Thomas Browne

Image of Thomas Browne
Death is the cure for all diseases.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Death
Image of Thomas Browne
Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless pebbles.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Brainy
Image of Thomas Browne
Men live by intervals of reason under the sovereignty of humor and passion.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Humor
Image of Thomas Browne
Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude, and the society of thyself.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Society
Image of Thomas Browne
Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls departed but the shadows of the living.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Death
Image of Thomas Browne
All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Nature
Image of Thomas Browne
Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Age
Image of Thomas Browne
As reason is a rebel to faith, so passion is a rebel to reason.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
We carry within us the wonders we seek without us.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
It is we that are blind, not fortune.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
A man may be in as just possession of truth as of a city, and yet be forced to surrender.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
It is the common wonder of all men, how among so many million faces, there should be none alike.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
To believe only possibilities is not faith, but mere philosophy.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
Forcible ways make not an end of evil, but leave hatred and malice behind them.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
Man is a noble animal, splendid in ashes, and pompous in the grave.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
Obstinacy in a bad cause is but constancy in a good.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
Charity But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves? Charity begins at home, is the voice of the world; yet is every man his greatest enemy, and, as it were, his own executioner.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
There are mystically in our faces certain characters which carry in them the motto of our souls, wherein he that cannot read A, B, C may read our natures.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
We all labor against our own cure, for death is the cure of all diseases.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
Be charitable before wealth makes you covetous.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
Though it be in the power of the weakest arm to take away life, it is not in the strongest to deprive us of death.
- Thomas Browne
Image of Thomas Browne
All the wonders you seek are within yourself.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Bullying
Image of Thomas Browne
Think before you act; think twice before you speak.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Thinking
Image of Thomas Browne
Think it more satisfactory to live richly than die rich.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Thinking
Image of Thomas Browne
The religion of one seems madness unto another.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Statistics
Image of Thomas Browne
Light is but the shadow of God.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Light
Image of Thomas Browne
To ruminate upon evils, to make critical notes upon injuries, and be too acute in their apprehensions, is to add unto our own tortures, to feather the arrows of our enemies, to lash ourselves with the scorpions of our foes, and to resolve to sleep no more.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Sleep
Image of Thomas Browne
The created World is but a small Parenthesis in Eternity.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: World
Image of Thomas Browne
Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Being Alone
Image of Thomas Browne
I am the happiest man alive. I have that in me that can convert poverty to riches, adversity to prosperity, and I am more invulnerable than Archilles; Fortune hath not one place to hit me.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Adversity
Image of Thomas Browne
Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Thomas Browne
Every Country hath its Machiavel.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Country
Image of Thomas Browne
But man is a Noble Animal, splendid in ashes, and pompous in the grave, solemnizing Nativities and Deaths with equal lustre, nor omitting Ceremonies of Bravery, in the infamy of his nature. Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible Sun within us.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas Browne
Light is the shadow of God.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Light
Image of Thomas Browne
To me avarice seems not so much a vice as a deplorable piece of madness.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Vices
Image of Thomas Browne
Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Life
Image of Thomas Browne
The severe schools shall never laugh me out of the philosophy of Hermes, that this visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein as in a portrait, things are not truly, but in equivocal shapes, and as they counterfeit some real substance in that invisible fabric.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Thomas Browne
Think not thy time short in this world, since the world itself is not long. The created world is but a small parenthesis in eternity, and a short interposition, for a time, between such a state of duration as was before it and may be after it.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Time
Image of Thomas Browne
Whosoever enjoys not this life, I count him but an apparition, though he wear about him the sensible affections of flesh. In these moral acceptions, the way to be immortal is to die daily.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Flesh
Image of Thomas Browne
We all labour against our own cure, for death is the cure of all diseases.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Death
Image of Thomas Browne
Sleep is death's younger brother, and so like him, that I never dare trust him without my prayers.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Brother
Image of Thomas Browne
Death hath a thousand doors to let out life. I shall find one.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Suicidal
Image of Thomas Browne
To be content with death may be better than to desire it.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Death
Image of Thomas Browne
As sins proceed they ever multiply, and like figures in arithmetic, the last stands for more than all that wert before it.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Lasts
Image of Thomas Browne
Do the devils lie? No; for then even hell could not subsist.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Lying
Image of Thomas Browne
Yes, even amongst wiser militants, how many wounds have been given, and credits slain, for the poor victory of an opinion, or beggarly conquest of a distinction.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Victory
Image of Thomas Browne
A diamond, which is the hardest of stones, not yielding unto steel, emery or any other thing, is yet made soft by the blood of a goat.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Blood
Image of Thomas Browne
Gravestones tell truth scarce forty years.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Years
Image of Thomas Browne
It is we that are blind, not fortune; because our eye is too dim to discern the mystery of her effects, we foolishly paint her blind, and hoodwink the providence of the Almighty.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Eye
Image of Thomas Browne
Therefore for Spirits, I am so far from denying their existence that I could easily believe, that not only whole Countries, but particular persons, have their Tutelary and Guardian Angels.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Country