Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 63

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 63 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Brian Bird
My work is never perfect. It always can be better but I just believe that we need to achieve a really high level of excellence. I don't believe in the "Good Enough" principle as a Christian.
- Brian Bird
Collection: Christian
Image of C. S. Lewis
A Christian is not someone who never goes wrong, but one who is enabled to repent and pick himself up and begin again, because the Christ-life is inside him.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Christian
Image of Eric Liddell
Many of us are missing something in life because we are after the second best, I put before you what I have found to be the best - one who is worthy of all our devotion - Jesus Christ. He is the Saviour for the young and the old. Lord, here I am
- Eric Liddell
Collection: Christian
Image of Eric Liddell
As Christians, I challenge you. Have a great aim - have a high standard - make Jesus your ideal...make Him an ideal not merely to be admired but also to be followed.
- Eric Liddell
Collection: Christian
Image of Irving Kristol
The danger facing American Jews today is not that Christians want to persecute them but that Christians want to marry them.
- Irving Kristol
Collection: Christian
Image of Hans Urs von Balthasar
It is to the Cross that the Christian is challenged to follow his Master: no path of redemption can make a detour around it.
- Hans Urs von Balthasar
Collection: Christian
Image of Hans Urs von Balthasar
Only the Christian religion, which in its essence is communicated by the eternal child of God, keeps alive in its believers the lifelong awareness of their being children, and therefore of having to ask and give thanks for things.
- Hans Urs von Balthasar
Collection: Christian
Image of Willigis Jager
Christian literature makes reference to many episodes that parallel the experiences of those going a yogic way. Saint Anthony, one of the first desert mystics, frequently encountered strange and sometimes terrifying psychophysical forces while at prayer.
- Willigis Jager
Collection: Christian
Image of Honore de Balzac
Events are never absolute, their outcome depends entirely upon the individual. Misfortune is a stepping stone for a genius, a piscina for a Christian, a treasure for a man of parts, and an abyss for a weakling.
- Honore de Balzac
Collection: Christian
Image of Judith Herrin
The episcopal church was destined, inevitably, to grow further and further away from the Christian teaching of poverty and denial of worldly goods. It became more like an additional arm of secular administration.
- Judith Herrin
Collection: Christian
Image of Judith Herrin
A whole range of activities remained largely unregulated, spontaneously generating separate forms of organisation, and existing independently of any consecrated 'official' To overlook the extent of private initiative would be to ignore a major impulse to early Christian expansion. In homes, whole families adopted a style of life modelled on the Apostles.
- Judith Herrin
Collection: Christian
Image of Mari Boine
I always wanted to sing, I always loved to sing. As a child I was singing all the time, and my parents were singing all the time, but not the traditional songs because they were very Christian; the Christian Sámis learnt from the missionaries and the priests that the traditional songs were from the Devil, so they didn't teach them to their children, but they were singing the Christian hymns all the time. So I think I got my musical education in this way. And of course the traditional songs were always under the hymns, because it doesn't just disappear, the traditional way of singing.
- Mari Boine
Collection: Christian
Image of Cory Bernardi
Fear is not at the heart of Christianity nor of our nation. The very essence of Christian faith lies in forgiveness. Christians believe that Jesus died so we may live. He took upon himself our sins so that we may be forgiven and thereby gave us a model of forgiveness for others. This is a cycle that allows civility and progress in the face of man's faults and imperfectability.
- Cory Bernardi
Collection: Christian
Image of David Livingstone
Sympathy is no substitute for action.
- David Livingstone
Collection: Christian
Image of David Livingstone
Do not think me mad. It is not to make money that I believe a Christian should live. The noblest thing a man can do is, just humbly to receive, and then go amongst others and give.
- David Livingstone
Collection: Christian
Image of Walter Kasper
Europe sees itself as a liberal-minded society. It has no desire to be, nor can it be, a "Christian club.
