and cares are of this world; if there is another, an honest man has nothing to fear from it.
- Robert Burns
Collection: Fear
Image of Robert Burns
The fear o' hell's a hangman's whip To haud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honour grip, Let that aye be your border.
- Robert Burns
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
Your limits are liars, you fears are thieves.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Thomas Browne
The mortalist enemy unto knowledge, and that which hath done the greatest execution unto truth, has been a preemptory adhesion unto authority.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Fear
Image of Lord Chesterfield
Fear invites danger; concealed cowards insult known ones.
- Lord Chesterfield
Collection: Fear