Top effort Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of effort quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more effort quotes.

Image of Louise Hay
When I begin to work on myself, sometimes things get worse before they get better. It is okay if this happens, because I know that it's the beginning of the process. It's untangling old threads. I just flow with it. It takes time and effort to learn what I need to learn. I don't demand instant change.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Effort
Image of Ajahn Chah
Proper effort is not the effort to make something particular happen. It is the effort to be aware and awake each moment, the effort to overcome laziness and merit, the effort to make each activity of our day meditation.
- Ajahn Chah
Collection: Effort
Image of Virginia Woolf
They went in and out of each other's minds without any effort.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Effort
Image of John Wooden
The score will take care of itself when you take care of the effort that precedes the score.
- John Wooden
Collection: Effort
Image of William Arthur Ward
Excellence without effort is as futile as progress without preparation.
- William Arthur Ward
Collection: Effort
Image of Portia de Rossi
Normal" isn't an adjective you wish to hear after putting that much effort into making sure it was spectacular.
- Portia de Rossi
Collection: Effort
Image of Frederic Bastiat
The mind never fully accepts any convictions that it does not owe to its own efforts.
- Frederic Bastiat
Collection: Effort
Image of Rajneesh
Effortlessness is a great phenomenon. Once you know it, many millions of things become possible to you. Through effort the market; through effortlessness the God. Through effort you can never reach to nirvana - you can reach lo New Delhi, but not to nirvana.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Effort
Image of Iyanla Vanzant
Learning to trust yourself and what you know takes time and work. You cannot expect to eradicate a lifetime of misguided information overnight. You must make a continuous, conscious effort to get on good terms with you.
- Iyanla Vanzant
Collection: Effort
Image of Dallas Willard
Grace is opposed to earning, but not to effort.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Effort
Image of Simon Sinek
A boss wants to pay for results, an employee wants recognition for effort. If a boss recognizes effort, they will get even better results.
- Simon Sinek
Collection: Effort
Image of Juan Manuel Santos
Colombia is applauded for the efforts that we continue to make to combat drug trafficking.
- Juan Manuel Santos
Collection: Effort
Image of Oliver Stone
When I'm working with another writer, I tend to make a lot of effort. When I collaborate with a writer, I'm not interested in credit, but I'm feeding him stuff all the time that I feel is important to shaping the script.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Effort
Image of Nina Simone
That is why we fly from the inner void, since God might steal into it. It is not the pursuit of pleasure and the aversion for effort which causes sin, but fear of God. We know that we cannot see him face to face without dying, and we do not want to die.
- Nina Simone
Collection: Effort
Image of James Agee
All of consciousness is shifted from the imagined, the revisive, to the effort to perceive simply the cruel radiance of what is
- James Agee
Collection: Effort
Image of David Nicholls
Being a decent human being will require effort and energy.
- David Nicholls
Collection: Effort
Image of Seth
The longer you wait to launch an innovation, the less your effort is worth.
- Seth
Collection: Effort
Image of Pope John Paul II
Every effort to make society sensitive to the importance of the family, is a great service to humanity.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Effort
Image of Swami Vivekananda
The awakening of the soul to its bondage and its effort to stand up and assert itself - this is called life.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Effort
Image of Judy Woodruff
In 2008, the Democrats made a great effort among African-American voters, and they did increase their turnout considerably, and among Latino voters.
- Judy Woodruff
Collection: Effort
Image of Van Jones
A family-friendly "eco-populism" can mobilize and unite millions who, at this point, would be turned off by a more extreme set of demands. The momentum will build, through these early efforts, for more comprehensive solutions.
- Van Jones
Collection: Effort
Image of Zhuangzi
If you persist in trying to attain what is never attained (It is Tao's gift), if you persist in making effort to obtain what effort cannot get, if you persist in reasoning about what cannot be understood, you will be destroyed by the very thing you seek. To know when to stop, to know when you can get no further by your own action, this is the right beginning!
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Effort
Image of Ben Horowitz
Until you make the effort to get to know someone or something, you don’t know anything.
- Ben Horowitz
Collection: Effort
Image of Alexis Carrel
One must train oneself, by small and frequent efforts, to dominate one's feelings.
- Alexis Carrel
Collection: Effort
Image of Voltairine de Cleyre
Socialism and Communism both demand a degree of joint effort and administration which would beget more regulation than is wholly consistent with ideal Anarchism; Individualism and Mutualism, resting upon property, involve a development of the private policeman not at all compatible with my notion of freedom.
