Zicheng Hong

Image of Zicheng Hong
Observe people with cool eyes, listen to their words with cool ears. Confront feelings with cool emotions, reflect on principles with a cool mind.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Eye
Image of Zicheng Hong
If you fear that people will know if you do something bad, then there is something good in bad. If you are eager for people to know when you do something good, then there is something bad in good.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: People
Image of Zicheng Hong
In whatever you do, if you leave a sense of incompleteness, then Creation cannot resent you, ghosts and spirits cannot harm you. If you insist on fulfillment in your work and perfection in achievement, you will become either inwardly deranged or outwardly unsettled.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Resent You
Image of Zicheng Hong
Attention is the mind's feet; if you do not control your attention strictly, it runs into misleading pathways.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Running
Image of Zicheng Hong
When greedy people are given gold, they are bitter that they haven't gotten jewels; when they are made barons they are resentful that they haven't been made lords. Though powerful and rich, their attitude is that of beggars. For those who know how to be content, simple fare is more delicious than rich delicacies, a cloth coat is warmer than fox fur, and an ordinary citizen does not defer to a king or a lord.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Kings
Image of Zicheng Hong
When you meet dishonest people, move them with sincerity. When you meet violent people, affect them with gentility. When you meet warped people, inspire them with justice. Then the whole world enters your forge.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Moving
Image of Zicheng Hong
When people are determined, they can overcome fate; when the will is unified, it can mobilize energy. Enlightened people do not even let nature put them in a set mold.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Fate
Image of Zicheng Hong
People's shortcomings should be treated with tact; if you expose them crudely, this is attacking weakness with a weakness. When people are stubborn, it requires skill to influence them; if you treat them with anger and spite, this is treating stubbornness with stubbornness.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Skills
Image of Zicheng Hong
Soil with a lot of manure in it produces abundant crops; water that is too clear has no fish. Therefore, enlightened people should maintain the capacity to accept impurities and should not be solitary perfectionists.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Water
Image of Zicheng Hong
In adversity, everything that surrounds you is a kind of medicine that helps you refine your conduct, yet you are unaware of it. In pleasant situations, you are faced with weapons that will tear you apart, yet you do not realize it.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Adversity
Image of Zicheng Hong
The learned should be vigorous and diligent, but they should also be free-spirited. If they are too rigorous and austere, they have the death-dealing quality of autumn but lack the life-giving quality of spring. How can they develop people then?
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Spring
Image of Zicheng Hong
If the mind is illumined, there is clear blue sky in a dark room. If the thoughts are muddled, there are malevolent ghosts in broad daylight.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Dark
Image of Zicheng Hong
Human affairs are like a chess game. Only those who do not take it seriously can be called good players.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Zicheng Hong
When the rich and well-established, who should be generous, are instead spiteful and cruel, they make their behavior wretched and base in spite of their wealth and position. When the intellectually brilliant, who should be reserved, instead show off, they are ignorant and foolish in their weakness in spite of their brilliance.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Ignorant
Image of Zicheng Hong
To notice people's deceptions yet not reveal it in words, to bear people's insults without showing any change of attitude-there is endless meaning in this, and also endless function.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Attitude
Image of Zicheng Hong
Compromise to please others is not as good as integrity that annoys others. Rather than be praised without being good, it is better to be slandered without being bad.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Integrity
Image of Zicheng Hong
When you are constantly hearing offensive words and always have some irritating matter in mind, only then do you have a whetstone for character development. If you hear only what pleases you, and deal only with what thrills you, then you are burying your life in deadly poison.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Character
Image of Zicheng Hong
Valuing unusual conduct is not as good as being careful about ordinary actions.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Taoism
Image of Zicheng Hong
The substance of mind is the substance of heaven. A joyful thought is an auspicious star or a felicitous cloud. An angry thought is a thunderstorm or a violent rain. A kind thought is a gentle breeze or a sweet dew. A stern thought is a fierce sun or an autumn frost. Which of these can be eliminated? Just let them pass away as they arise, open and unresisting, and your mind merges with the spacious sky.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Sweet
Image of Zicheng Hong
Desires that are just are termed Truth. Without desires, Truth cannot be understood.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Truth
Image of Zicheng Hong
A thousand pieces of gold may hardly bring a moment's happiness, but a small favor can cause a lifetime's gratitude. Too much love can turn to enmity, while aloofness can produce joy.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Zicheng Hong
If a poor house is well kept, or a poor girl well groomed, there is elegance if not beauty. If good people should come upon hard times, why should they immediately give up on themselves?
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Girl
Image of Zicheng Hong
Fishing is a pleasure of retirement, yet the angler has the power to let the fish live or die.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Life
Image of Zicheng Hong
People are considered pure of heart when they do not approach power and pomp; but those who can be near without being affected are the purest of all. People are considered high-minded when they do not know how to plot and contrive; but those who know how yet do not do so are the highest of all.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Heart
Image of Zicheng Hong
Do not think about whatever service you may have done for others; think about what you may have done to offend them. Don't forget what others have done for you; forget what others have done to offend you.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zicheng Hong
When you are but slightly involved in the world, the effect the world has on you is also slight. When you are deeply enmeshed in affairs, you machinations also deepen. So for enlightened people simplicity is better than refinement, and freedom is better than punctiliousness.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: People
Image of Zicheng Hong
Virtue is the master of talent, talent is the servant of virtue. Talent without virtue is like a house where there is no master and their servant manages its affairs. How can there be no mischief?
