Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 62

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Image of Sam Kinison
There's always 30 or 40 Christians standing around, saying, "It's a shame that he has to die." And Jesus is saying, "Well, maybe I wouldn't have to if somebody would get a ladder and pair of pliers!!"
- Sam Kinison
Collection: Christian
Image of Sam Kinison
Rock Against Drugs, what a name. Somebody was high when they came up with that title. It's like Christians Against Christ. Rock created drugs.
- Sam Kinison
Collection: Christian
Image of Adriana Lima
My favorite designer is Christian Lacroix, not just because his clothes are amazing and I love them, but because he's so nice. When I did his fashion show, he was the first one to arrive there and he helped everyone
- Adriana Lima
Collection: Christian
Image of Gerald Coates
...the aim was to mobilize Christians to proclaim the name of Jesus and to pronounce the defeat of the spiritual forces entrenched in the capital.
- Gerald Coates
Collection: Christian
Image of Weyes Blood
I grew up with a lot of compassion and empathy. I notice when I meet other friends of mine that were raised Christian sometimes we have similar model of sensitivity, whether to our advantage or disadvantage.
- Weyes Blood
Collection: Christian
Image of Weyes Blood
I'm not a dogmatic Christian and I don't believe in the Bible literally, but I realized that Jesus is basically a very Zen dude.
- Weyes Blood
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert E. Lee
Let us pray for ourselves, that we may not lose the word “concern” out of our Christian vocabulary. Let us pray for our nation. Let us pray for those who have never known Jesus Christ and redeeming love, for moral forces everywhere, for our national leaders. Let prayer be our passion. Let prayer be our practice.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Adam Hamilton
It is fruitless to search for a single musical style, or even any blend of musical styles, that can assist all Christians with true worship. The followers of Jesus are a far too diverse group of people-which is exactly as it should be. We need, rather, to welcome any worship music that helps churches produce disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Michael Adam Hamilton
Collection: Christian
Image of Manfred Gerstenfeld
The NGOs in Israel should devote more time to monitoring religious anti-Israel groups, chief among them the so-called "Christian Palestinianists."
- Manfred Gerstenfeld
Collection: Christian
Image of Sean Lennon
I don't really believe in political art. I feel in my heart the purpose of art transcends cultural and class and politics. I think something like the Sistine Chapel is something that goes beyond just being a Christian thing. It transcends its Christianity and becomes sort of a universal beauty. And I think that's true of music and art and literature.
- Sean Lennon
Collection: Christian
Image of Sylvia Poggioli
Asked about Donald Trump, [Pope] Francis said a person who thinks only about building walls and not building bridges is not Christian, a remark you might remember that Trump described as disgraceful.
- Sylvia Poggioli
Collection: Christian
Image of Sylvia Poggioli
[Pope Francis] most recent trip was to Sweden, where he commemorated the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. That had triggered one of the biggest splits in Christianity and decades of religious wars. He went so far as to praise Luther, who was once considered a heretic in the church, as a great reformer. So what he's been doing with other Christian churches is trying to heal past wounds and work together toward a shared view of their history.
- Sylvia Poggioli
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Shafrazi
For me, being Christian Armenian, born into the Islamic culture in Iran and then, at the age of 13, being sent to England and embracing the English culture and becoming part of so-called swinging London and the era of euphoria and celebration that the '60s represented is very critical. It was a moment when, for the first time, the business of internationalism was being effectively represented-in music, art, cinema, design. Before that, everything was directed toward the old industry, the old school, the old format, and there was no room for varieties to evolve.
- Tony Shafrazi
Collection: Christian
Image of Tim LaHaye
Whenever a nation turns its back on God or beings to live as if He does not exist, it begins to show up in its citizens' disregard for human life.
- Tim LaHaye
Collection: Christian
Image of Tim LaHaye
Bible prophecy helps us to better understand the future and realize the urgent need to spread the Gospel. It motivates us to personal purity and gives us hope in a hopeless age.
- Tim LaHaye
Collection: Christian
Image of Tim LaHaye
It is interesting to me that the secularizers bend over backward in our federally controlled schools to keep atheists from being offended by the mention of God, prayer, or morality, yet over the federally controlled airwaves Christians can be offended every day of the week by the broadcasting of blasphemy against God and the Lord Jesus Christ or attacks on our moral values.
- Tim LaHaye
Collection: Christian
Image of Tim LaHaye
Perhaps the worst example of Smithsonian contempt for Jesus Christ is seen in its 1994 publication of a coffee-table book entitled Smithsonian Time Lines of the Ancient World ... This flagrant display of religious bigotry and discrimination in a book officially sponsored by the Smithsonian is intellectually and academically dishonest.