- Voltairine de Cleyre
Collection: Effort
Image of Dick Vitale
It was an incredible effort by the Irish down in Tallahassee. Jameis Winston was too tough in the second half; congrats to the Seminoles.
- Dick Vitale
Collection: Effort
Image of Kate Bush
Sometimes when I look back on myself on those earlier records, there was so much effort going in, so much trying. With this, I was trying to make it much more laid back.
- Kate Bush
Collection: Effort
Image of Myrtle Reed
[On marriage:] Someone once said that it was like a crowded church - those outside were endeavouring to get in, and those inside were making violent efforts to get out.
- Myrtle Reed
Collection: Effort
Image of Mata Amritanandamayi
Our efforts to remove hatred and indifference from the world begin by trying to remove them from our own mind.
- Mata Amritanandamayi
Collection: Effort
Image of Mata Amritanandamayi
No one becomes pure and selfless overnight; it involves time and concentrated effort, coupled with tremendous patience and love.
- Mata Amritanandamayi
Collection: Effort
Image of Eric Maisel
Live intensely and dangerously. The world may not depend on your efforts, but you do.
- Eric Maisel
Collection: Effort
Image of John Lancaster Spalding
Nothing requires so little mental effort as to narrate or follow a story. Hence everybody tells stories and the readers of stories outnumber all others.
- John Lancaster Spalding
Collection: Effort
Image of Denis Waitley
Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Effort
Image of Stephen Spender
Of course, the entire effort is to put myself Outside the ordinary range Of what are called statistics. A hundred are killed In the outer suburbs. Well, well, I carry on.
- Stephen Spender
Collection: Effort
Image of Wes Fesler
Until you can't do, you can always do more.
- Wes Fesler
Collection: Effort
Image of Deepak Chopra
Know that you have a center.Know that you belong there.Know that the path to the center takes no effort.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Effort
Image of Leonard Read
Is it not obvious that the more complex an economy, the more certainly will governmental control of productive effort exert a retarding influence?
- Leonard Read
Collection: Effort
Image of Warren Buffett
You have to understand accounting and you have to understand the nuances of accounting. It's the language of business and it's an imperfect language, but unless you are willing to put in the effort to learn accounting - how to read and interpret financial statements - you really shouldn't select stocks yourself
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Effort
Image of Winston Churchill
A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic. They make frantic efforts to bar our thoughts and words; they are afraid of the workings of the human mind.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Effort
Image of Abdallah II
Our response has been, "Well, let's then make an effort to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to sit around the table." That hasn't happened. So we only have ourselves to blame for this crisis.
- Abdallah II
Collection: Effort
Image of Judith Butler
The violence of language consists in its effort to capture the ineffable and, hence, to destroy it, to seize hold of that which must remain elusive for language to operate as a living thing.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Effort
Image of Benjamin Graham
We urge the beginner in security buying not to waste his efforts and his money in trying to beat the market. Let him study security values and initially test out his judgment on price versus value with the smallest possible sums.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Effort
Image of Benjamin Carson
Rather than reacting to every risk we hear and see, we should make an effort to discern which ones we can do something about.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Effort
Image of George W. Bush
Since September 11th, federal terrorism investigations have resulted in charges against more than 400 suspects, and more than half those charged have been convicted. Federal, state, and local law enforcement have used the Patriot Act to break up terror cells in New York and Oregon and Virginia and in Florida. We've prosecuted terrorist operatives and supporters. These efforts have not always made the headlines but they've made communities safer. The Patriot Act has accomplished exactly what it was designed to do.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Effort
Image of Cassandra Clare
She had never asked herself whether it cost him any effort. Any effort to stand between Will and the world, protecting each one of them from the other.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Effort
Image of Deepak Chopra
We can most easily fulfill our desires when our actions are motivated by love. We expand the least effort, and we offer no resistance. We tap into the infinite organizing power of the universe to do less and accomplish everything.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Effort
Image of Edmund Burke
I decline the election. It has ever been my rule through life, to observe a proportion between my efforts and my objects. I have never been remarkable for a bold, active, and sanguine pursuit of advantages that are personal to myself.
- Edmund Burke
Collection: Effort
Image of Dick Cheney
We now have irrefutable evidence that [Saddam] has once again set up and reconstituted his program to take uranium, to enrich it to sufficiently high grade, so that it will function as the base material as a nuclear weapon. And there's no doubt about the fact that the level of effort has escalated in recent months.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Effort
Image of Thomas Carlyle
Know what thou canst work at, and work at it like a Hercules.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Effort