Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 64

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Image of Judith Hayes
As Christians try to force prayer into public schools, they often settle for a 'moment of silence.' But that supposedly innocuous 'moment of silence' is a deafening roar to a nonbeliever.
- Judith Hayes
Collection: Christian
Image of Kwasi Kwarteng
Mecca has been banned for Christians for hundreds of years.
- Kwasi Kwarteng
Collection: Christian
Image of Shahbaz Bhatti
I made it clear that I will consider - this is the important phrase I am trying to say - myself most fortunate if Jesus Christ will accept the sacrifice of my blood to raise the voice for the justice and rights of the persecuted and victimized Christians and other minorities in Pakistan.
- Shahbaz Bhatti
Collection: Christian
Image of Shahbaz Bhatti
There's no definition of blasphemy in this law. Then this only protects the one religion, whether we agree or not. I as a Christian believe we don't need any law to protect Jesus Christ because the law cannot protect the respect of Jesus Christ. The heart and mind are the ones that can protect and give respect to Christ.
- Shahbaz Bhatti
Collection: Christian
Image of Shahbaz Bhatti
But when General Ziaul Haq introduced the strict blasphemy - 295 A, B, C - of Pakistan's penal code, then from 1986 to today there are hundreds cases that are registered under the protection of blasphemy law. And until today, no case against any minorities, and especially Christians, is proved in the higher court. The lower court would order punishment but the higher court would always acquit people. So it proves that this law is being used as a tool of victimization against minorities and innocent people of Pakistan.
- Shahbaz Bhatti
Collection: Christian
Image of Tripp York
Basically, you know, write the book you want to read, be the band you want to hear, grow the food you want to eat, create the world you want to live in, and so on and so on. I think this translates well for how Christians should approach their present-day situation where the current goal of most everyone, Christian or not, seems to be to procure power.
- Tripp York
Collection: Christian
Image of Rebecca Hamilton
Every indication is that the Sudanese government will be defining it as an Arab, Muslim country. But there are also a lot of Christians and a lot of people, like the Nuba, who are not Arab. And that is why it is going to be problematic that Sudan will be defined in this way.
- Rebecca Hamilton
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Scanlon
The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees.
- Michael Scanlon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Chilton Moore
Fifteen hundred years ago, Constantine, who murdered his own wife and children, started the Christian religion.
- Charles Chilton Moore
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert Hood
What people need to see is this openness, not this church that is so built on structure and religious order that you can't be free and worship God and have a good time because we're so caught up in condemnation, 'I can't say this I can't wear this I can't do this because of this perception of what a Christian is and is not'. It's not about that. God says 'come as you are'.
- Robert Hood
Collection: Christian
Image of Preston Manning
During his long political career, my father was always active in communicating the Christian gospel from the evangelical perspective.
- Preston Manning
Collection: Christian
Image of Reese Roper
Christian musicians today, minus about ten bands, have never had to fight to be accepted or heard like general market bands have to make a living. It's just overlooked that the Christian market is safer and more lucrative, but requires musicianship that applies to the lowest common denominator.
- Reese Roper
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Totten
Just a few thousand Hezbollah fighters set two countries on fire all by themselves. Don't discount what bloody mayhem and hell a few thousand armed Druze, Christians, and Sunni can do if they decide to go hunting Shia in revenge for destroying their country.
- Michael Totten
Collection: Christian
Image of Dominic Balli
I think all of us would agree that a lot of Christian radio sounds the same. A lot of music that comes out of Nashville kind of has a little bit of the same vibe. Because I don't live in Nashville, I surround myself with a culture and an influence that's outside that bubble. So when the church hears it, it's refreshing, and when the world hears it, it sounds like something they want to listen to.
- Dominic Balli
Collection: Christian
Image of Dominic Balli
I don't write for Christians. I write for people. I write so that if a Christian hears my music, they're going to be encouraged because I'm writing from the Christian worldview.
