Mary Wortley Montagu

Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Nobody should trust their virtue with necessity, the force of which is never known till it is felt, and it is therefore one of the first duties to avoid the temptation of it.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Trust
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
We travellers are in very hard circumstances. If we say nothing but what has been said before us, we are dull and have observed nothing. If we tell anything new, we are laughed at as fabulous and romantic.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Romantic
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
In short I will part with anything for you but you.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Romantic
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
The ultimate end of your education was to make you a good wife.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Education
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Solitude begets whimsies.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Life is too short for a long story.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Civility costs nothing, and buys everything.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
There is nothing can pay one for that invaluable ignorance which is the companion of youth, those sanguine groundless hopes, and that lively vanity which makes all the happiness of life.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
I prefer liberty to chains of diamonds.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Writers of novels and romance in general bring a double loss to their readers; robbing them of their time and money; representing men, manners, and things, that never have been, or are likely to be.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
A face is too slight a foundation for happiness.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Prudent people are very happy; 'tis an exceeding fine thing, that's certain, but I was born without it, and shall retain to my day of Death the Humour of saying what I think.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
The pretty fellows you speak of, I own entertain me sometimes, but is it impossible to be diverted with what one despises? I can laugh at a puppet show, at the same time I know there is nothing in it worth my attention or regard.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Nobody can deny but religion is a comfort to the distressed, a cordial to the sick, and sometimes a restraint on the wicked; therefore whoever would argue or laugh it out of the world without giving some equivalent for it ought to be treated as a common enemy.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
People commonly educate their children as they build their houses, according to some plan they think beautiful, without considering whether it is suited to the purposes for which they are designed.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
I hate the noise and hurry inseparable from great Estates and Titles, and look upon both as blessings that ought only to be given to fools, for 'Tis only to them that they are blessings.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
While conscience is our friend, all is at peace; however once it is offended, farewell to a tranquil mind.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
We are no more free agents than the queen of clubs when she victoriously takes prisoner the knave of hearts.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
No modest man ever did or ever will make a fortune.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
I don't say 'Tis impossible for an impudent man not to rise in the world, but a moderate merit with a large share of impudence is more probable to be advanced than the greatest qualifications without it.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
A man that is ashamed of passions that are natural and reasonable is generally proud of those that are shameful and silly.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Tis a sort of duty to be rich, that it may be in one's power to do good, riches being another word for power.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Time has the same effect on the mind as on the face; the predominant passion and the strongest feature become more conspicuous from the others' retiring.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
You can be pleased with nothing if you are not pleased with yourself.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
True knowledge consists in knowing things, not words.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Knowing
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
People are never so near playing the fool as when they think themselves wise.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Wise
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
There is no remedy so easy as books, which if they do not give cheerfulness, at least restore quiet to the most troubled mind.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Book
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
General notions are generally wrong.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Women
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Life is too short for a long story
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Funny
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
To always be loved one must ever be agreeable.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Love
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Satire should, like a polished razor keen, Wound with a touch that's scarcely felt or seen.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Razors
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
We are educated in the grossest ignorance, and no art omitted to stifle our natural reason; if some few get above their nurses instructions, our knowledge must rest concealed and be as useless to the world as gold in the mine.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Art
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Gardening is certainly the next amusement to reading.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Reading
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
People wish their enemies dead - but I do not; I say give them the gout, give them the stone!
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: People
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
My chief study all my life has been to lighten misfortunes and multiply pleasures, as far as human nature can.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Study
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
I believe more follies are committed out of complaisance to the world, than in following our own inclinations.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Believe
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Nature is seldom in the wrong, custom always.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Nature
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
I am afraid we are little better than straws upon the water; we may flatter ourselves that we swim, when the current carries us along.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Fate
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
It was formerly a terrifying view to me that I should one day be an old woman. I now find that Nature has provided pleasures for every state.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Views
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Be plain in dress, and sober in your diet; In short, my deary, kiss me, and be quiet.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Women
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Forgive what you can't excuse.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Begin nothing without considering what the end may be.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Advice
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
But the fruit that can fall without shaking Indeed is too mellow for me.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Success
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
[On her political writings:] It is, I confess, very possible that these my Labours may only be destined to line Trunks, or preserve roast Meat from too fierce a Fire; yet in that Shape I shall be useful to my Country.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Country
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Lord Bacon makes beauty to consist of grace and motion.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Beauty
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
We should ask, not who is the most learned, but who is the best learned.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Education
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
See how that pair of billing doves With open murmurs own their loves And, heedless of censorious eyes, Pursue their unpolluted joys: No fears of future want molest The downy quiet of their nest.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Eye
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
As marriage produces children, so children produce care and disputes; and wrangling.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Funny
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
We have all our playthings. Happy are they who are contented with those they can obtain; those hours are spent in the wisest manner that can easiest shade the ills of life, and are the least productive of ill consequences.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Shade