Top effort Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of effort quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more effort quotes.

Image of Gautama Buddha
By your own efforts waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Effort
Image of Ted Cruz
Under Article II, all executive power is vested in one president of the United States. The regulatory state is Congress's efforts to undermine the president's authority. And my hope is we will see a president use that constitutional authority to rein in the uncontrollable, unelected bureaucrats and to rescind regulations.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Effort
Image of Michael Crichton
It takes enormous effort to avoid all theories and just see.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Effort
Image of Paulo Coelho
Elegance is accepted and admired because it makes no effort to be elegant.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Effort
Image of Pierre de Coubertin
Olympism is not a system - it is a state of mind. This state of mind has emerged from a double cult: that of effort and that of Eurythmy - a taste of excess and a taste of measure combined.
- Pierre de Coubertin
Collection: Effort
Image of Paul Watson
If you do not intend to kill anybody, if you make every effort to not kill and injure anybody, that's all you really can do. You can't stop somebody from walking into a situation, and we really can't be too overly preoccupied with this.
- Paul Watson
Collection: Effort
Image of Gautama Buddha
The Buddhas do but tell the way; it is for you to swelter at the task.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Effort
Image of Bill Walsh
Consistent effort is a consistent challenge.
- Bill Walsh
Collection: Effort
Image of Ann Coulter
Yes, of course, black Americans are a special group, and I'm disappointed that they're not Republicans, given our traditions. We're not getting much love in return, despite our efforts.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Effort
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Al Gore completely lied about climate change in an effort to make a lot of money.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Effort
Image of Richard P. Feynman
In its efforts to learn as much as possible about nature, modern physics has found that certain things can never be "known" with certainty. Much of our knowledge must always remain uncertain. The most we can know is in terms of probabilities.
- Richard P. Feynman
Collection: Effort
Image of Euripides
Virtue proceeds through effort.
- Euripides
Collection: Effort
Image of Louise Erdrich
I did not choose solitude. Who would? It came on me like a kind of vocation, demanding an effort that married women can't picture.
- Louise Erdrich
Collection: Effort
Image of Sam Altman
You're saying no ninety-seven times out of a hundred, and most founders find they have to make a very conscious effort to do this.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Effort
Image of Albert Einstein
The only way to escape the personal corruption of praise is to go on working. One is tempted to stop and listen to it. The only thing is to turn away and go on working. Work. There is nothing else.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Effort
Image of Harrison Ford
I am my age. I'm not making any effort to change it.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Effort
Image of America Ferrera
Relationships take time and energy, and your job kind of sucks that all out of you. It takes an extra effort to stay present in a relationship when you are working kind of hours.
- America Ferrera
Collection: Effort
Image of Walt Disney
Whatever we accomplish is due to the combined effort.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Effort
Image of Mark Dever
Once we see more of our need and understand more of what Christ has done for us, he will become more precious to us. And this, in turn, will enable our obedience far more than sheer grunt effort.
- Mark Dever
Collection: Effort
Image of Kofi Annan
All our efforts to defeat poverty and pursue sustainable development will be in vain if environmental degradation and natural resource depletion continue unabated.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Effort
Image of Frederick Lenz
You must learn to meditate and stop your thoughts. You must overcome all egotism and selfishness by serving others. You must cleanse your mind so that enlightenment will find a happy place to reside there.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Effort
Image of Frederick Lenz
You could go through incarnations forever and never become enlightened, unless of course you do something about it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Effort
Image of Frederick Lenz
You can't teach someone to be enlightened. It's something you have to go and do. You can't teach someone to meditate well. It's something you have to go and do.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Effort
Image of Ian Bogost
The actual effort that you can exert upon the universe is fairly limited.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Effort
Image of Frederick Lenz
An individual has to be tenacious enough to become enlightened.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Effort
Image of Guy Finley
The smallest effort to remember the Divine, or even one of its timeless truths, connects you to a calmness whose power is in that secret strength found in all things deep.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Effort
Image of Robert S. Kaplan
Change efforts happen when a firm is out of alignment with achieving its vision. If the organization has broad buy-in on a clear vision, the need for change becomes much clearer. It also helps to over-communicate what you're doing and why you're doing it. Lastly, the leadership needs to spend as much time on "how" changes are being made and "what" changes are being made. Human beings are involved and there are winners and losers.
