Top Cat Quotes Collection - Page 17

Discover a curated collection of Cat quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 17 provides more Cat quotes.

Image of Cassandra Clare
What have you done to my cat?" Magnus demanded... "You drank his blood, didn't you? You said you weren't hungry!" Simon was indignant. "I did not drink his blood. He's fine!" He poked the Chairman in the stomach. The cat yawned. "Second, you asked me if I was hungry when you were ordering pizza, so I said no, because I can't eat pizza. I was being polite." "That doesn't get you the right to eat my cat." "Your cat is fine!" Simon reached to pick up the tabby, who jumped indignantly to his feet and stalked off the table. "See?" "Whatever.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cat
Image of Tavi Gevinson
I always joke that I'd like to be a cat 'cause then I'll have nine lives, and then I can do like everything. But that's really hard.
- Tavi Gevinson
Collection: Cat
Image of Robert Breault
I enjoy many silent moments with my cat, a conversation always resumed exactly where left off.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Bukowski
terror finally becomes almost bearable but never quite terror creeps like a cat crawls like a cat across my mind
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Cat
Image of Barbara Holland
Very few people have no opinions about cats.
- Barbara Holland
Collection: Cat
Image of John Cage
In the dark, all cats are black.
- John Cage
Collection: Cat
Image of Cassandra Clare
The Chairman likes you.” “Is that good?” “I never date anyone my cat doesn’t like,” Magnus said easily, and stood up.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cat
Image of Barbara Holland
Cats vary so widely that all data is meaningless and the professional classifiers gnash their teeth trying to come up with even a single fact common to all.
- Barbara Holland
Collection: Cat
Image of Cassandra Clare
The front door shut, leaving Alec sitting in the half-lit garden, alone. He closed his eyes for a moment, the image of a face hovering behind his lids. Not Jace's face, for a change. The eyes set in the face were green, slit-pupiled. Cat eyes.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cat
Image of Adam Carolla
I am semi-ambivalent about being on camera - sort of low-key. I don't like being on camera stuff that much. I like radio and live performing stuff. I don't like the television stuff as much. Some people do. It takes a certain breed of cat. There is a ton of pressure and you need to read cue cards. I am not a good cue card reader. Being a poor reader was enough to make me not want to do that type of formatted show.
- Adam Carolla
Collection: Cat
Image of Johnny Carson
I heard from my cat's lawyer today; my cat wants $12,000 a week for Tender Vittles.
- Johnny Carson
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Bukowski
That moment - to this ... may be years in the way they measure, but it's only one sentence back in my mind - there are so many days when living stops and pulls up and sits and waits like a train on the rails. I pass the hotel at 8 and at 5; there are cats in the alleys and bottles and bums, and I look up at the window and think, I no longer know where you are, and I walk on and wonder where the living goes when it stops.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Bukowski
and now sometimes I'm interviewed, they want to hear about life and literature and I get drunk and hold up my cross-eyed, shot, runover de-tailed cat and I say,"look, look at this!" but they don't understand, they say something like,"you say you've been influenced by Celine?" no," I hold the cat up,"by what happens, by things like this, by this, by this!
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Cat
Image of Lewis Carroll
she was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off. The Cat only grinned when it saw Alice.
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Cat
Image of Dick Morris
Legislative action will never bring genuine campaign-finance reform. Consultants will prove endlessly inventive in gaming whatever system the reformers can devise so as to give their candidate an edge and allow the power of massive money to be felt. But reform laws will become irrelevant and redundant as the Internet replaces the special-interest fat cats as the best way to raise money and takes the place of TV as the most effective way to get votes.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Cat
Image of P. C. Cast
cats choose us; we don't own them
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Cat
Image of Hank Williams, Jr.
The presidents against Congress, the Senate is against the House, people are against politicians, and I'm against cats in the house.
- Hank Williams, Jr.
Collection: Cat
Image of Lloyd Alexander
He [the cat] liked to peep into the refrigerator and risk having his head shut in by the closing door. He also climbed to the top of the stove, discontinuing the practice after he singed his tail.
- Lloyd Alexander
Collection: Cat
Image of Italo Calvino
The city of cats and the city of men exist one inside the other, but they are not the same city.
- Italo Calvino
Collection: Cat
Image of Lewis Carroll
The Cheshire Cat only grinned when it saw Alice. It looked good-natured, she thought: still it had very long claws and a great many teeth, so she felt it ought to be treated with respect.
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Cat
Image of Lewis Carroll
And how do you know that you're mad?
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Cat
Image of Roger Caras
A cat knows how to be comfortable, how to get the people around it to serve it. In a tranquil domestic situation, the cat is a veritable manipulative genius. It seeks the soft, it seeks the warm, it prefers the quiet and it loves to be full. It displays, when it gets its own way in these matters, a degree of contentment we would all like to emulate.
