Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 19

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 19 provides more Daughter quotes.

Image of Amy Tan
How I saw in her my own true nature. What was beneath my skin. Inside my bones... Even though I was young, I could see the pain of the flesh and the worth of the pain. This is how a daughter honors her mother. It is shou so deep it is in your bones. The pain of the flesh is nothing. The pain you must forget. Because sometimes that is the only way to remember what is in your bones. You must peel off your skin, and that of your mother, and her mother before her. Until there is nothing. No scar, no skin, no flesh.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Daughter
Image of William Shakespeare
I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.(IAGO,ActI,SceneI)
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Daughter
Image of Prince Philip
It makes you all look like Dracula's daughters!
- Prince Philip
Collection: Daughter
Image of Peter S. Beagle
I am a king's daughter, And if I cared to care, The moon that has no mistress Would flutter in my hair. No one dares to cherish What I choose to crave. Never have I hungered, For that I did not have I am a kings daughter, And I grow old within The prison of my person, The shackles of my skin. And I would run away And beg from door to door, Just to see your shadow Once, and never more.
- Peter S. Beagle
Collection: Daughter
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
Maybe it's just a daughter's job to piss off her mother.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Daughter
Image of Karen Chance
More worryingly, my baby fangs were out, which usually happened only when I was perilously close to tipping over into Mr. Hyde territory. I quickly drew them back in. It didn’t help much. I still looked like Dracula’s daughter. Which was completely unfair, since he’d only been an uncle.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rod Serling
Personally, my daughter's wedding gave me a tremendous pleasure.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Daughter
Image of Adrienne Rich
It is the lesbian in us who is creative, for the dutiful daughter of the fathers in us is only a hack.
- Adrienne Rich
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
I'll buy myself some plastic water, I should have married Lennon's daughter.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Daughter
Image of Plutarch
Lysander, when Dionysius sent him two gowns, and bade him choose which he would carry to his daughter, said, "She can choose best," and so took both away with him.
- Plutarch
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jessica Valenti
It's time to teach our daughters that their ability to be good people depends on their being good people, not on whether or not they're sexually active.
- Jessica Valenti
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kanye West
What I talked about in it was the idea of celebrity, and celebrities being treated like blacks were in the '60s, having no rights, and the fact that people can slander your name. I said that in the toast. And I had to say this in a position where I, from the art world, am marrying Kim. And how we're going to fight to raise the respect level for celebrities so that my daughter can live a more normal life. She didn't choose to be a celebrity. But she is. So I'm going to fight to make sure she has a better life.
- Kanye West
Collection: Daughter
Image of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Liberty, Not the Daughter but the Mother of Order.
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Collection: Daughter
Image of Emma Watson
I've had my breath taken away when a fan told me since watching my speech she has stopped herself being beaten up by her father. I've been stunned by the amount of men in my life that have contacted me since my speech to tell me to keep going, and that they want to make sure that their daughters will still be alive to see a world where women have power and equality, economically and politically.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jodi Picoult
I have never understood why it is called losing a child. No parent is that careless. We all know exactly where our sons and daughters are; we just don't necessarily want them to be there
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joyce Meyer
The purpose of faith isn't always to keep us from having trouble. It is often to carry us through trouble. If we never had any trouble, we wouldn't need any faith.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lauren Kate
I hope that I live for a thousand years, and have a thousand daughters so that there will always be a woman who can curse your name.
- Lauren Kate
Collection: Daughter
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
Then Aragorn was abashed, for he saw the elven-light in her eyes and the wisdom of many days; yet from that hour he loved Arwen Undómiel daughter of Elrond.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton knows, as I did know, as my women members know - that a woman being elected to a position, it's not about what it means to that woman. It's not about what it means to Hillary to be the first president. It's about what it means to all of the women in America, that a woman has broken the ultimate marble ceiling and that anything is possible for them and their daughters - and their sons. It's about sons, too.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gwyneth Paltrow
They love a brown rice stir-fry, but they also love their 'Coke of the week'...My daughter gravitates toward fresh fruit and raw nuts but will inhale a bag of hot Cheetos at the airport. It's all about balance.
- Gwyneth Paltrow
Collection: Daughter
Image of Pete Rose
I've got a 15-year old son and a 10-year old daughter, and if they were going to do one of the following things: be an alcoholic; be a drug offender; beat their wife or husband; or gamble. I hope they would gamble.
- Pete Rose
Collection: Daughter
Image of Louise Rennison
Hello, my sister, Libby, also your daughter, is snogging a potato in my bed. What are you going to do about it?' Dad started yelling uncontrollably. I wonder if he is having the male menopause? If he starts growing breasts, I will definitely be running away with the Circus.
- Louise Rennison
Collection: Daughter
Image of Barack Obama
I think back to the day I drove Michelle and a newborn Malia home from the hospital nearly 11 years ago - crawling along, miles under the speed limit, feeling the weight of my daughter's future resting in my hands. I think about the pledge I made to her that day: that I would give her what I never had - that if I could be anything in life, I would be a good father. I knew that day that my own life wouldn't count for much unless she had every opportunity in hers.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bette Midler
My daughter very independent. But if she's upset about something, she will absolutely let me know. She's great - a real tough cookie.
