Top Diversity Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Diversity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Diversity quotes.

Image of Ellen Pao
I am seeing change at earlier stage start-up companies. For a lot of big companies, the ship has sailed. They are trying to bolt on diversity and inclusion.
- Ellen Pao
Collection: Diversity
Image of Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de Sable
In knowledge of human affairs, we should never allow our minds to be enslaved by others by subjecting ourselves to their whims. We must maintain freedom of thought, and never accept anything of purely human authority into our heads. When we are presented with a diversity of opinions, we must choose, if we can; if we cannot, we must remain in doubt.
- Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de Sable
Collection: Diversity
Image of Jodi Kantor
I don't like corporate diversity workshops.
- Jodi Kantor
Collection: Diversity
Image of Margaret Atwood
Oppression involves a failure of the imagination: the failure to imagine the full humanity of other human beings.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Diversity
Image of George M. Church
The main goal is to increase diversity. The one thing that is bad for society is low diversity. This is true for culture or evolution, for species and also for whole societies. If you become a monoculture, you are at great risk of perishing.
- George M. Church
Collection: Diversity
Image of Edward Kennedy
What divides us pales in comparison to what unites us.
- Edward Kennedy
Collection: Diversity
Image of Carlos Cuaron
I have an agent in Hollywood and he's looking for material. If I get the offer and I feel I relate to that material, I will do it. I would love to do a horror film, a thriller, a tearjerker... I like diversity. I would just like to sustain my sense of humour!
- Carlos Cuaron
Collection: Diversity
Image of Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Nothing is so fortunate for mankind as its diversity of opinion.
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Collection: Diversity
Image of Mark Knopfler
There's so many different worlds, so many different suns. And we have just one world, but we live in different ones.
- Mark Knopfler
Collection: Diversity
Image of Kate del Castillo
What the rest of the world knows about Mexico is what they see on films and the bad news they see on TV. We need to make films that are worthy of who we really are as Mexicans. We also need to make cinema that reflects the diversity in the region, so that Americans and Europeans know who Mexicans are, who Salvadorians are, who Cubans are, etc. We need to do it, and all we really need is support because we have the talent.
- Kate del Castillo
Collection: Diversity
Image of Dana Bash
It's important to have the diversity of thought and approach that comes with being a woman.
- Dana Bash
Collection: Diversity
Image of Wangari Maathai
We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own - indeed, to embrace the whole creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. This will happen if we see the need to revive our sense of belonging to a larger family of life, with which we have shared our evolutionary process.
- Wangari Maathai
Collection: Diversity
Image of Steven Pearlstein
Obviously, you can't operate a system at 100 percent capacity. You need room for growth. And because there are peak times, you need surge capacity. But it is easier to reduce and manage excess capacity in larger units than smaller, especially when you have a diversity of users who have different peak periods and different growth rates. That's why the utility model is intriguing.
- Steven Pearlstein
Collection: Diversity
Image of Donella Meadows
Since the Earth is finite, and we will have to stop expanding sometime, should we do it before or after nature's diversity is gone?
- Donella Meadows
Collection: Diversity
Image of Murray Gell-Mann
Both biological and cultural diversity are now severely threatened and working for their preservation is a critical task.
- Murray Gell-Mann
Collection: Diversity
Image of Catherine Cortez Masto
Women should work with local and state leaders and be vocal about ensuring there's more diversity and more women involved.
- Catherine Cortez Masto
Collection: Diversity
Image of Diana L. Eck
Pluralism isn't just diversity; it's something we create out of this diversity.
- Diana L. Eck
Collection: Diversity
Image of Nyla Ali Khan
The diversity of India cannot thrive on facile attempts to create the homogeneous category of "Indian." Nor can it thrive on dubious attempts to gloss over xenophobic provincialism or a highly culpable state-sponsored marginalization of a minority community.
- Nyla Ali Khan
Collection: Diversity
Image of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
That diversity of production styles and diversity of lyrical structure - I miss that.
- Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
Collection: Diversity
Image of Jonathan Haidt
We can tolerate great diversity in our aesthetic beliefs, but we can't tolerate much diversity in our moral beliefs.
- Jonathan Haidt
Collection: Diversity
Image of Os Guinness
Making the world safe for diversity, is one of the greatest tasks we face in the global era.
- Os Guinness
Collection: Diversity
Image of Sonia Sotomayor
The dynamism of any diverse community depends not only on the diversity itself but on promoting a sense of belonging among those who formerly would have been considered and felt themselves outsiders.
- Sonia Sotomayor
Collection: Diversity
Image of Alice Walker
It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone.
