Top Cat Quotes Collection - Page 19

Discover a curated collection of Cat quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 19 provides more Cat quotes.

Image of Will Durant
A cat has a reputation to protect. If it had a halo, it would be worn cocked to one side.
- Will Durant
Collection: Cat
Image of Maya Angelou
What I try to do is write. I may write for two weeks ‘the cat sat on the mat, that is that, not a rat,’.... And it might be just the most boring and awful stuff. But I try. When I’m writing, I write. And then it’s as if the muse is convinced that I’m serious and says, ‘Okay. Okay. I’ll come.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Cat
Image of Terry Eagleton
In the deep night of metaphysics, all cats look black.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Cat
Image of Chris Evert
Cats are peaceful and tranquil - they bring calmness with their serene personalities.
- Chris Evert
Collection: Cat
Image of Albert Einstein
A man has to work so hard so that something of his personality stays alive. A tomcat has it so easy, he has only to spray and his presence is there for years on rainy days.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Cat
Image of Albert Einstein
One can't teach a cat not to catch birds
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Cat
Image of Evan Esar
A creature that never cries over spilt milk: a cat.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Cat
Image of T. S. Eliot
Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity, there never was a cat of such deceitfulness and sauvity.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Cat
Image of Nathan Fillion
I have a cat. I'm not a cat-person, but she came with the house that I'm renting. I don't know how many hundreds of dollars worth of bump removals, teeth removals, cleanings and vet fees I've been through. But of course I love her and she's worth it.
- Nathan Fillion
Collection: Cat
Image of Bob Dylan
On the cliffs of your wild cat charms I'm riding.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
You could train cats do things, a lot of people don't think cats aren't trainable. Cats can be trusted just a friend.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
Sometimes cats just avoid using a litter box but that [cat going poop outside the litter box but pees inside the litter box] is kind of strange. Most time people ask me why they go outside the litter box period.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of John Green
I think if you keep the box closed long enough you do kill the cat, actually.
- John Green
Collection: Cat
Image of Theophile Gautier
Sometimes he sits at your feet looking into your face with an expression so gentle and caressing that the depth of his gaze startles you.
- Theophile Gautier
Collection: Cat
Image of Theophile Gautier
Once [a cat] has given its love, what absolute confidence, what fidelity of affection!
- Theophile Gautier
Collection: Cat
Image of Theophile Gautier
It is difficult to obtain the friendship of a cat.
- Theophile Gautier
Collection: Cat
Image of Jonah Goldberg
[Progressives] think the Constitution is like Felix the Cat's magic bag: Look in there long enough and hard enough, and you can find anything.
- Jonah Goldberg
Collection: Cat
Image of Terry Goodkind
The mice think they are right, but my cat eats them anyways. This is the point, reality is nothing, perception is everything.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Cat
Image of Kinky Friedman
Now I have a cat. Well, that's not quite accurate. A cat and I have each other.
- Kinky Friedman
Collection: Cat
Image of Neil Gaiman
I think I could be a perfectly decent cat. I've been around cats long enough to know what the rules of being a cat are. When all else fails, wash. And I think I could master the thing that cats do, where they stalk away pretending they meant to do whatever it was in the first place; showing their wounded dignity.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Cat
Image of Dick Gregory
A Klaner KKK is a cat who gets out of bed in the middle of the night and takes his sheet with him.
- Dick Gregory
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
If you get a little kitty and he's down on the bottom, and he's laying on his chest, you know tucked up underneath, then that cat is not relaxed.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Benjamin Franklin
All cats look gray in the dark.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Cat
Image of Michael J. Fox
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it saved my ass.
- Michael J. Fox
Collection: Cat
Image of Neil Armstrong
I'm one of the more positive cats, but when people go off about everybody wanting to be a DJ, I don't doubt them either. I understand their point as well.
- Neil Armstrong
Collection: Cat
Image of Theophile Gautier
Cats are the tigers of us poor devils.
