Zayn Malik

Image of Zayn Malik
Never look back, reminising on yesterday, smile for the future, tomorrow's a new day.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Zayn Malik
Just because your aren't perfect, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Zayn Malik
Before you judge people, judge yourself.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: People
Image of Zayn Malik
It doesn't matter how much you flirt the whole day, at night you'll always end up thinking about the one you truly love.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Flirty
Image of Zayn Malik
Get on with life because life gets on without you.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Without You
Image of Zayn Malik
Everyone happens for a reason, learn it and move on. Don't be bitter about what happened, be happy about what will
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Moving
Image of Zayn Malik
Loving you is what I’ve learned so easily but trying to forget you is the last thing I could hardly learn.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Loving You
Image of Zayn Malik
In life, we always fall for the person who will never fall for us, always want things we can't have, and say things we shouldn't.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Fall
Image of Zayn Malik
It hurts me when seeing a girl cry...I want to comfort them as long as I can...or I'll end up crying too...
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
Without the fans there's no reason to be One Direction.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: One Direction
Image of Zayn Malik
Never live life in fear of death
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Live Life
Image of Zayn Malik
There's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Book
Image of Zayn Malik
Life is a funny thing, the minute you think you've got everything figured out something comes along and turns it all upside down.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zayn Malik
A girl fainted in front of me the other day. Obviously you don't get to see things like that unless you are The Beatles who have that power, and to see it that close was a bit scary... It was cool to know I can make a girl faint!
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
In life we have decisions to make, paths to take and opportunities to take advantage of.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Zayn Malik
Live for who and what you love and never compromise your beliefs for anything or anyone.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Belief
Image of Zayn Malik
I can't swim but if my girlfriend was drowning, I'd still dive in to save her.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Zayn Malik
I will never hurt a girl, I respect them too much
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
You've got to take risks if you want to find love.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Finding Love
Image of Zayn Malik
Don't call a girl a flirt, she's just trying to be nice. Don't call a girl obsessed when she's just in love.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
I just wanted somebody to tell me that I could sing.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Wanted
Image of Zayn Malik
Fans aren't just fans... they're part of my family.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Fans
Image of Zayn Malik
I love the fact I grew up wanting a brother and now I have four.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Brother
Image of Zayn Malik
I want a girl who doesn't know that she's beautiful, so i have an excuse to let her know all the time
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Zayn Malik
Just because your prince hasn't come doesn't mean you're not a princess.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Princess
Image of Zayn Malik
I'm very attracted to a girl's eyes. I think you can tell a lot by a girl's eyes
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
I would date a model, but I would rather marry a fan or a normal person.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Fans
Image of Zayn Malik
Little Things isn't about anyone in particular, it's about all girls. You're all beautiful and you need to hear it more often
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Zayn Malik
You don't need a prince to be a princess
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Princess
Image of Zayn Malik
I do believe in love at first sight. I'm experiencing it everyday.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Believe
Image of Zayn Malik
It's cool to know that I can make girls faint.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
When fans start screaming when they see me it makes my heart smile.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Heart
Image of Zayn Malik
Get on in life because life will get on without you if you don't keep up.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Without You
Image of Zayn Malik
My new year's resolution is definitely to quit smoking. I need to do it.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: New Year
Image of Zayn Malik
I like a girl who knows what she wants and makes me work for her
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
I wouldn't change anything 'cause I love my life
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Love Of My Life
Image of Zayn Malik
I prefer to date younger girls to be more protective.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
I am the most jealous boy in the world, when I'm with my girlfriend. I always kiss her so that the other guys know she's mine
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Zayn Malik
Don't call a girl obsessed when she's in love.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
I thought I had a type but I don't really have a type anymore. I just look for a girl who doesn't take herself too seriously.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
There’s 3 types of fans. There’s the ones that scream, the ones that want to talk to you and the ones that don’t speak at all.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Fans
Image of Zayn Malik
I like girls that are chilled out, that dont really care, that are just cool
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
The amount of hot girls who come to signings is incredible!
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Girl
Image of Zayn Malik
There’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Book
Image of Zayn Malik
Smile doesn’t mean that someone is happy. Sometimes it just means that you’re strong.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Strong
Image of Zayn Malik
I am a bit of a bad boy. I have tattoos and I mess around. That’s part of my image, so it’s cool.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Zayn Malik
I just love comic books. I’ve always loved comic book art, and I just think it’s amazing.
- Zayn Malik
Collection: Book