- Roger Caras
Collection: Cat
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
In the night all cats are gray.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Cat
Image of Don Cheadle
I'm trying to steal from everybody. So yeah, there's cats that I'm personally affiliated with - Carl Franklin, Paul Thomas Anderson - and others that I don't know personally but their work I'm a big admirer of, like Martin Scorsese. But I'm hoping to come up with a language that is mine, that's specific to my take on this material.
- Don Cheadle
Collection: Cat
Image of Louisa May Alcott
But buds will be roses, and kittens, cats - more's the pity.
- Louisa May Alcott
Collection: Cat
Image of J. L. Austin
There are more ways of killing a cat than drowning it in butter; but this is the sort of thing (as the proverb indicates) we overlook: there are more ways of outraging speech than contradiction merely.
- J. L. Austin
Collection: Cat
Image of Truman Capote
But I know what I like.' She smiled, and et the cat drop to the floor. 'It's like Tiffany's,'she said. 'Not that I give a hoot about jewellery. Diamonds, yes. But it's tacky to wear diamonds before you're forty; and even that's risky.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Cat
Image of Ally Carter
'Tell Suzie she's a lucky cat.' Have sexier words ever been spoken?
- Ally Carter
Collection: Cat
Image of William J. Clinton
Only astrophysicists new about the Internet 20 years ago. Today my cat has a website.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Cat
Image of Lewis Carroll
Where should I go?" -Alice. "That depends on where you want to end up." - The Cheshire Cat.
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Cat
Image of Dana Gould
If studies on lab rats are any indication, human beings have a deep-seated fear of a big, scary cat being let into their cage.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Cat
Image of Cassandra Clare
Magnus's eyes went back to Alec. They were gold-green, as unreadable as the eyes of the cat he held on his lap. "Not my favorite topic, Smedley." "Simon", said Simon. "If I'm going to die for you all, the least you could do is remember my name.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cat
Image of George Carlin
A cat will blink when struck with a hammer.
- George Carlin
Collection: Cat
Image of Robert Breault
Psychologists now recognize that the need in some people to have a dozen cats is really a sublimated desire to have two dozen cats.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Cat
Image of Lewis Carroll
It is a very inconvenient habit of kittens (Alice had once made the remark) that whatever you say to them, they always purr.
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Cat
Image of Lenny Bruce
I've talked to biblical cats, and Neanderthals who been here since day one. No one here has even seen the Big Boss. Ever.
- Lenny Bruce
Collection: Cat
Image of Lloyd Alexander
All agreed that Quickset was the cleverest cat in the world. And, since Quickset had the same opinion, it was surely true.
- Lloyd Alexander
Collection: Cat
Image of Lloyd Alexander
The only thing a cat worries about is what's happening right now. As we tell the kittens, you can only wash one paw at a time.
- Lloyd Alexander
Collection: Cat
Image of Francis Galton
The cat is the only non-gregarious domestic animal. It is retained by its extra-ordinary adhesion to the comforts of the house in which it is reared.
- Francis Galton
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Dickens
There wasn't room to swing a cat there.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Horton Cooley
A cat cares for you only as a source of food, security and a place in the sun.
- Charles Horton Cooley
Collection: Cat
Image of Austin O'Malley
If you are ignorant enough, you can walk like a cat on the slippery roof-ridge of danger.
- Austin O'Malley
Collection: Cat
Image of Confucius
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.
- Confucius
Collection: Cat
Image of Sloane Crosley
I was taught that candles are like house cats - domesticated versions of something wild and dangerous. There's no way to know how much of that killer instinct lurks in the darkness. I used to think the house-burning paranoia was the result of some upper-middle-class fear regarding the potential destruction of a half-million-dollar Westchester house the size of a matchbox. But then I realized the fear stemmed from something far less complex: we're not used to fire. Candles are a staple of the Judaic existence and, like many suburban residents before us, we're pretty bad Jews.
- Sloane Crosley
Collection: Cat
Image of William Cowper
... she, that will with kittens jest, Should bear a kitten's joke.
- William Cowper
Collection: Cat
Image of Cleveland Amory
You cannot expect everything even from the friendliest cat. It is still a cat.
- Cleveland Amory
Collection: Cat
Image of Ellen DeGeneres
Dan: 'Ah, well, I hope this didn't have anything to do with me.' Ellen: 'No, not unless you played Cat Woman in Batman.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
There are some men who are fortune's favorites, and who, like cats, light forever on their legs.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Cat
Image of Suzanne Collins
Buttercup, miserable even with Prim’s constant attention, huddles in the cube and exhales cat breath in my face.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Cat