Top fear Quotes Collection - Page 34

Discover a curated collection of fear quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 34 provides more fear quotes.

Image of Kenny Smith
Between what human beings so naively and stupidly fear and what they most profoundly ought to fear-i.e. what they so pathogenically and addictively do to their own selves-there is a horrendous gulf and disparity.
- Kenny Smith
Collection: Fear
Image of Louisa May Alcott
I don't worry about the storms, I am learning to sail my own ship.
- Louisa May Alcott
Collection: Fear
Image of Sam Smith
To control and enslave the minds of men, all one must do is convince them that a secret exists, and that he is privy to information regarding that secret; hence the power of priests and psychics.
- Sam Smith
Collection: Fear
Image of Charles Bukowski
Writing is something that you don't know how to do. You sit down and it's something that happens, or it may not happen. So, how can you teach anybody how to write? It's beyond me, because you yourself don't even know if you're going to be able to. I'm always worried, well, you know, every time I go upstairs with my wine bottle. Sometimes I'll sit at that typewriter for fifteen minutes, you know. I don't go up there to write. The typewriter's up there. If it doesn't start moving, I say, well this could be the night that I hit the dust.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Fear
Image of Mary Stewart
There are such people, unfortunates who have to be angry before they can feel alive. I had sometimes wondered if it were some old relic of pagan superstition, the fear of risking the jealousy and anger of the gods, that made such people afraid of even small happinesses. Or perhaps it was only that tragedy is more self-important than laughter.
- Mary Stewart
Collection: Fear
Image of Orrin Hatch
We're going to find out who did this and we're going after the bastards. [referring to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon]
- Orrin Hatch
Collection: Fear
Image of Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
He who fears not, is to be feared.
- Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
Collection: Fear
Image of George Chapman
Pure innovation is more gross than error.
- George Chapman
Collection: Fear
Image of Jerry Pournelle
We juggle priceless eggs in variable gravity. I am afraid. I will taste fear until I die.
- Jerry Pournelle
Collection: Fear
Image of Arthur C. Clarke
Some dangers are so spectacular and so much beyond normal experience that the mind refuses to accept them as real, and watches the approach of doom without any sense of apprehension. The man who looks at the onrushing tidal wave, the descending avalanche, or the spinning funnel of the tornado, yet makes no attempt to flee, is not necessarily paralyzed with fright or resigned to an unavoidable fate. He may simply be unable to believe that the message of his eyes concerns him personally. It is all happening to somebody else.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Collection: Fear
Image of Trent Reznor
God is dead, and no one cares! If there is a hell I'll see you there!
- Trent Reznor
Collection: Fear
Image of Laurence Overmire
God made in the image of Man is an imperfect master.
- Laurence Overmire
Collection: Fear
Image of Carlos Castaneda
Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be.
- Carlos Castaneda
Collection: Fear
Image of Carlos Castaneda
A warrior never worries about his fear.
- Carlos Castaneda
Collection: Fear
Image of Isabel Allende
The fear is not real, Dil Bahadur; it is only in your mind, like all other things. Our thoughts form what we believe to be reality.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Fear
Image of Pablo Casals
The earth becomes heaven when you release your fear. The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human.
- Pablo Casals
Collection: Fear
Image of Ally Carter
Fear is a weakness. It makes a person lose her nerve and her cool. It makes people jumpy and organizations nervous, and when that happens, there is always a chance to take advantage.
- Ally Carter
Collection: Fear
Image of William S. Burroughs
Piss off Satan and don't take me for dumber than I look.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Fear
Image of Joseph Campbell
The conquest of the fear of death is the recovery of life's joy. One can experience an unconditional affirmation of life only when one has accepted death, not as contrary to life, but as an aspect of life. Life in its becoming is always shedding death, and on the point of death. The conquest of fear yields the courage of life. That is the cardinal initiation of every heroic adventure - fearlessness and achievement.
- Joseph Campbell
Collection: Fear
Image of Chanakya
A thing may be dreaded as long as it has not overtaken you.
- Chanakya
Collection: Fear
Image of Margaret Halsey
My knees could have been stirred with a spoon.
- Margaret Halsey
Collection: Fear
Image of Julia Cameron
If we have plain old ordinary fear then we are within reach of a solution. Fear has been with humankind for millennia and we do know what to do about it-pray about it, talk about it, feel the fear, and do it anyway. Artistic fear, on the other hand, sounds somehow nastier and more virulent, like it just might not yield to ordinary solutions-and yet it does, the moment we become humble enough to try ordinary solutions.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Fear
Image of Lord Chesterfield
A certain degree of fear produces the same effects as rashness.