- Bette Midler
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mike Pence
I just have a heart filled with gratitude for a wonderful family. My wife, Karen, is the love of my life, and she campaigned with me virtually every day of 130-some odd days of the campaign trail, as did our daughter, Charlotte, traveled all over the country with us. But my son, who just got married to his college sweetheart, and our youngest daughter - just am grateful for a family that has supported me in my calling to public service.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Daughter
Image of Yanni
Perhaps the most important contribution to me being centered in the midst of this chaos is my daughter, Krystal Ann. I am very lucky because she works with me and is responsible for many aspects of the business on the marketing side of my career. This allows us to travel together and experience life on the road, seeing the world. Having family with me is very important and grounding.
- Yanni
Collection: Daughter
Image of Yanni
The love I have for my daughter is completely unconditional, and it is the most important love in my life.
- Yanni
Collection: Daughter
Image of Conan O'Brien
A lawyer from Africa wants to marry Malia Obama in exchange for goats, sheep, and cows. In response, President Obama said, 'Don't be ridiculous. My daughter isn't marrying a lawyer.'
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Daughter
Image of Conan O'Brien
On Fox News, Donald Trump said Obama's birth certificate could indicate that he's a Muslim. Trump said he doesn't trust anyone with a foreign-sounding name, and neither does his daughter Ivanka.
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mike Tyson
I don't want my kids to be like me, I don't want my daughter to date a guy like me. You know, for a guy like me success is to take care of my children to take care of their life and make 'em cushioned. I don't want them to be around people like me. You know, success for me would be that they never have the opportunity of being in the presence of someone like me.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Amy Tan
But I will win and give her my spirit, because this is the way a mother loves her daughter. -Ying Ying
- Amy Tan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Amy Tan
wisdom is like a bottomless pond. You throw stones in and they sink into darkness and dissolve. Her eyes looking back do not reflect anything. I think this to myself even though I love my daughter. She and I have shared the same body. There is a part of her mind that is a part of mine. But when she was born she sprang from me like a slippery fish, and has been swimming away ever since. All her life, I have watched her as though from another shore.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
Wisdom is the daughter of experience
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Daughter
Image of John Milton
I will not allow my daughters to learn foreign languages because one tongue is sufficient for a woman.
- John Milton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Stephenie Meyer
You nickednamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gerard Way
What I like about The Sims is that I don't have a normal life at all, so I play this game where these people have these really boring, mundane lives. It's fun. My Sims family is called the Cholly family. I don't know why I picked that name; it's kind of random. The teenage daughter is my favourite, because I just had her go through this Goth phase. She's really kind of nerdy and she just became a concert violinist, which is pretty huge for the family. And she got into private school. But she started wearing black lipstick and she dyed her hair purple. It's pretty huge.
- Gerard Way
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michel de Montaigne
The daughter-in-law of Pythagoras said that a woman who goes to bed with a man ought to lay aside her modesty with her skirt, and put it on again with her petticoat
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Daughter
Image of Glenn Beck
Never forget who you are; a daughter of a Heavenly Father. You have royal heritage, and anyone who makes you feel like less that is not a man,husband,father, or friend,simply someone who is afraid of you because he knows who you are, but doesn't know who he is.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jessica Alba
[On accepting travel suggestions from her two daughters, 6 and 3:] When they pay for the vacation, they get to dictate where we go.
- Jessica Alba
Collection: Daughter
Image of Henry David Thoreau
In my Pantheon, Pan still reigns in his pristine glory, with his ruddy face, his flowing beard, and his shaggy body, his pipe and his crook, his nymph Echo, and his chosen daughter Iambe; for the great god Pan is not dead, as was rumored. No god ever dies. Perhaps of all the gods of New England and of ancient Greece, I am most constant at his shrine.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alice Sebold
Everyday he got up. Before sleep wore off, he was who he used to be. Then, as his consciousness woke, it was as if poison seeped in. At first he couldn't even get up. He lay there under a heavy weight. But then only movment could save him, and he moved and he moved and he moved, no movement being enough to make up for it. The guilt on him, the hand of God pressing down on him, saying, You were not there when your daughter needed you.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Daughter
Image of James E. Faust
A conviction that you are a daughter of God gives you a feeling of comfort in your self-worth. It means that you can find strength in the balm of Christ. It will help you meet the heartaches and challenges with faith and serenity. ... A woman can and must have an identity and feel useful, valued, and needed whether she is single or married. She must feel that she can do something for someone else that no one else ever born can do
- James E. Faust
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rufus Wainwright
Being with the president’s daughter, no matter who the president is, you are connected to the most powerful political force on earth, and that’s scary. And when you mix crystal meth and alcohol with that, it’s…kind of exciting. A little too exciting.
- Rufus Wainwright
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alfred Lord Tennyson
With a little hoard of maxims preaching down a daughter's heart.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Barack Obama
I'm very consistent about spending time with family. And when you have dinner with your daughters - they'll keep you in your place and they'll teach you something about perspective.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Daughter
Image of Reese Witherspoon
I have achieved a certain amount of success, and I felt a responsibility to my daughter and to women in this world to create more opportunities for women.
- Reese Witherspoon
Collection: Daughter
Image of Malala Yousafzai
I want education for the sons and daughters of the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists. I do not even hate the Talib who shot me. Even if there was a gun in my hand and he was standing in front of me, I would not shoot him. This is the compassion I have learned from Mohamed, the prophet of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha.
- Malala Yousafzai
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
Hello, Grace's parents. I'm Grace's boyfriend. Please notice the chaste distance between us. I am very responsible and have never had my tongue in your daughter's mouth.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Daughter