- Walter Kasper
Collection: Christian
Image of Walter Kasper
The fundamental issue, when it comes to Europe's future, will be whether and how we manage to transfer the ideals that once made Europe great - especially its Christian roots - into today's changed world. No one wants to return to the Middle Ages.
- Walter Kasper
Collection: Christian
Image of Walter Kasper
The religious wars showed that the Christian faith was no longer Europe's unifying force. A new common ground was needed, and it was found in reason, which is something that is shared by all of mankind. This was one of the roots of the Enlightenment and its concept of universal human rights.
- Walter Kasper
Collection: Christian
Image of Walter Kasper
The scientific and societal achievements of the modern age are undisputable. But after the French Revolution, modernity increasingly emancipated itself from Christian roots, thereby becoming rootless itself.
- Walter Kasper
Collection: Christian
Image of Mary Todd Lincoln
Mr. Lincoln's maxim and philosophy were: 'What is to be, will be, and no prayers of ours can arrest the decree.' He never joined any Church. He was a religious man always, I think, but was not a technical Christian.
- Mary Todd Lincoln
Collection: Christian
Image of Mary Todd Lincoln
My husband is not a Christian but is a religious man, I think.
- Mary Todd Lincoln
Collection: Christian
Image of Len Smith
Why is it that we have a tendency to lazily assume other Christians have been the kind of dedicated, motivated, responsible, knowledgeable experts on Bible doctrines that we have never cared enough to become?
- Len Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Shia LaBeouf
I became a Christian man in a very real way. I could have just said the prayers that were on the page, but it was a real thing that really saved me. And you can't identify unless you're really going through it. It's a full-blown exchange of heart, a surrender of control.
- Shia LaBeouf
Collection: Christian
Image of Alphonsus Liguori
Those who say the Rosary daily and wear the Brown Scapular and who do a little more, will go straight to Heaven.
- Alphonsus Liguori
Collection: Christian
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Christian
Image of Kevin Grevioux
Just looking at me, I am a Black man. Born and bred, through and through. But I am also a lot of things. I am a father. I am a husband. I am a Christian. I am a comic book geek and I'm a creator.
- Kevin Grevioux
Collection: Christian
Image of Camille Henrot
In fact, the underlying principle of the baroque is the idea of transformation, of movement, and animals becoming man, and man becoming animals, and mythology. It was a way to inspire pre-Christian character.
- Camille Henrot
Collection: Christian
Image of Karen Kingsbury
It's not how we fall that defines us as Christians. It's how we get up again.
- Karen Kingsbury
Collection: Christian
Image of SpaceGhostPurrp
I was born a Christian, but I became an atheist back in high school because I just started losing faith. I'd lost my brother and best friend, Nadarius. I couldn't get a job. But I do feel like there is a higher power now, and it's inside of me.
- SpaceGhostPurrp
Collection: Christian
Image of Arthur Balfour
Why can't the Jews and the Arabs just sit down together and settle this like good Christians?
- Arthur Balfour
Collection: Christian
Image of Jim Hamilton
I was drunk: Christian and drunk. They just don't go together. But that's what happened. And the next day, obviously God had honored those prayers and healed me of alcoholism.
- Jim Hamilton
Collection: Christian
Image of Davone Bess
I am a Christian. I believe in God. I believe in Christ. Everybody is entitled to their own religion and their own opinion. I'm not saying I'm perfect and that I don't make mistakes. But I do believe in a higher power.
- Davone Bess
Collection: Christian
Image of Mosab Hassan Yousef
The god of Islam tells his people, "Beat your wife. Go kill infidels. Go Kill Christians and Jews." This is in the Koran; it has been for 1400 years. Their god tells them to kill everybody who doesn't believe in the god of the Koran.
- Mosab Hassan Yousef
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul McGuire
Concerning anti-Christian Bigotry, the mass media in our nation relentlessly attack anything that even remotely champions morality or Judeo-Christian values.
- Paul McGuire
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul McGuire
Concerning persecution against Christians in America, for those who say it can't happen here - it is already happening here in America. Christians are being increasingly persecuted for their beliefs and bold stand for Jesus Christ.