- Robert S. Kaplan
Collection: Effort
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
What has been done in the world - the works of genius - cost nothing. There is no painful effort, but it is the spontaneous flowing of the thought. Shakespeare made his Hamlet as a bird weaves its nest.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Effort
Image of Kofi Annan
This is an historic step forward in the world's efforts to combat a truly global threat.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Effort
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
We put our love where we have put our labor.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Effort
Image of Arne Duncan
Historically the Department of Education hasn't been doing enough to drive the sustainability movement, and today, I promise that we will be a committed partner in the national effort to build a more environmentally literate and responsible society.
- Arne Duncan
Collection: Effort
Image of Euripides
For with slight efforts how should we obtain great results? It is foolish even to desire it.
- Euripides
Collection: Effort
Image of Clement Greenberg
The paradox in the evolution of French painting from Courbet to Cezanne is how it was brought to the verge of abstraction in and by its very effort to transcribe visual appearance with ever greater fidelity.
- Clement Greenberg
Collection: Effort
Image of Henry Ford
He who would really benefit mankind must reach them through their work.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Effort
Image of Meister Eckhart
Your own efforts "did not bring it to pass," only God-but rejoice if God found a use for your efforts in His work.
- Meister Eckhart
Collection: Effort
Image of Robert Cheeke
When intention is supported by effort, success follows.
- Robert Cheeke
Collection: Effort
Image of Yasser Arafat
When I made a big effort in '96 and it is not - I squeezed and I arrested a part of [terroristic groups].
- Yasser Arafat
Collection: Effort
Image of John Kenneth Galbraith
Even the word depression itself was the terminological product of an effort to soften the connotation of deep trouble. In the last century, the term crisis was normally employed. With time, however, this acquired the connotation of the misfortune it described.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Collection: Effort
Image of Natalie Goldberg
Don't let yourself be thrown away....Continue on no matter what....Continue to make a positive effort for the good.
- Natalie Goldberg
Collection: Effort
Image of Seth Godin
It will take you less time and effort to do a thing the difficult way than it will to buy, try and discard all the shortcuts.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Effort
Image of Stephen Jay Gould
I am glad that the life of pandas is so dull by human standards, for our efforts at conservation have little moral value if we preserve creatures only as human ornaments; I shall be impressed when we show solicitude for warty toads and slithering worms.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Collection: Effort
Image of Al Gore
The insistence on complete certainty about the full details of global warming-the most serious threat we have ever faced-is actually an effort to avoid facing the awful, uncomfortable truth: that we must act boldly, decisively, comprehensively, and quickly, even before we know every last detail about the crisis. Those who continue to argue that the appropriate response is merely additional research are simply seeking to camouflage timidity or protect their vested interest in the status quo.
- Al Gore
Collection: Effort
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Non-co-operation and civil disobedience in terms of Swaraj are not to be thought of without substantial constructive effort.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Effort
Image of Khalil Gibran
In the mouth of Society are many diseased teeth, decayed to the bones of the jaws. But Society makes no effort to have them extracted and be rid of the affliction. It contents itself with gold fillings.
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Effort
Image of Sigmund Freud
But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within.
- Sigmund Freud
Collection: Effort
Image of Hannah Arendt
Immortality is what nature possesses without effort and without anybody's assistance, and immortality is what the mortals must therefore try to achieve if they want to live up to the world into which they were born, to live up to the things which surround them and to whose company they are admitted for a short while.
- Hannah Arendt
Collection: Effort
Image of Jose Ortega y Gasset
Every intellectual effort sets us apart from the commonplace, and leads us by hidden and difficult paths to secluded spots where we find ourselves amid unaccustomed thoughts.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
Collection: Effort
Image of John Fowles
I was too green to know that all cynicism masks a failure to cope - an impotence, in short; and that to despise all effort is the greatest effort of all.
- John Fowles
Collection: Effort
Image of Emmet Fox
A smile costs nothing in money, time, or effort but it is literally true that it can be of supreme importance in ones life.
- Emmet Fox
Collection: Effort