- Alice Walker
Collection: Diversity
Image of Vandana Shiva
Nature has gifted this rich biological diversity to us. We will not allow it to become the monopoly of a handful of corporations. We will keep it as the basis of our wealth and our sustenance.
- Vandana Shiva
Collection: Diversity
Image of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
We demand in the Reconstruction suffrage for all the citizens of the Republic. I would not talk of Negroes or women, but of citizens.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Collection: Diversity
Image of Scott Adams
The best plan now is to have as many bosses as possible. I call it boss diversity. If you work for a company and you have one boss and that boss doesn't like you or wants to get rid of you, you're in trouble. But if you work for yourself, you have lots of bosses, who are your customers, and if a few of them decide they don't like you, that's okay.
- Scott Adams
Collection: Diversity
Image of Nancy Pelosi
To have diversity of opinion in the debate strengthens the outcome and you get a better result.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Diversity
Image of Richard M. Nixon
For among nations - as within nations - the soundest unity is that which respects diversity, and the strongest cohesion is that which rejects coercion.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Diversity
Image of Michel de Montaigne
The most universal quality is diversity.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Diversity
Image of Tom Robbins
To the extent that this world surrenders its richness and diversity, it surrenders its poetry; to the extent that it relinquishes its capacity to surprise, it relinquishes its music; to the extent that it loses its ability to tolerate ridiculous and even dangerous exceptions, it loses its grace.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Diversity
Image of Florence Nightingale
For what is Mysticism? It is not the attempt to draw near to God, not by rites or ceremonies, but by inward disposition? Is it not merely a hard word for 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within'? Heaven is neither a place nor a time.
- Florence Nightingale
Collection: Diversity
Image of Michael Scott
Abraham Lincoln once said that if you are a racist, I will attack you with the north. And those are the principles that I carry with me in the workplace.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Diversity
Image of George Bernard Shaw
We are members one of another; so that you cannot injure or help your neighbor without injuring or helping yourself.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Diversity
Image of Vandana Shiva
We have managed to make the celebration of diversity our mode of resistance.
- Vandana Shiva
Collection: Diversity
Image of David Brooks
For us going forward, it's to not reverse the dynamism of American society and the diversity. It's to pay attention to the people who are being ruined by it, and so this doesn't happen again.
- David Brooks
Collection: Diversity
Image of William Tyndale
Neither was there any heresy, or diversity of opinion, or disputing about the matter, till the pope had gathered a council to confirm this transubstantiation: wherefore it is most likely that this opinion came up by them of latter days.
- William Tyndale
Collection: Diversity
Image of James Surowiecki
In part because individual judgement is not accurate enough or consistent enough, cognitive diversity is essential to good decision making.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Diversity
Image of Barack Obama
We have a stake in one another...what binds us together is greater than what drives us apart.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Diversity
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
Dialogue is the fundamental unfolding of a gift of oneself to another.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Diversity
Image of Daniel Quinn
Diversity is a survival factor for the community itself. A community of a hundred million species can survive anything short of total global catastrophe. Within that hundred million will be thousands that could survive a global temperature drop of twenty degrees—which would be a lot more devastating than it sounds. Within that hundred million will be thousands that could survive a global temperature rise of twenty degrees. But a community of a hundred species or a thousand species has almost no survival value at all.
- Daniel Quinn
Collection: Diversity
Image of Linda Ronstadt
American radio from the '30s through the '60s was just fabulous. There was such a diversity.
- Linda Ronstadt
Collection: Diversity
Image of Tariq Ramadan
The universality of Islam is not uniformity, it is unity with diversity.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Diversity
Image of Bertrand Russell
It's coexistence or no existence.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Diversity
Image of Bertrand Russell
Diversity is essential to happiness and in Utopia there is hardly any. This is a defect in all planned social systems.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Diversity
Image of Desmond Tutu
Instead of separation and division, all distinctions make for a rich diversity to be celebrated for the sake of the unity that underlies them. We are different so that we can know our need of one another.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Diversity
Image of Jessica Alba
When it comes to diversity, women are still underrepresented in so many different places, but one place we're not underrepresented is we hold a majority of the household income, and we control that.
- Jessica Alba
Collection: Diversity
Image of Susan Sarandon
If you walk down the street and see someone in a box, you have a choice. That person is either the other and you're fearful of them, or that person is an extension of your family.
- Susan Sarandon
Collection: Diversity
Image of Rabindranath Tagore
If God had so wished, he would have made all Indians speak with one language ... the unity of India has been and shall always be a unity in diversity.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Collection: Diversity
Image of Dan Simmons
Once evolution gets a good basic design, it tends to throw away the variants and concentrate on the near-infinite diversity within that design.
- Dan Simmons
Collection: Diversity