- Paul McGuire
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul McGuire
In our nation a new and insidious form of religious hatred is developing. I believe there is an attempt to create hatred in the public mind toward orthodox Christians, Jews, and Catholics. It is being implemented by the mass media.
- Paul McGuire
Collection: Christian
Image of Jacques Maritain
A true Christian is a man who never for a moment forgets what God has done for him in Christ and whose whole comportment and whose activity have their root in the sentiment of gratitude.
- Jacques Maritain
Collection: Christian
Image of DJ Ashba
I was born into a very religious family with no TVs and a very strict Episcopal Christian religion. Music was my outlet and more of my therapy than anything, but yeah, it was the one thing in life that I've had, art and music.
- DJ Ashba
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony B Pinn
What we ought to be trying to do is limit the harm that Christian communities and other religious communities can do. But we can't rely on them to make a world of difference. It's just not going to happen.
- Anthony B Pinn
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony B Pinn
The key figure in the Christian faith involves a story of suffering so that others do well. You're only going to get so much liberation, you're only going to get so much transformation, from a system that is based on suffering.
- Anthony B Pinn
Collection: Christian
Image of Ilya Ponomarev
Generally, Putin thinks of himself as Christian. I don't think he is, but he pretends to think that he is. In terms of his ideology he's more like Bush Jr. But he's less ideological. He's thinking more, 'How to stay in power?'
- Ilya Ponomarev
Collection: Christian
Image of Kevin Roose
If I had to guess, I'd estimate that 9 out of 10 Liberty students come to Christian college on their own, with no pressure from their parents or religious leaders. A lot of the students came from secular high schools, and for them, Liberty is a place where they can practice their faith freely without feeling ostracized or mocked.
- Kevin Roose
Collection: Christian
Image of Kevin Roose
I love being prayed for! I know that sounds strange, and I've had people ask me if I'm offended when Liberty students pray for me, since they're (usually) praying that I'll see the light and become a born-again Christian. But there's no malice behind it. They simply believe that unsaved people are in trouble, spiritually, and they want to make sure I'm safe from damnation. In a way, given their beliefs about the afterlife, it'd be mean for them NOT to pray for my salvation.
- Kevin Roose
Collection: Christian
Image of Leon V. DePoncins
The final goal of world revolution is not socialism, or even communism, it is not a change in the present economic system, it is not the destruction of civilization in a material sense. The revolution desired by the leaders is moral and spiritual, it is an anarchy of ideas in which all the bases established nineteen centuries ago shall be overthrown, all the honored traditions trodden under foot, and, above all, the Christian ideal finally obliterated.
- Leon V. DePoncins
Collection: Christian
Image of Eugene Green
The information that was contained in a cathedral was based upon a common culture - a common Christian culture - and the elements were chosen for a common symbolic meaning. Someone who knew everything that was represented in a cathedral had a sort of encyclopedia - you can indeed call it that - but it was a selective encyclopedia, like encyclopedias back when they were books and the people writing them were supposed to be specialists in their field. I think today the problem is that people don't know how to choose between different kinds of information.
- Eugene Green
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert B. Seidensticker
Beyond the earliest days of the religion, early Christians were believers because they'd been converted, not because they were witnesses to supernatural events, just like today. The 9/11 hijackers believed in Paradise for martyrs, but that doesn't mean that that's true. We have no good reason to imagine that eyewitnesses wrote the gospels rather than someone simply documenting the Jesus story as it had developed within their church community.
- Robert B. Seidensticker
Collection: Christian
Image of Max Lucado
Be patient. God is using today's difficulties to strengthen you for tomorrow. He is equipping you. The God who makes things grow will help you bear fruit.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Christian
Image of Max Lucado
God gives us people to love and things to use, not things to love and people to use.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Christian
Image of Max Lucado
You may go days without thinking of God, but there's never a moment when He's not thinking of you.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Christian