- Tim LaHaye
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Durie
When someone comes under abuse or attack a characteristic response is to blame yourself, especially if you are locked into a relationship of being attacked regularly, and making apologies for your abuser. It actually affects Christians living in Islamic circumstances more, and one Palestinian Christian spoke about that problem of needing to defend Islam in order to protect yourself.
- Mark Durie
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Durie
I met many Christians leaving the Middle East, hoping to come to Australia feeling they would leave behind a society where they were inferiors in their native lands and they are disturbed about the rise of more separate radical Islam in Australia, not necessarily the main stream but there is a voice.
- Mark Durie
Collection: Christian
Image of Andy Kindler
Jewish people, we don't need the money. We're doctors and lawyers. It's the Christians who can't hold a steady job and have to go on TV and ask for money.
- Andy Kindler
Collection: Christian
Image of Madeleine L'Engle
What I believe is so magnificent, so glorious, that it is beyond finite comprehension. To believe that the universe was created by a purposeful, benign Creator is one thing. To believe that this Creator took on human vesture, accepted death and mortality, was tempted, betrayed, broken, and all for love of us, defies reason. It is so wild that it terrifies some Christians who try to dogmatize their fear by lashing out at other Christians, because tidy Christianity with all answers given is easier than one which reaches out to the wild wonder of God's love, a love we don't even have to earn.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Collection: Christian
Image of Basil Moreau
Education is the art of helping young people to completeness; for the Christian, this means education is helping a young person to be more like Christ, the model of all Christians.
- Basil Moreau
Collection: Christian
Image of Andrew B. Newberg
The thing that concerns me more than anything is when anybody becomes closed off and exclusive of other people's ideas. All of our brains are in the same mode of searching when trying to understand reality, and when we come to a belief system that makes sense to us we hold it strongly, whether it's an atheist view, or a Christian view, or a Muslim view, whatever, then it's very hard to let go and I think it's so important to try to foster dialogue.
- Andrew B. Newberg
Collection: Christian
Image of Mikhail Bakunin
Mr. Marx does not believe in God, but he believes deeply in himself. His heart is filled not with love but with rancor. He has very little benevolence toward men and becomes... furious and... spiteful... when anyone dares question the omniscience of the divinity whom he adores, that is to say, Mr. Marx himself.
- Mikhail Bakunin
Collection: Christian
Image of Lewis H. Lapham
Rumors and reports of man's relation with animals are the world's oldest news stories, headlined in the stars of the zodiac, posted on the walls of prehistoric caves, inscribed in the languages of Egyptian myth, Greek philosophy, Hindu religion, Christian art, our own DNA. Belonging within the circle of mankind's intimate acquaintance ... constant albeit speechless companions, they supplied energies fit to be harnessed or roasted.
- Lewis H. Lapham
Collection: Christian
Image of Karin Tidbeck
My early stories revolved around reality and faith. I wrote a series of stories about the darker aspects of Christian myth: a woman who hides in the attic and watches the Apocalypse, a cult whose members preserve themselves in huge formalin tubs waiting for the Second Coming, and so on.
- Karin Tidbeck
Collection: Christian
Image of Bassam Tibi
In Islam tolerance means that Christians and Jews are allowed to live under the protection of Muslims but never as citizens with the same rights. What Muslims call tolerance is nothing other than discrimination.
- Bassam Tibi
Collection: Christian
Image of C. Everett Koop
In thirty-five years of medicine I have never seen one case where abortion was necessary to save a mother's life.
- C. Everett Koop
Collection: Christian
Image of Steve Trotter
I'm a big believer in the Christian faith. I don't push it on anyone, though.
- Steve Trotter
Collection: Christian
Image of Austin Dillon
Faith is huge and I am a proud Christian. I think it would be difficult to have a career like the one we have without having faith.
- Austin Dillon
Collection: Christian
Image of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha
Christians and Jews go after those who have access to raw materials but who prevent access to them. Oil is the best example. The US and its allies are constantly intervening in countries where they don't belong only to defend their prosperity. We aren't fighting because we are greedy and selfish, rather we are fighting for values and morals.
- Abdul Sattar Abu Risha
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen Baldwin
For me, I've never been too concerned of what people think of me, so now as the youngest Baldwin brother in Hollywood making movies while simultaneously being a charismatic evangelical born again Christian who's an evangelist - that's a pretty crazy combination. But early on in my walk of faith I said a very personal prayer and made a commitment to God. I said if you reveal yourself to me in a way that is more thrilling and powerful and exciting than anything I've experience thus far, then I'll go anywhere and do whatever you want. And that can be very tough.
