Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more christian quotes.

Image of St. Jerome
The Church of Christ has been founded by shedding its own blood, not that of others; by enduring outrage, not by inflicting it. Persecutions have made it grow; martyrdoms have crowned it.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Arnold Epstein
Coin matching and finger flashing were among the first formal games to arise in the history of gambling. The class of Morra games extends back to the pre-Christian era, although not until comparatively recent times have game-theoretic solutions been derived.
- Richard Arnold Epstein
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Keyes
Christians belong in American politics because there is not and cannot be a fundamental separation between our moral vocation and our citizenship.
- Alan Keyes
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Keyes
When are Christian folks going to remember that every time you call yourself a Christian, you invoke the name of God, and that if you then walk a walk that does not reflect the presence of Christ in your life, cast a vote that does not reflect the presence of Christ in your life, then you are taking the name of the Lord your God in vain?
- Alan Keyes
Collection: Christian
Image of Mikhail Kalashnikov
My spiritual pain is unbearable. I keep having the same unsolved question: if my rifle claimed people's lives, then can it be that I a Christian and an Orthodox believer, was to blame for their deaths?
- Mikhail Kalashnikov
Collection: Christian
Image of Charlie Louvin
My buddies tell me that I should have waited. They say I'm missing a whole world of fun. But I am happy and I sing with pride. I like the Christian life.
- Charlie Louvin
Collection: Christian
Image of Joseph R. Bartlett
When a pagan race comes in contact with a Christian race, they are converted, absorbed, or exterminated.
- Joseph R. Bartlett
Collection: Christian
Image of H. Wayne House
As the United States drifts from its Judeo-Christian foundation and as the state becomes ever more pervasive in American life, government could ultimately insist on full allegiance from the people, an allegiance belonging only to God.
- H. Wayne House
Collection: Christian
Image of H. Wayne House
Critics often point to historical issues such as slavery, upon which many Christians did act inconsistently, in an effort to invalidate Christian participation in contemporary social issues.
- H. Wayne House
Collection: Christian
Image of H. Wayne House
The Christian principles on which the country was primarily founded are rarely consulted other than for formalities of state, derision, or for the purpose of contrasts in the making of new laws.
- H. Wayne House
Collection: Christian
Image of John Maus
There's love and there's romantic love. The Greeks had different words for different kinds of love. And we just got "love." I don't know what you would call the other kinds - maybe brotherly love, Christian love, the love of Saint Francis, love of everyone and everything. Then there's romantic love, which, by and large, is a pain in the ass, a kind of trauma.
- John Maus
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose of Optina
If you find that you have no love but desire to have it, do the works of love and the Lord will see your desire and effort and put love in your heart.
- Ambrose of Optina
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose of Optina
God Himself heals the proud. This means that inner sorrows (by which pride is healed) are sent to us by God, for the proud man will not suffer anything from others. But the humble person will endure everything, and will always say, 'I deserve this.'
- Ambrose of Optina
Collection: Christian
Image of Lloyd Billingsley
People in the church should not accept the notion that the public square is off limits to religious values.
- Lloyd Billingsley
Collection: Christian
Image of Lloyd Billingsley
One can't imagine a Hollywood film whose entire purpose was to ridicule, say, homosexual activists, feminists, animal rights crusaders, or environmentalists. That would be blasphemy. Hollywood understands that religious people, particularly Christians, are the last group in America besides businessmen who may be defamed with impunity.
- Lloyd Billingsley
Collection: Christian
Image of Garrison Keillor
The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons. ... Republicans: The No. 1 reason the rest of the world thinks we're deaf, dumb, and dangerous.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Alexander Durivage
There are some professed Christians who would gladly burn their enemies, but yet who forgive them merely because it is heaping coals of fire on their heads.
- Francis Alexander Durivage
Collection: Christian
Image of Samir Selmanovic
So herein lies the choice for those of us who are Christians. We can either stay within the Christianity we have mastered with the Jesus we have domesticated, or we can leave Christianity as a destination, embrace Christianity as a way of life, and then journey to reality, where God is present and living in every person, every human community, and all creation.
- Samir Selmanovic
Collection: Christian
Image of Samir Selmanovic
The emerging church movement has come to believe that the ultimate context of the spiritual aspirations of a follower of Jesus Christ is not Christianity but rather the kingdom of God. ... to believe that God is limited to it would be an attempt to manage God. If one holds that Christ is confined to Christianity, one has chosen a god that is not sovereign. Soren Kierkegaard argued that the moment one decides to become a Christian, one is liable to idolatry.
- Samir Selmanovic
Collection: Christian
Image of Tilden Edwards
It is such an innocent, intuitively discerning mind that helps make the Eastern guru and the Desert Abba "master". Where intimate Source radiates among non-Christians then surely we must be dealing with the "other sheep" manifesting the cosmic Christ.