- Dominic Balli
Collection: Christian
Image of Mohammad Marandi
In general, Iranians believe that all Palestinians have the right to return home and that there is no chosen people on this earth, whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian. Iran had the same policy towards apartheid South Africa and at the time when it was supporting and funding the ANC [African National Congress] among other groups in South Africa, these groups were also considered to be terrorist organizations by many western governments.
- Mohammad Marandi
Collection: Christian
Image of Melissa Gira Grant
When I interviewed the evangelical Christian youth group who were protesting the Village Voice, I wanted them to feel they could freely tell me things like, "Did you know that 90 percent of prostitutes don't want to be doing it?" Is that unfair? That's sort of an invisible privilege for me.
- Melissa Gira Grant
Collection: Christian
Image of Aviv Alush
I've met a lot of people who are Christian, and they are all very loving, they love the idea that I am Jewish and from Israel. I think they are a little bit excited that I am Jewish from Israel who plays Jesus in The Snack. I can't explain it. But I think because Jesus was a Jew!
- Aviv Alush
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony Macias
God teaches you to forgive people when they mistreat you. That's something that we have to do as Christians, as children of God. It's very hard to do. It's very, very hard. When someone lies on you, when someone tries to ruin your reputation, because everyone knows what kind of person I am.
- Anthony Macias
Collection: Christian
Image of Horst Seehofer
For people who must fear for their lives because of their religion or political convictions, the protection provided by Article 16a of the German constitution, the right to asylum, applies. Nobody is questioning that. Irrespective of that, there is immigration that must be regulated, to bring skilled personnel to Germany, for example. We have to establish criteria for that. Their affiliation with the Christian-Western culture should be one of them.
- Horst Seehofer
Collection: Christian
Image of Jean Leloup
If you are a Buddhist, inspire yourself by thinking of the bodhisattva. If you are a Christian, think of the Christ, who came not to be served by others but to serve them in joy, in peace, and in generosity. For these things, these are not mere words, but acts, which go all the way, right up to their last breath. Even their death is a gift, and resurrection is born from this kind of death. (157)
- Jean Leloup
Collection: Christian
Image of Tamer Nafar
I wouldn't be surprised or shocked if, 10 years from now or 20 years from now, Muslims or Christians or non-Jews will be scared to reveal their religion, and they will be walking without - just, you know, hiding their religion. And that's where Israel is heading to.
- Tamer Nafar
Collection: Christian
Image of Andrea Leadsom
I made very clear at the time that the love of same sex couples is every bit as valuable as that of opposite sex couples but nevertheless my view actually is that marriage in the biblical sense is very clearly from the many many Christians who wrote to me on the subject in their opinion can only be between a man and a woman.
- Andrea Leadsom
Collection: Christian
Image of Andrea Leadsom
I absolutely am a Christian and I am very proud of it.
- Andrea Leadsom
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
[John] Calvin's Institutes is often called a summary of Christian piety. You can't say that about many modern works of theology. You can say it of Calvin.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
The best Reformed theology isn't just about careful arguments for theologically sophisticated conclusions. It is about how to live the Christian life.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
I think everyone who has an interest in Reformed theology, or just in Christian theology more generally, should read John Calvin Institutes.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
The atonement chapter [from the book Saving Calvinism] shows how there are real riches in Reformed theology that most Christians today have no idea about.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
There are constraints on what counts as "Reformed." It's more than a name or a label. It's about belonging to a particular theological stream or tradition, which is shaped in important respects by particular thinkers and their work, particular arguments and ideas, a particular community (especially, particular church communities, denominations, and so on), particular liturgies or ways of worshipping and living out the Christian life, and particular confessions that inform the practices of these communities.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
No confession is inerrant; Reformed Christians are supposed to be those who seek to be constantly reformed according to the Word of God - and that includes our confessions as well.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul S. Kemp
I try to pester Christian Dunn from time to time. As soon as my schedule allows, I plan to make a real pest of myself and get some hot, slippery Chaos action.
- Paul S. Kemp
Collection: Christian
Image of George Pattison
It seems that just Being, the sheer fact of existence, that there is something rather than nothing, already inspires a wonder akin to religion. But - as in my comment about the Kingdom of God in the last answer - Jewish and Christian traditions are also prepared to challenge what 'is' for the sake of what could be.
