Anne Roe

Image of Anne Roe
Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated, and scientists are beginning to learn their social obligations.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Communication
Image of Anne Roe
Nothing in science has any value if it is not communicated.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Science
Image of Anne Roe
All children are curious, I think, but not all adults are.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Children
Image of Anne Roe
a good part of the trick to being a first-rate scientist is in asking the right questions or asking them in ways that make it possible to find answers.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Science
Image of Anne Roe
Freedom, like charity, begins at home.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Family
Image of Anne Roe
The creative process is probably closest to problem solving, but it differs from it in a number of ways. In problem solving the immediate goal is a specific one ... in the creative process there is no such clear goal.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Clear Goals
Image of Anne Roe
so long as you believe that man is essentially evil in nature, and a more vicious doctrine was never promulgated, it follows that he is often going to need to have his ears slapped back, and who should do this but the clergy?
- Anne Roe
Collection: Believe
Image of Anne Roe
Freedom breeds freedom. Nothing else does.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Freedom
Image of Anne Roe
There were a number of particularly delightful incidents. There is, for example, the physicist who introduced me to one of my favorite laws, which he described as Murphys law or the fourth law of thermodynamics (actually there were only three last I heard) which states: If anything can go wrong it will.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Law
Image of Anne Roe
It is a very rare church indeed that encourages its members to think for themselves in religious matters, or even tolerates this, and in most of them the clergy are quite ready to lay down the law in other fields too.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Religious