Top 4th of july Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of 4th of july quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Noah Webster
The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws . . . The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his Apostles . . . This is genuine Christianity and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.
- Noah Webster
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Erma Bombeck
You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Jules Renard
Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice.
- Jules Renard
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
Do not let anyone claim tribute of American patriotism if they even attempt to remove religion from politics.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Aesop
Better to starve free than be a fat slave
- Aesop
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Joseph Hopkinson
Enjoy the peace your valor won. Let independence be our boast, Ever mindful what it cost; Ever grateful for the prize, Let its altar reach the skies!
- Joseph Hopkinson
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Katharine Lee Bates
America! America! God shed His grace on thee.
- Katharine Lee Bates
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Richard Henry Lee
That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.
- Richard Henry Lee
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Richard Henry Lee
If Parliament may take from me one shilling in the pound, what security have I for the other nineteen?
- Richard Henry Lee
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Richard Henry Lee
A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves... and include all men capable of bearing arms.
- Richard Henry Lee
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Joe
No place better than Indiana on July 4th. Looking forward to a great weekend.
- Joe
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of John Dickinson
Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.
- John Dickinson
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Sun Yat-sen
Of the people, by the people, for the people.
- Sun Yat-sen
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Samuel Francis Smith
From every mountain side, Let freedom ring.
- Samuel Francis Smith
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George M. Cohan
Ev'ry heart beats true 'neath the Red, White and Blue
- George M. Cohan
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Ta-Nehisi Coates
Just because you came here in 1880, 1950, whenever, you became an American. You get to celebrate July 4th like every other American. You don't just get the good part. You get the bad part, too. You get all of it.
- Ta-Nehisi Coates
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Geraldine Ferraro
If you take advantage of everything that America has to offer, there's nothing you can't accomplish.
- Geraldine Ferraro
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Benjamin Franklin
Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Adam Kokesh
Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible.
- Adam Kokesh
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Adam C. Engst
July 4th is Independence Day in the U.S., and it is celebrated in a truly American way by blowing things up and taking a day off from work.
- Adam C. Engst
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Nathan Hale
Let us march immediately, and never lay down our arms until we obtain our independence.
- Nathan Hale
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of David Letterman
The 4th of July combines the two things Americans love most in one day: alcohol and explosives.
- David Letterman
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Max Lerner
America is a passionate idea or it is nothing. America is a human brotherhood or it is chaos.
- Max Lerner
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Erma Bombeck
Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain love for one another.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Thomas Paine
Better fare hard with good men than feast it with bad.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of William Arthur Ward
Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day!
- William Arthur Ward
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Liberty is the breath of life to nations.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of William Shakespeare
Having my freedom, boast of nothing else.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of William Shakespeare
Let's all cry peace, freedom, and liberty!
- William Shakespeare
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of William Shakespeare
This liberty is all that I request.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of William Shakespeare
Leave us to our free election.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Ronald Reagan
May all of you as Americans never forget your heroic origins, never fail to seek Divine guidance, and never lose your natural God-given optimism.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Marilyn vos Savant
What is the essence of America? The essence of America is finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from."
- Marilyn vos Savant
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Andy Rooney
One of the things we can be sure of over the July 4th weekend is that news reports will keep telling us how many of us are going to die in automobile accidents.
- Andy Rooney
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Thomas Paine
Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and a vice so mean and low, without any temptation, that every man of sense and character detests and despises it.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Mark Twain
Eight grown Americans out of ten dread the coming of the Fourth, with its pandemonium and its perils, and they rejoice when it is gone-if still alive.
- Mark Twain
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Scott Walker
You see, here in America there's a reason why we celebrate the 4th of July and not April 15th because in America we celebrate our independence from the government, not our dependence on it.
- Scott Walker
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Thomas Paine
Our citizenship in the United States is our national character. Our citizenship in any particular state is only our local distinction. By the latter we are known at home, by the former to the world. Our great title is AMERICANS.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of William Shakespeare
Gnawing with my teeth my bonds in sunder, I gain'd my freedom.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Chris Rock
Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed fireworks.
- Chris Rock
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood - the virtues that made America.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of Mark Twain
The business aspects of the Fourth of July is not perfect as it stands. See what it costs us every year with loss of life, the crippling of thousands with its fireworks, and the burning down of property. It is not only sacred to patriotism and universal freedom, but to the surgeon, the undertaker, the insurance offices - and they are working it for all it is worth.
- Mark Twain
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations, in examples of justice and liberality.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
I can only say that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July
Image of George Washington
Lenity will operate with greater force, in some instances, than rigor. It is, therefore, my first wish, to have my whole conduct distinguished by it.
- George Washington
Collection: 4th Of July