Eban Goodstein

Image of Eban Goodstein
The Arctic is the planet's air conditioner and it's starting to break down.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Air
Image of Eban Goodstein
The human response it calls for is truly heroic, requiring nothing short of rewiring the entire planet with a new generation of clean-energy technologies - and doing that very soon... Are we, as a species, capable of that kind of deliberate global response?
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Technology
Image of Eban Goodstein
A new politics can spark the clean-energy revolution that will serve as a foundation for a new era of human prosperity, protect the world's forests, stabilize the climate, and preserve the diversity of life on the planet.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Diversity
Image of Eban Goodstein
In the year 2007, seals, otters, lions, turtles, frogs, apes, snakes, butterflies, polar bears, cheetahs, whales are disappearing along with their variously furnished homes: cloud forests, rain forests, ice pack, boreal forests, coral reefs, forests of deciduous trees, conifer and palm.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Rain
Image of Eban Goodstein
We stand at a moment in history without precedent. Decisions that are ours to make over the next ten years will have a sweeping impact on the future direction of life on the planet.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Impact
Image of Eban Goodstein
The most rational defender of nature is driven by a passion for wildness that cannot be explained by an appeal to logic.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Passion
Image of Eban Goodstein
The highest and best use of our time that really matters over the next decade will be working to elect clean-energy candidates, especially in swing states and swing districts around the country.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Country
Image of Eban Goodstein
The fate of hundreds of thousands of species on this planet may be decided in the next decade. To slow the rush to extinction, we need to achieve real, substantive political power, and we need to get there fast.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Real
Image of Eban Goodstein
One hundred years ago, visionary political leaders from the Progressive Era established a system of national forests and parks in our country that are the envy of the world and today are the treasure of an entire nation. Why not a similar, global vision for our generation?
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Country
Image of Eban Goodstein
It will be politics that determines the material welfare of future generations: the pace at which we advance toward "our destination of economic bliss," andnperhaps, whether we continue to advance at all.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Climate
Image of Eban Goodstein
It is time to start going door to door and convincing our neighbours to vote for a clean-energy future.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Doors
Image of Eban Goodstein
Stabilizing the climate is not about saving the human species... Stabilizing the climate is a precious opportunity to pass on to all future human beings gifts of immense value, gifts that, once gone, will be beyond the imagination and skill of humanity to recreate.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Eban Goodstein
No generation before us has faced a decade of choices that will so profoundly impact the course of life on this planet as those we now face. And no generation before us has had the opportunity to enrich the future so vastly.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Eban Goodstein
Electing clean-energy leaders into the Senate, the House, and the Oval Office - and getting it done in the next few years - is the only real solution to climate stabilization at acceptable levels.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Real
Image of Eban Goodstein
I tell my graduate students [at Bard College], ‘There are two ways to change the world: through policy, or through sustainable business.’ With sustainable business, individuals build solutions within the current system… Sustainable business asks, ‘How would nature do this?’
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: College