- George Pattison
Collection: Christian
Image of Harriet Martineau
I certainly had no idea how little faith Christians have in their own faith till I saw how ill their courage and temper can stand any attack on it.
- Harriet Martineau
Collection: Christian
Image of Harriet Martineau
My own feeling of concern arises from seeing how much moral injury and suffering is created by the superstitions of the Christian mythology.
- Harriet Martineau
Collection: Christian
Image of Hutch Harris
I'd like to believe there are people who are good, I know there are good Christians and good people from every faith who just want what's best for humanity.
- Hutch Harris
Collection: Christian
Image of Karl Barth
Christian worship is the most momentous, most urgent, most glorious action that can take place in human life.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Christian
Image of Peter van Agtmael
At first Disco Night wasn't meant to be a book, although I'm always thinking about that in the back of my mind. It started off as a series of exploratory road trips that I was doing with Christian Hansen, who I dedicated the book to.
- Peter van Agtmael
Collection: Christian
Image of Marcus Eremita
Every affliction tests our will, showing whether it is inclined to good or evil. That is why an unforeseen affliction is called a test, because it enables a man to test his hidden desires.
- Marcus Eremita
Collection: Christian
Image of Gustav Mahler
That which draws us by its mystical force; what every created thing, even the very stones, feels with absolute certainty as the center of its being... is the force of love. Christians call this "eternal blessedness." It is a necessity of man for growth and joy.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Christian
Image of Diana L. Eck
My whole worldview has changed because of the work that I do. Specifically, the way in which I appropriate my own faith as a Christian, and the way in which I think about the faith and life of others who are very different than myself. That mutuality of regard is how we deal with difference and diversity in the world.
- Diana L. Eck
Collection: Christian
Image of Diana L. Eck
Those are big challenges in our age, not just how we live as co-citizens in societies with people of different faiths and different cultures - I mean, that's a big challenge itself - but how we think about all that as Christians, or as Jews, or as Muslims, or as Hindus. How do we think about the religious other? There's a theological dimension as well as a civic dimension to our pluralism.
- Diana L. Eck
Collection: Christian
Image of Diana L. Eck
There's still plenty of people who have this deep conviction that America is a Christian country and ought to say so in its Constitution, etc. But that's not the legal basis on which we're framed. So the flourishing of religion, of religious diversity, is really built into who we are.
- Diana L. Eck
Collection: Christian
Image of Mike Berenstain
My father was from a secular Jewish family and my mother from a nominally Christian (Episcopalian) one. They were not religious as adults. They did, however, believe in educating their children about the Bible. They viewed this as an essential part of any education.
- Mike Berenstain
Collection: Christian
Image of Mike Berenstain
I was influenced by my children's education in Quaker schools in the Philadelphia area. I experienced a spiritual awakening and became a Christian, was baptized, and joined a church.
- Mike Berenstain
Collection: Christian
Image of Joel Madden
My mom is Christian, and she wouldn't let us listen to rock music. So me and my brother, we had this tape player with head phones, and we locked ouselves in the pantry. We were fighting over the headphones, sitting in the dark pantry listening to Metallica.
- Joel Madden
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen M. Miller
There are plenty of Christian writers out there telling people what they should think. I'm happy to be one of the Christian writers simply telling people to think. For themselves.
- Stephen M. Miller
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen M. Miller
I write for people who aren't Christians. I write for non, new, and nominal Christians who are curious about the Bible and Christianity. They're like New York City. If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere. If I can write a book about the Bible that's engaging enough to attract people who aren't even Christians, I'm betting Christians will want to read it, too.
- Stephen M. Miller
Collection: Christian
Image of Brennan Manning
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.
- Brennan Manning
Collection: Christian
Image of Benjamin Clementine
I was very rebellious, but my family was strict Christians - they would ask us, "What's the shortest verse in the Bible?" and I was the one who always said "John 11:35" straightaway. It stayed with me, the Bible has stayed with me.
- Benjamin Clementine
Collection: Christian