Wayne Dyer

Image of Wayne Dyer
I really think I am where I am in spite of my training, not because of it. I don't know how unique my work is, because I never compare it.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Unique
Image of Wayne Dyer
I do not concern myself with being unique, and I do not concern myself with success. I feel I just do and say what I am supposed to. I do not know where it comes from. I go where I am told, and I just allow whatever it is to come out.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Unique
Image of Wayne Dyer
Most people think that there is a monarchy, where God is the king and we are the subjects, and the subjects are inferior to this invisible king. But not only are we inferior, we are also stained by sin, and therefore, untrustworthy.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Kings
Image of Wayne Dyer
I've been an exercise maniac most of my adult life, running marathons and triathlons, doing that as a regular way of life. I ran eight miles a day, every day for 29 years.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Running
Image of Wayne Dyer
It's much easier to be at peace than it is to hate somebody. It's much easier to love somebody than to fight with them.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Hate
Image of Wayne Dyer
With empathy you know in your heart that it's not a sign of weakness to attempt to understand that the people we call terrorists have placed the same label on us, and that the use of force will create a counter force, a never-ending saga of killing and hate. Ending war involves cultivating empathy in our policies and the love of God in our hearts. As the Native Americans reminded us: No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Hate
Image of Wayne Dyer
If you try to find your source, you are not going to find it in a tiny little particle that began with your parents commingling.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Parent
Image of Wayne Dyer
We have to overcome our societal conditioning which says we are unworthy.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Overcoming
Image of Wayne Dyer
Irving Wallace wrote a bestselling novel, The Man, in the 1960s about a black man becoming president of the United States. We thought that such a possibility was thousands of years in the future. Some people may still have some difficulty with the idea, but that's a major cultural meme shift.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Men
Image of Wayne Dyer
The key is to trust in your own divinity, to know that you are a piece of God, and that you are like what you came from. As a spiritual being, you have Divinity within. When Albert Einstein was asked about the impact of quantum physics, he said, "It's just all details, I just want to think like God thinks." And God thinks in terms of creating, kindness, beauty and goodness.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wayne Dyer
What do warriors do? They are in competition with everyone else. They measure their success and their value on the basis of who they are better than, how much they get, and so on. So, this is the time in your adult life when your primary emphasis is on goal setting, on getting someplace else, and on defeating other people.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Warrior
Image of Wayne Dyer
The source that creates worlds always is creating and loving, and it excludes no one. It is a source of unlimited abundance. It is a source that has no judgment.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Creating
Image of Wayne Dyer
I believe we came from nowhere. We show up, and we are now here. It's all the same. It just is a question of spacing. While we are in the "now here," we all contemplate where we are going. Where we are going is back to the "nowhere." We are going to rejoin the spirit from which all things emanate. These are the big questions for me - always.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
Choosing to be kind is also a choice to make the Power of Intention active in your life. The beneficial effects of kindness on the immune system and the increased production of serotonin have been proven. Conversely, unkindness weakens the body and puts us into a state of dissonance. So extend acts of kindness; ask for nothing in return.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Kindness
Image of Wayne Dyer
I was asked on a radio interview what my mission is, and I immediately blurted out, "God realization." God realization is the place where in your heart you take your thoughts and ask yourself, "Are they in harmony with the source I originated from?"
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Heart
Image of Wayne Dyer
I believe we came from nowhere. We show up, and we are now here. It's all the same. It just is a question of spacing.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
The Law of Attraction ensures that you start attracting more of what you want into your life instead of what you don't want or instead of what always has been. The highest functioning people never even put their energy on what is if they don't like what is. That's an important difference, because most people who have a lot of "problems" in their life are constantly talking about them and focusing on them, so they just keep attracting more of those circumstances into their lives because that's where their thoughts are.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Law Of Attraction
Image of Wayne Dyer
Knowing how to swim doesn't come from someone else showing you or someone else telling you or watching movies of other people swimming. It comes from having been in the water, knowing how to move yourself through the water and not sink. And it's true of virtually everything in our lives: knowing comes from direct experience.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Moving
Image of Wayne Dyer
God goes to work with you and does the laundry with you too. There's no place that God is not.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Laundry
Image of Wayne Dyer
If I sat down in any room, I'd have as much to learn from anybody in that room as they'd have to learn from me. If I sit down and just really listen and hear who you are and what you have to say, what you fears are, what your ambitions are, and what your vision is, I have just as much to learn from you as you have to learn from me.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Ambition
Image of Wayne Dyer
Let the world unfold without always attempting to figure it all out. Let relationships just be, since everything is going to stretch out in Divine order. Don't try so hard to make something work - simply allow. Don't always toil at trying to understand your mate, your children, your parents, your boss, or anyone else because the Tao is working at all times.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Relationship
Image of Wayne Dyer
Once you put your attention, your thoughts, your energy, your consciousness on a new intention, that's what you begin manifesting into your life. The word "intention," I believe, is really important, because it doesn't leave any room for doubt or maneuvering: "I intend to create this in my life out of the circumstances that I'm now experiencing."