- Stephen Baldwin
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen Baldwin
I know a lot of Christians who have been in ministry and walked away from it because the pressure can be too great. And there's a lot of Christians who at the same time would say like well why does God do [certain things]. What I found is Christians regardless of whatever their experience is who trust God more and learn to go through those moments of challenge and persevere. Usually the end result is an experience and interaction with the Holy Spirit that's greater than it was previously. And for me, there is no pursuit that I desire or enjoy more than that interaction.
- Stephen Baldwin
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen Baldwin
I definitely think that since I've become born again, if you understand in the supernatural realm the spiritual warfare that goes on everyday, I've had far greater challenges on a personal level than before I became a Christian.
- Stephen Baldwin
Collection: Christian
Image of Matt Cullen
Christian guys had a reputation for being soft or not being tough enough to play the game. But every chapel we've had, our team fighter has been in there. Stu Grimson is very outspoken. Dan Bylsma, the head coach at Pittsburgh, was one guy that really helped me a lot.
- Matt Cullen
Collection: Christian
Image of Jay Haizlip
I have always known that, because God so miraculously rescued me that he would also use me. God always uses the unqualified to fulfill his commission. This ensures that no man can take credit. God likes those of us that are pulled from the depths of sin and anoints us to do the same for others. We are those who have the testimony that begins with.... "If it had not been for Jesus!"
- Jay Haizlip
Collection: Christian
Image of C. Sommerville
In the years of the Roman Republic, before the Christian era, Roman education was meant to produce those character traits that would make the ideal family man. Children were taught primarily to be good to their families. To revere gods, one's parents, and the laws of the state were the primary lessons for Roman boys. Cicero described the goal of their child rearing as "self- control, combined with dutiful affection to parents, and kindliness to kindred.
- C. Sommerville
Collection: Christian
Image of Tom Gjelten
A similar move is underway in the British Parliament. Earlier this month, more than 30 religious leaders and scholars wrote Secretary of State John Kerry asking for a meeting to discuss what's happening to Christians and other minorities. Nina Shea organized the effort.
- Tom Gjelten
Collection: Christian
Image of Tom Gjelten
And the pressure to clarify what exactly is happening to Christians and other minorities in the Middle East is certain to intensify in the New Year.
- Tom Gjelten
Collection: Christian
Image of Tom Gjelten
They don't want to feed an ISIS narrative that there is a religious war between Islam and the Christian West, plus genocide is carefully defined under international law.
- Tom Gjelten
Collection: Christian
Image of Tom Gjelten
When ISIS last year called for the destruction of the Yazidi people, President Obama said that would constitute genocide and he ordered U.S. forces to keep it from happening. Human rights advocates say Christians now face a similar threat Nina Shea directs the Center for Religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute.
- Tom Gjelten
Collection: Christian
Image of Tom Gjelten
Holocaust Museum said ISIS has carried out genocide against the Yazidis, but its investigation did not cover Christian persecution. Now there's concern the U.S. State Department might do the same, limiting any genocide pronouncement to Yazidis without mentioning Christians.
- Tom Gjelten
Collection: Christian
Image of Matt Diaz
We Christians sometimes think we need a plan for evangelism. I don't think Jesus had an evangelism plan. I think He just interacted with the people He came into contact with.
- Matt Diaz
Collection: Christian
Image of Cristian Machado
I think there's a lot of great beliefs in the Buddhist religion, I think there's a lot of great beliefs in the Christian religion, I think there's a lot of great beliefs in no religion. It just depends on how you feel on the inside.
- Cristian Machado
Collection: Christian
Image of Gilles Kepel
Muslim citizens should never be classified according to their creed, origin, ancestry or culture. After all, I don't define my political or social position by reference to the Christian faith.
- Gilles Kepel
Collection: Christian
Image of Rula Jebreal
You start questioning yourself: Who am I? Where do I belong? Where am I going? Why is my city divided? Why are we not allowed to enter in certain areas? We used to ask my father why the Christians lived in another neighborhood and didn’t come to our neighborhood. I think my father was trying to avoid having us think about these issues.
- Rula Jebreal
Collection: Christian
Image of John Middendorf
Christians are guilty of the notion that there was a time when people were required to live by the mosaic law, I just don't know that ever was the case.
- John Middendorf
Collection: Christian
Image of Florence King
Any hope that America would finally grow up vanished with the rise of fundamentalist Christianity. Fundamentalism, with its born-again regression, its pink-and-gold concept of heaven, its literal-mindedness, its rambunctious good cheer... its anti-intellectualism... its puerile hymns... and its faith-healing... are made to order for King Kid America.
- Florence King
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Lindbergh
Unless science is controlled by a greater moral force, it will become the Antichrist prophesied by the early Christians.
- Charles Lindbergh
Collection: Christian