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: House
Image of Zicheng Hong
Delicious foods are drugs that will inflame the gut and rot the bones, but there is no harm if one eats moderately. Delightful things are all purveyors of destruction and decadence, but there is no regret if one enjoys them moderately.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Regret
Image of Zicheng Hong
Business and scholarship pass away with the person, but the soul is forever like new. Fame and fortune change with the generations, but the spirit is always the same. Enlightened people surely should not exchange the lasting for the ephemeral.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: People
Image of Zicheng Hong
Blessings often give rise to injury, so be careful when things are going your way. Success may be achieved after failure, so don't just give up when you've been disappointed.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Zicheng Hong
One should not seek happiness, just nurture the spirit of joy as the basis of summoning happiness. One should not try to escape misfortune, just get rid of viciousness as a means of avoiding misfortune.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Mean
Image of Zicheng Hong
You should not be too much of a purist in your way of life, for you need to be able to accept all that is foul. You should not be too clear in making distinctions in social interactions, for you need to accept everyone whether they are good or bad, wise or foolish.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Wise
Image of Zicheng Hong
A drop of water has the tastes of the water of the seven seas: there is no need to experience all the ways of worldly life. The reflections of the moon on one thousand rivers are from the same moon: the mind must be full of light.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Life
Image of Zicheng Hong
A grub in filth is dirty, but it changes into a cicada and sips dew in the autumn breeze. Rotting plants have no luster, but they turn into foxfire and glow in the summer moonlight. So we know that purity emerges from impurity, and light is born from darkness.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Summer
Image of Zicheng Hong
There is no greater fortune than having few concerns, no greater misfortune than having many worries. Only those who have suffered over their concerns know the blessing of having few concerns. Only those who have calmed their minds know the misfortune of having many worries.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Blessing
Image of Zicheng Hong
Conceit and arrogance are acquired states of mind. Conquer acquired states of mind, and basic sanity can unfold. Passion and willfulness are part of false consciousness; erase false consciousness, and true consciousness will appear.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Passion
Image of Zicheng Hong
Those who trust others will find that not everyone is necessarily sincere, but they will be sincere themselves. Those who suspect others will find that not everyone is necessarily deceiving them, but they have already become deceivers themselves.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Taoism
Image of Zicheng Hong
People know that fame and position are pleasant, but they do not know that the pleasure of anonymity is most real. People know that hunger and cold are distressing, but they do not know that the distress of not experiencing cold or hunger is greater.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Real
Image of Zicheng Hong
Polish what you polish until it is like gold that has been refined a hundred times; anything that is done in a hurry is not deeply developed. Do what you do like a thousand-pound catapult; one who pops off too easily does not accomplish much.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Taoism
Image of Zicheng Hong
Public behavior is nurtured in private; earthshaking measures come form careful steps.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Taoism
Image of Zicheng Hong
To get rid of villains and knaves, it is necessary to give them a way out. If you don't give them any leeway at all, they will be like trapped rats. If every way out is closed to them, they will chew up everything good.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Giving
Image of Zicheng Hong
The sickness of indulging desires can be treated, but the sickness of clinging to abstract principles is hard to treat. Obstacles presented by events and objects can be removed, but obstacles presented by social principles are hard to remove.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Taoism
Image of Zicheng Hong
For those who reflect on themselves, everything they encounter is medicine. For those who attack others, every thought is a weapon. One is the way to initiate all good, one is the way to deepen all evil. They are as far apart as sky and earth.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Sky
Image of Zicheng Hong
When you meet silent and inscrutable people, don't tell them what you are thinking. When you meet irritable and self-serving people, be careful what you say.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zicheng Hong
Sexual desire may burn like fire, but when you give a thought to when you are ill, then your excitement dies down. Fame and fortune may be sweet as candy, but when you give a thought to when you die, then their flavor is like chewing wax. Therefore, if people are usually concerned about death and illness, this can also dissolve unreal activities and develop longing for the way.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Sweet
Image of Zicheng Hong
The realms of good fortune and calamity in human life are all made of thoughts and imaginings. Therefore Buddhists say that the burning of desire for gain is itself a pit of fire, while drowning in greedy love is itself a bitter sea. The moment thoughts are pure, fierce flames become a pond; the moment you become aware, the boat has arrived on the further shore. If your thoughts vary at all, your world will immediately differ, so can we not be careful?
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Buddhist
Image of Zicheng Hong
Unexpected hardship refines people; if you can accept it, both mind and body will benefit. If you cannot accept it, on the other hand, both mind and body will be harmed.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Hands
Image of Zicheng Hong
When enlightened people are so poor that they cannot help others, if they speak a word to awaken the confused or to resolve a problem, there is also boundless merit in that.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Confused
Image of Zicheng Hong
When the mind is possessed of reality, it feels tranquil and joyous even without music or song, and it produces a pure fragrance even without incense or tea.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Music
Image of Zicheng Hong
Generosity should begin lightly and deepen later, fro when it is first rich and then lessens, people forget the kindness. Authority should begin strictly and loosen up later, for if it is loose first and then strict, people will resent the severity.
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Kindness