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
When you meet anyone, treat the even as a holy encounter.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Encounters
Image of Wayne Dyer
Virtually every spiritual tradition teaches that your higher self is the presence of God within you.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wayne Dyer
Why wouldn't somebody have the same legal rights as everybody else in our society? What is that about? I don't even understand them putting same sex marriage on the ballot. So if fifty-one percent of the people say it shouldn't happen, it's not going to happen? You can get fifty-one percent of the people to say just about anything - to say let's bring back slavery, or all Mexicans should be slaves, or something absolutely crazy like that. Does that mean we do it?
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Crazy
Image of Wayne Dyer
The soul is the birthless, deathless, changeless part of us - the part of us that looks out from behind our eyes and has no form.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Eye
Image of Wayne Dyer
We expand what we focus on.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Focus
Image of Wayne Dyer
Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
Just as we're all students throughout life, we're all teachers. In fact, we learn best by offering what we desire for ourselves to as many individuals as we can, as frequently as we can.....Following this line of thinking, it's imperative that we make deliberate effort to increase our inspirational energy, as this will lead us to being both a spiritual learner and teacher simultaneously.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Life
Image of Wayne Dyer
Living the life you were destined to live.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Live Life
Image of Wayne Dyer
A virus has three purposes: to duplicate, to infiltrate and to spread from one host to the next. Ultimately, even a single virus can shut down an entire system.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Three
Image of Wayne Dyer
Imagine the word CANCEL being a huge rubber stamp in your mind. Stamp CANCEL on any self-defeating image you place in your head, and begin to think in a self-enhancing way.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Motivational
Image of Wayne Dyer
Darkness is a lower energy than light, and when you bring light to the presence of darkness you don't have to warn it, you don't have to tell it that it has to get away. It can't survive. Light dissolves darkness. And so does love dissolve hate and so does joy dissolve sadness and so does faith dissolve doubt and so on.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Hate
Image of Wayne Dyer
Your will is the ego part of you that believes you're separate from others, separate from what you'd like to accomplish or have, and separate from God. It also believes that you are your acquisitions, achievements, and accolades. This ego will wants you to constantly acquire evidence of your importance... On the other hand, your imagination is the concept of Spirit within you. ...with imagination, we have the power to be anything we desire to be.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
One of the most effective means for transcending ordinary and moving into the realm of extraordinary is saying yes more frequently and eliminating no almost completely. I call it saying yes to life. Say yes to yourself, to your family, your children, your coworkers, and your business.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Life
Image of Wayne Dyer
You can either be a Host to God, or a Hostage to your ego!
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Ego
Image of Wayne Dyer
Meditation gives you an opportunity to come to know your invisible self. It allows you to empty yourself of the endless hyperactivity of your mind, and to attain calmness. It teaches you to be peaceful, to remove stress, to receive answers where confusion previously reigned.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Stress
Image of Wayne Dyer
In reality, it's much easier not to smoke or eat chocolate than to do so. It's your mind that convinces you otherwise.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Reality
Image of Wayne Dyer
When life tends to get too complex, too fast, too cluttered, too deadline oriented, or too type A for you, stop and remember your own spirit. You're headed for inspiration, a simple, peaceful place where you're in harmony with the perfect timing of all creation.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Wayne Dyer
The ability to get to a higher level in our life means that we have to generate the energy to be able to do so, and generally, we do that by a fall. Spiritual advances are almost always proceeded by a fall of one kind or another.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wayne Dyer
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Karma
Image of Wayne Dyer
Rejoice in the prosperity of others. When you feel contemptuous, or even a twinge of jealousy, toward the accomplishments or life-styles of others, you are harboring negativity where love must reside.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Accomplishment
Image of Wayne Dyer
By surrendering, you create an energy field of receptivity for the solution to appear.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Energy
Image of Wayne Dyer
Whenever you have a thought that excludes or judges anyone else, you aren't defining them. You're defining yourself as someone who needs to judge others.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Judging
Image of Wayne Dyer
Let go of your ego's need to be right. When you're in the middle of an argument, ask yourself: Do I want to be right or be happy? When you choose the joyous, loving, spiritual mode, your connection to intention is strengthened.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Wayne Dyer
Failure does not exist. Failure is simply someone else's opinion of how a certain act should have been completed. Once you believe that no act must be performed in any specific other-directed way, then failing becomes impossible.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Life
Image of Wayne Dyer
Your miracles are an inside job. Go there to create the magic that you seek in your life.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wayne Dyer
We manifest from Spirit. When Spirit begins to rule in our lives, we can literally manifest or attract to us everything that we perceive to be missing. That's really the essence of it.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Essence
Image of Wayne Dyer
I say no to doubt and yes to life!
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Doubt