Gilles Kepel

Image of Gilles Kepel
The Americans view the democratization of the Middle East as the route to peace.
- Gilles Kepel
Collection: Views
Image of Gilles Kepel
To militant Islamists, the expulsion of the Soviets was just the prelude to purging the entire Islamic world of infidels.
- Gilles Kepel
Collection: Islamic
Image of Gilles Kepel
Muslim citizens should never be classified according to their creed, origin, ancestry or culture. After all, I don't define my political or social position by reference to the Christian faith.
- Gilles Kepel
Collection: Christian
Image of Gilles Kepel
In the Arab mindset, democratization may not be an exclusively negative term. But it's associated closely with American policies and the occupation of Iraq.
- Gilles Kepel
Collection: Iraq