Top Bills Quotes Collection

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Image of Nancy Pelosi
Pass the bill to find out what's in it
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Bills
Image of Simon Blackburn
Nobody ever inferred from the multiple infirmities of Windows that Bill Gates was infinitely benevolent, omniscient, and able to fix everything.
- Simon Blackburn
Collection: Bills
Image of Joey Skaggs
We function in a pack mentality. This is our tribe. And this is how we are exploited - sold a bill of goods and a household of products.
- Joey Skaggs
Collection: Bills
Image of James M. Cain
You usually can tell when a writer is going down hill by the size of his liquor bill.
- James M. Cain
Collection: Bills
Image of Eleanor Smeal
Carolyn Maloney has been a consistent fighter for Afghan women but also for International Family Planning Bills.
- Eleanor Smeal
Collection: Bills
Image of Harry Melling
The way I see it Bill Elliott is just another way of saying fast
- Harry Melling
Collection: Bills
Image of John Batchelor
Bill Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist.
- John Batchelor
Collection: Bills
Image of Benny Carter
He's no Bill Clinton!
- Benny Carter
Collection: Bills
Image of Aaron Hernandez
You get changed by the Bill Belichick way, you get changed by the Patriot Way.
- Aaron Hernandez
Collection: Bills
Image of Mike Shannon
Warming up for the Brewers is that lefthander they got from the Mets, Bill Pulitzer.
- Mike Shannon
Collection: Bills
Image of John Russell, 1st Earl Russell
Among the defects of the bill [Lord Derby's] which are numerous, one provision is conspicuous by its presence and another by its absence.
- John Russell, 1st Earl Russell
Collection: Bills
Image of Chirlane McCray
I'm married, I'm monogamous, but I'm not dead, and Bill isn't either.
- Chirlane McCray
Collection: Bills
Image of Mary Landrieu
If I had to vote for the bill again, I'd vote for it tomorrow.
- Mary Landrieu
Collection: Bills
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Some things are best left a blur. Births and Visa Bills.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Bills
Image of Simon Weston
When I bought out my first autobiography I received the biggest tax bill of my life.
- Simon Weston
Collection: Bills
Image of Charles Schumer
The currency bill we have would finally do something for China`s rapacious policies.
- Charles Schumer
Collection: Bills
Image of Barack Obama
I always enjoy watching Republicans compliment Bill Clinton now, because at the time, I'm sure he didn't feel a lot of the love.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Bills
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton was saying Bill Clinton has tendencies toward being sexist.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Bills
Image of Jonathan Swift
A fig for your bill of fare; show me your bill of company.
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: Bills
Image of Ann Richards
If you can't fill the till, then don't pass the bill.
- Ann Richards
Collection: Bills
Image of Oliver North
Bill Clinton is not my Commander in Chief.
- Oliver North
Collection: Bills
Image of Rick Santorum
There is a limitation on debate, which is unlike other bills, for 20 hours, but there is no limitation on amendments. In other words, Republicans if they wanted to, and I suspect they do, could offer literally thousands of amendments and keep Senate in session for weeks and months.
- Rick Santorum
Collection: Bills
Image of Jon Stewart
My friend Bill O’Reilly is completely full of sh*t.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Bills
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
I'd almost prefer [Richard] Nixon. I'd say [Bill] Clinton is every bit as corrupt as Nixon, but a lot smoother.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Bills
Image of Donald Trump
Your electric bills will go down.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Bills
Image of Woodrow Wilson
Death comes along like a gas bill one can't payand that's all one can sayabout it.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: Bills
Image of Donald Trump
Nobody, nobody, perhaps in the history of politics was worse to women or abused women more than Bill Clinton.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Bills
Image of Paul Ryan
I never believed that one big bill is the way to go.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Bills
Image of Ted Nugent
If the American public were accurately polled, I suspect the results would find Bonnie & Clyde, Bill Clinton, Ponzi Scheme scamster Bernie Madoff, and the infamous Wily Coyoteto be believed to be more honest and trustworthy than Hillary Clinton.
- Ted Nugent
Collection: Bills
Image of Yogi Berra
Bill Dickey learned me all his experience.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Bills
Image of Harold Ramis
There's something very edgy about Bill Murray out there improvising.
- Harold Ramis
Collection: Bills
Image of Jon Jones
Hell will freeze over before I send you any money for this unwarranted bill.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Bills
Image of Jon Jones
I paid my bill. Let me speak to your supervisor!
- Jon Jones
Collection: Bills
Image of Henny Youngman
I thought talk was cheap until I saw our telephone bill.
- Henny Youngman
Collection: Bills
Image of George W. Bush
The rich hire lawyers and accountants for a reason - to pass the tax bill on to you.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Bills
Image of Lord Byron
Dreading that climax of all human ills the inflammation of his weekly bills.
- Lord Byron
Collection: Bills
Image of George W. Bush
Bill Clinton and I are friends; we see each other on the speaking circuit. He likes to be visible. I don't. And I draw no judgment either way.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Bills
Image of Tim Kaine
No bill works if it doesn't work in a zip code where somebody lives.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Bills
Image of Nat Hentoff
[Bill Shawn] didn't edit the writers very strongly, but he knew what he wanted.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Bills
Image of Nat Hentoff
[Bill Clinton] has called for expanded wiretaps for the FBI.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Bills
Image of Ray Comfort
I don't blame Bill Maher for mocking religion. I can see why he took the trouble to make the movie. In one sense, it's overdue.
- Ray Comfort
Collection: Bills
Image of Nat Hentoff
Bill Clinton outshines John Adams in that regard.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Bills
Image of Nat Hentoff
The habeas corpus business, that's to show that he [Bill Clinton] is not tough on crime.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Bills
Image of Nat Hentoff
I've never met anybody quite like [Bill Shawn]. He created - and I'm sure it was conscious - an aura about him of quietude.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Bills
Image of Nat Hentoff
Inside that quietude there was the firmest of wills. [Bill Shawn] knew exactly what he wanted to do.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Bills
Image of Peter Greenaway
Bill Viola is worth ten Scorseses.
- Peter Greenaway
Collection: Bills
Image of Jill Stein
Hillary Clinton, like Bill [Clinton], you know, they're not the solution to the crisis.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Bills
Image of Jill Stein
I don't trust their [Bill and Hillary Clinton ] sense of boundaries.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Bills
Image of David Duke
Even [Bill] Clinton ran on my program of "workfare instead of welfare." Of which I was the first American politician, starting in 1989, who brought that up. And that helped him get elected.
- David Duke
Collection: Bills
Image of Mark Haddon
I thought Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything was remarkable. Managing to be entertaining while still delivering all that hard science was a pretty good trick to pull off.
- Mark Haddon
Collection: Bills