Karen Rose

Image of Karen Rose
Sometimes the most worthwhile things are right in front of our eyes. We just make them hard because we think that gives them more value.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Eye
Image of Karen Rose
Plant medicine does not just improve symptoms; it approaches healing the whole of the body - as opposed to Western medicine, which may just approach the symptom.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Healing
Image of Karen Rose
Plant medicines work beyond the physical response; sometimes, it's your spirit or emotion that needs healing, and plant medicines can address that also.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Healing
Image of Karen Rose
Often, people take herbal medicines for a physical response, but what they find is that the body also responds in an emotional way to the plant medicine that they're taking.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Emotional
Image of Karen Rose
If you had to choose an oil...it would have to be lavender essential oil, because it is antibacterial and antiviral. So, it's great to have when people around you are sick; it can also be used to relax.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Oil
Image of Karen Rose
One reason we would use plant medicine: to be able to take care of the body as a whole. Another reason is that it is accessible, approachable, and requires few invasive methods.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Plant Medicine
Image of Karen Rose
Lucy,' he murmured, 'you have some splainin' to do.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Lucy
Image of Karen Rose
Fate is the opportunity. Choice is what you do with it.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Fate
Image of Karen Rose
When I get to the end of my life, I want to be able to look back and know that my being here made things better - Daphne
- Karen Rose
Collection: Looks
Image of Karen Rose
Burning sage changes the energy for the home, so if you've had an argument or some form of stress, it removes negative energies.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Stress