- Theophile Gautier
Collection: Cat
Image of Neil Gaiman
We...we could be friends.' We COULD be rare specimens of an exotic breed of dancing African elephants, but we're not. At least, I'M not.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Cat
Image of Benjamin Franklin
The cat in gloves catches no mice.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Cat
Image of Aristophanes
If I get clear of my debts, I care not though men call me bold, glib of tongue, audacious, impudent, shameless, a fabricator of falsehoods, inventor of words, practised in lawsuits, a pettifogger, a rattle, a fox, a sharper, a knave, a dissembler, a slippery fellow, an imposter, a rogue that deserves the cat-o-nine-tails, a blackguard, a twister, a licker-up of hashes; they call all this when they meet me, if they please, I care not.
- Aristophanes
Collection: Cat
Image of Kelley Armstrong
So do all animals react that way to you? I know you said rats steer clear." "Most do. They see a human, but they smell someting else. It confuses them. Canines are the worst, though." He paused. "No, cats are the worst. I really don't like cats." I laughed.
- Kelley Armstrong
Collection: Cat
Image of Terry Goodkind
There is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, least of all in people. In the best of us there are thoughts or deeds that are wicked, and in the worst of us, at least some virtue. An adversary is not one who does loathsome acts for their own sake. He always has a reason that to him is justification. My cat eats mice. Does that make him bad? I don't think so, and the cat doesn't think so, but I would bet the mice have a different opinion.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Cat
Image of Aristotle
Female cats are very Lascivious, and make advances to the male.
- Aristotle
Collection: Cat
Image of Seth Godin
If you think cat food is for cats, how come it doesn't come in mouse flavor?
- Seth Godin
Collection: Cat
Image of Kinky Friedman
Finding a cat--or having a cat find you--can change your world as much as marriage, divorce, love, death, or even winning the lottery can, and sometimes more.
- Kinky Friedman
Collection: Cat
Image of Alberto Giacometti
In a fire, between a Rembrandt and a cat, I would save the cat.
- Alberto Giacometti
Collection: Cat
Image of Benjamin Franklin
In the dark, all cats are grey.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Cat
Image of Henry Louis Gates
We must begin to understand the nature of intertextuality . . . the manner by which texts poems and novels respond to other texts. After all, all cats may be black at night, but not to other cats.
- Henry Louis Gates
Collection: Cat
Image of Arthur Golden
A mouse who wishes to fool the cat doesn't simply scamper out of its hole whenever it feels the slightest urge.
- Arthur Golden
Collection: Cat
Image of Jerry Garcia
Cats on the bandstand, give them each a big hand, anyone who sweats like that must be all right.
- Jerry Garcia
Collection: Cat
Image of Louis Armstrong
You see, pops, that's the kind of talk that's ruining the music. Everyone's trying to do something new, no one trying to learn the fundamentals first. All them young cats playing their wierd chords. And what happens? No one's working.
- Louis Armstrong
Collection: Cat
Image of Neil Gaiman
But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it?" "Easy," said the cat. "Think of somebody walking around the world. You start out walking away from something and end up coming back to it." "Small world," said Coraline. "It's big enough for her," said the cat. "spiders' webs only have to be large enough to catch flies." Coraline shivered.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
We've had several cats. I had a cat when I was a kid. My Aunt had lots of cats and I got lots of calls about cats.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
It [cats going outside the litter box] might have something to do with - you know, I am just thinking that if I am the cat, when I'm pooping, you know, I've got to strain a little bit more and maybe that affects how the kitty litter feels on my paws. I'd try a different sub straight, or something like that - make sure it's not slippery.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
Some cats don't like different types of kitty litter. So might try different types of kitty litter sometimes that works. You know, they don't like one type that sticks to the paws and they don't like it.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
Just think about it yourself; you don't want to put the [cat's] litter box down the basement because that's too far, on the other hand you don't want to put where everybody is traipsing in and out the back the door.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Temple Grandin
You got barn cats and you want to make them tamed, you need to get them as kittens.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Cat
Image of Neil Gaiman
All cats can see futures, and see echoes of the past. We can watch the passage of creatures from the infinity of now, from all the worlds like ours, only fractionally different. And we follow them with our eyes, ghost things, and the humans see nothing.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Cat
Image of Benjamin Franklin
All cats are gray in the dark.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Cat