- Lord Chesterfield
Collection: Fear
Image of Albert Camus
It is easy to shield the outer body from poisoned arrows, but it is impossible to shield the mind from the poisoned darts that originate within itself. Greed, anger, foolishness and the infatuations of egoism - these four poisoned darts originate within the mind and infect it with deadly poison.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Fear
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Hatreds not vowed and concealed are to be feared more than those openly declared.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
Once you slay one fear, you can conquer many fears.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Arthur C. Clarke
'The Devil in the Dark' impressed me because it presented the idea, unusual in science fiction then and now, that something weird, and even dangerous, need not be malevolent. That is a lesson that many of today's politicians have yet to learn.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Collection: Fear
Image of Sophocles
To the man who is afraid everything rustles.
- Sophocles
Collection: Fear
Image of Philip K. Dick
Fear can make you do more wrong than hate or jealousy... fear makes you always, always hold something back.
- Philip K. Dick
Collection: Fear
Image of Philip K. Dick
The most dangerous kind of person... is one who is afraid of his own shadow.
- Philip K. Dick
Collection: Fear
Image of Paulo Coelho
It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the master work. Now, I'm beginning what I could have started ten years ago. But I'm happy at least that I didn't wait twenty years.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fear
Image of Rebecca Wells
At the beauty of what she had stumbled onto, at the fear that something terrible would happen because she was not vigilant enough. She cried at the fear of something so good that she would not be brave enough to bear it.
- Rebecca Wells
Collection: Fear
Image of Gautama Buddha
Never have anything to do with likes and dislikes. The absence of what one likes is painful, as is the presence of what one dislikes. Therefore don't take a liking to anything. To lose what one likes is hard, but there are no bonds for those who have no likes and dislikes. From preference arises sorrow, from preference arises fear, but he who is freed from preference has no sorrow and certainly no fear.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Fear
Image of Paulo Coelho
I’m afraid of love, because it involves things that are beyond our understanding; it sheds such a brilliant light, but the shadow it casts frightens me.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fear
Image of John J. Geddes
You think so logically... like a hawk soaring - I feel so chaotically... like a kite without a tail plummeting to earth.
- John J. Geddes
Collection: Fear
Image of John J. Geddes
I'm shy in person - so afraid to confess my love - I need a go-between - our mutual friend, the Moon.
- John J. Geddes
Collection: Fear
Image of Robertson Davies
I was afraid and did not know what I feared, which is the worst kind of fear.
- Robertson Davies
Collection: Fear
Image of Michael Crichton
There is always a cause for fear. The cause may change over time, but the fear is always with us.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Fear
Image of Sarah Dessen
I'd still thought that everything I thought about that night-the shame, the fear-would fade in time. But that hadn't happened. Instead, the things that I remembered, these little details, seemed to grow stronger, to the point where I could feel their weight in my chest. Nothing, however stuck with me more than the memory of stepping into that dark room and what I found there, and how the light then took that nightmare and made it real.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Fear
Image of Gautama Buddha
Those who act with few desires are calm, without worry or fear.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Fear
Image of Robertson Davies
And why should it not be terrifying? A little terror, in my view, is good for the soul, when it is terror in the face of a noble object.
- Robertson Davies
Collection: Fear
Image of David Richo
Early fear was felt cellularly and was indeed real. Defensive postures were necessary, but defenses generalize cellularly in adulthood and do not expire. It takes conscious work to undo them. Ironically, as long as we keep using defenses, we actually maintain the original force of the fear.
- David Richo
Collection: Fear
Image of David Richo
When we notice a connection between our present fears and their origins in early life, we are finding out how much of our identity is designed by fear. Is fear the architect of me?
- David Richo
Collection: Fear
Image of Gautama Buddha
There are those who discover they can leave behind destructive reactions and become patient as the earth, unmoved by fires of anger or fear, unshaken as a pillar, unperturbed as a clear and quiet pool.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Fear
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
There is this paradox in fear: he is most likely to inspire it in others who has none himself!
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Fear
Image of Plato
The worst of all deceptions is self-deception.
- Plato
Collection: Fear
Image of Eugene Delacroix
As for the ridiculous fear of making things below one's potential abilities... No, there is the root of the evil. There is the hiding place of stupidity I must attack: vain mortal, you are limited by nothing.
- Eugene Delacroix
Collection: Fear
Image of Ibn Ata Allah
Know that the science of unveiling has no end to it, for it consists in the journey of the intellect in the stations of Majesty, Beauty, Sublimeness, Grandeur, and Holiness. . . . He to whom the mysteries of La ilaha illa'llah are revealed draws near to God, and his worship of God becomes sincere. He does not turn to anyone but to Him, nor does he have hope in or fear other than Him, nor does he see harm or benefit except as coming from Him. He abandons whosoever is not He and rids himself of inward and outward associationism (shirk).
- Ibn Ata Allah
Collection: Fear