Georges Canguilhem

Image of Georges Canguilhem
An anomaly is not an abnormality. Diversity does not signify sickness.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Diversity
Image of Georges Canguilhem
To err is human, to persist in error is diabolical.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Errors
Image of Georges Canguilhem
Either philosophy reinforces communal beliefs, in which case it is pointless; or else it is at odds with those beliefs, in which case it is dangerous.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Georges Canguilhem
Science is a contemplative possession of reality through exclusion of all illusion, error and ignorance.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Georges Canguilhem
Now it is usual-but not to say normal-for people to interest themselves primarily in means, without noticing that means exist only in relation to ends and that, in accepting certain means, they unconsciously accept the ends that make them so. In other words, they accept whatever philosophy happens to be embodied in the values and institutions of a particular civilation.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Georges Canguilhem
In truth, one cannot, it seems, oppose mechanism and finalism, one cannot oppose mechanism and anthropomorphism, for if the functioning of a machine is explained by relations of pure causality, the construction of a machine can be understood neither without purpose nor without man. A machine is made by man and for man, with a view toward certain ends to be obtained, in the form of effects to be produced.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Men