- Tilden Edwards
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
You are to think of yourself as only existing in this world to do God's will. To think that you are your own is as absurd as to think you are self-created. It is an obvious first principle that you belong completely to God.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
We must alter our lives in order to alter our hearts, for it is impossible to live one way and pray another.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Now if you will stop here and ask yourself why you are not as pious as the primitive Christians were, your own heart will tell you that it is neither through ignorance nor inability, but purely because you never thoroughly intended it.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
The greatest saint in the world is not he who prays most or fasts most; it is not he who gives alms, or is most eminent for temperance, chastity or justice. It is he who is most thankful to God.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
From morning to night keep Jesus in thy heart, long for nothing, desire nothing, hope for nothing but to have all that is within thee changed into the spirit and temper of the holy Jesus.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
When therefore the first spark of a desire after God arises in thy soul, cherish it with all thy care, give all thy heart into it; it is nothing less than a touch of the divine loadstone, that is to draw thee out of the vanity of time, into the riches of eternity.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Perfection does not consist in any singular state or condition of life, or in any particular set of duties, but in holy and religious conduct of ourselves in every state of Life.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Feasts and business and pleasure and enjoyments seem great things to us, whilst we think of nothing else; but as soon as we add death to them they all sink into an equal littleness.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Self is the root, the tree, and the branches of all the evils of our fallen state.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Nothing harms or destroys us but the wrong use of that liberty of choice which God has entrusted to us.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Read whatever chapter of scripture you will, and be ever so delighted with it - yet it will leave you as poor, as empty and unchanged as it found you unless it has turned you wholly and solely to the Spirit of God, and brought you into full union with and dependence upon him.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of William Law
Wherever thou goest, whatever thou dost at home, or abroad, in the field, or at church, do all in a desire of union with Christ, in imitation of His tempers and inclinations, and look upon all as nothing, but that which exercises, and increases the spirit and life of Christ in thy soul.
- William Law
Collection: Christian
Image of Artie Lange
I want to see Toby Maguire fight Christian Bale.
- Artie Lange
Collection: Christian
Image of Yves Saint Laurent
I tried to show that fashion is an art. For that, I followed the counsel of my master Christian Dior and the imperishable lesson of Mademoiselle Chanel. I created for my era and I tried to foresee what tomorrow would be.
- Yves Saint Laurent
Collection: Christian
Image of Mary Rose O'Reilley
When I speak in Christian terms or Buddhist terms I'm simply selecting for the moment a dialect. Christian words for me represent the comforting vocabulary of the place I came from hometown voices saying more than the language itself can convey about how welcome and safe I am what the expectations are and where to find food. Buddhist words come from another dialect from the people over the mountain. I've become pretty fluent in Buddhist it helps me to see my home country differently but it will never be speech I can feel completely at home in.
- Mary Rose O'Reilley
Collection: Christian
Image of Abraham Kuyper
The greatest gift a church can receive is to have a group of families who take their responsibilitie s with such Christian seriousness that they are willing to completely alter their lifestyle to raise up disciples for Jesus Christ.
- Abraham Kuyper
Collection: Christian
Image of Abraham Kuyper
A charity which knows only how to give money is not yet Christian love. You will be free of guilt only when you also give your time, your energy, and your resourcefulness to help end such abuses for good, and when you allow nothing that lies hidden in the storehouse of your Christian religion to remain unused against the cancer that is destroying the vitality of our society in such alarming ways.
- Abraham Kuyper
Collection: Christian
Image of Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
For the Christian tradition, the heart's true home is a life rooted in the love of God. Like Lao-tzu and Dorothy both, Christian wisdom about stability points us toward the true peace that is possible when our spirits are stilled and our feet are planted in a place we know to be holy ground.
- Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
Collection: Christian
Image of Mikhail Lermontov
I love enemies, though not in the Christian way. They amuse me, excite my blood. Being always on one’s guard, catching every glance, the significance of every word, guessing at intentions, frustrating their plots, pretending to be tricked, and suddenly, with a shove, upturning the whole enormous and arduously built edifice of their cunning and schemes—that’s what I call life.
- Mikhail Lermontov
Collection: Christian
Image of Ralph Sarchie
There's an element of realism to it. I immersed myself more in the subject as a young adult. Then I started to get involved with a lot of people that were involved in it, and they would just bring me along basically. And I learned and decided that my Christian charity, what I wanted to do to serve God's will, was to help people that were ensnared by the demonic.
- Ralph Sarchie
Collection: Christian
Image of Ralph Sarchie
Somebody goes to a soup kitchen and serves the hungry, someone goes to a prison and tries to get people to turn their lives around - those are all Christian charities. This is just another charity the way I look at it. I don't look at it as being special or different.
- Ralph Sarchie
Collection: Christian
Image of Kenneth Scott Latourette
- Kenneth Scott Latourette
Collection: Christian
Image of Douglas Pearce
Depending upon their version of Eurocentric Racialism, then 9 times out of 10 I feel very comfortable with it. This is how it's supposed to be. I would like to think the Klu [sic] Klux Klan version isn't included in this. Eurocentrics goes beyond reactionary Christian, political militias. I believe in seizing the end of time, not being a passive part of it.
- Douglas Pearce
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry Cho
Comedy today is definitely skewed to the filthy side, but it's not as hard today as I am more mature as a comedian and a person. I'm a grown up now doing a kid's job. Being a more mature Christian these days makes it easier than when I first started. Now I get to do shows of my choosing and a lot of folks attending the shows know my work and expect a clean show.
- Henry Cho
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hamon
Rapture teaching is one of the most faith deadening teachings ever preached. It has the most neutralizing affect on a Christian's aggressive growth process. We have a lot to do in this Earth and there is going to be a lot of stuff that we need to do in eternity. If you don't have a big comprehensive vision, both restorationally and eternally, then what motivation is there to do much except try to win a few souls to get a big reward in heaven?
- Bill Hamon
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hamon
The whole world will be affected when the apostles and prophets are fully restored. Their supernatural prophetic and apostolic words will signal the rise and fall of many nations and people. They will be instrumental in determining goat and sheep nations so that when Jesus Christ comes He can put the sheep nations on His right and the goat nations on His left. It will not be long until Christians realize the tremendous ways the restoration of prophets and apostles will affect them and the corporate Church.
- Bill Hamon
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hamon
At that time the sons of God will be fully manifested on the earth. Widespread spiritual warfare will result with the Sons of God doing battle with Satan and company, the non-Christian nations of this world will also be defeated. Once the earth has been subdued. Jesus will come back to earth and be given the Kingdom that has been won for Him by this manchild company.
- Bill Hamon
Collection: Christian