Tony Robbins

Image of Tony Robbins
The world has lost a truly great soul today. Stephen Covey was a man whose 'work was love made visible.' He touched millions of people by the strength of his integrity and the depth of his caring. He was a personal friend, an extraordinary father, and a model for what human beings are truly capable of. Please join us in sending love and prayers to his family.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Prayer
Image of Tony Robbins
The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
The path of least resistance will never make you proud.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Proud
Image of Tony Robbins
You can’t have a plan for your day, ‘til you have a plan for your life.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
Realize that if you can instantly create a problem, you can just as quickly and easily create a solution.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
The how will show up after the commitment to the what.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Commitment
Image of Tony Robbins
You can't raise a happy, more resilient kid if you're not a happy, more resilient adult.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Kids
Image of Tony Robbins
Activity without purpose is the drain of your life
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Purpose
Image of Tony Robbins
If you are not growing, you are dying.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Dying
Image of Tony Robbins
Just remember, loss is imaginary. Nothing ever disappears in the universe; it only changes form. If there is something that still wounds you, it's because of the meaning that you have linked to it. Maybe what you need to do is to have faith and say, 'Even though I don't know why this has happened, I am willing to trust. Someday, when the time is right, I will understand.'
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Motivational
Image of Tony Robbins
Success leaves clues, Proximity is power. Love your family, CHOOSE your peers.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Love You
Image of Tony Robbins
No one ever achieved a goal by being interested in its achievement. One must be committed. In fact, in studying the source of people's success, I've found that persistence overshadows even talent as the most valued and effective resource in creating and shaping the quality of life. Most people give up a maddening five feet from their goal!
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Motivational
Image of Tony Robbins
It's not the lack of resources that cause failure, it's the lack of resourcefulness that causes failure.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Causes
Image of Tony Robbins
My philosophy is to "kill the monster while it's little." The best time to handle a "negative" emotion is when you first begin to feel it. It's much more difficult to interrupt an emotional pattern once it's full-blown.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Tony Robbins
If we surround ourselves with people who are successful, who are forward-moving, who are positive, who are focused on producing results, who support us, it will challenge us to be more and do more and share more. If you can surround yourself with people who will never let you settle for less than you can be, you have the greatest gift that anyone can hope for.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Moving
Image of Tony Robbins
By changing nothing, nothing changes.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Change
Image of Tony Robbins
Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
People who experience negative or stressful emotions on an ongoing basis are less healthy and live shorter lives.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: People
Image of Tony Robbins
Leaders spend 5% of their time on the problem & 95% of their time on the solution. Get over it & crush it!
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Change
Image of Tony Robbins
What you consistently speak with emotional intensity, you will experience, you will create, and you will become. The words that you speak with emotional conviction become the life you live - this is your heaven or this is your hell.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Emotional
Image of Tony Robbins
The ability to connect and influence people, that's the job of a leader. And we're all leaders at some level.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Robbins
Business is a spiritual pursuit. Your business will not grow unless you grow as a person
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Tony Robbins
If you don't educate yourself, this is an area of your life that it is a game.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Games
Image of Tony Robbins
The most powerful way to control your focus is through the use of QUESTIONS
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Powerful
Image of Tony Robbins
Make it so today is not like yesterday and tomorrow will be different FOREVER.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Tony Robbins
If you do extreme exercise to lose weight, you'll usually soon stop because you get injured or because it's simply too rigorous to do for a lifetime.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Exercise
Image of Tony Robbins
I think the most important key to quality communication and interaction is developing an interest in the person you`re talking with. Most women know the secret to a quality conversation is to ask quality questions and have a sincere interest in hearing the answers. In fact, the best communicators very often say the least. It`s not the extrovert who dominates the conversation that a client feels most connected with, but rather the individual who shows a real and sincere interest in knowing about the life of the person they`re talking with.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Real
Image of Tony Robbins
See it better than it is or you have no future, without vision there is no possibility of improvement
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Vision
Image of Tony Robbins
The first belief we must have if we're going to create change quickly is that we can change now.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Firsts
Image of Tony Robbins
Whatever you really want, wants don't get met consistently, standards do.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Want
Image of Tony Robbins
Your life experience will never far exceed the expectations of your peers, because to stay connected to them there is an unconscious contract that says we're going to be within this range of each other. Now, on the other hand, if for some reason your friends have a higher expectation for life than you do, just to stay on the team you've got to raise your standard.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Life
Image of Tony Robbins
Feed and strengthen your body. Fear is physical. When you lift weights or go for a sprint, that energy flows back into your body and restores you to certainty.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Energy
Image of Tony Robbins
Determination and persistence are melded together. Their basis comes from people who stay hungry and don`t allow themselves to get too comfortable. Entering a comfort zone is the fastest way to kill your drive and determination, at which point you begin to accept whatever you have as being "good enough." There is no self-esteem in accepting the status quo. There are tremendous emotional and psychological rewards that come with pushing yourself to break through past limits and, in the process, creating something of value for yourself and others.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Determination
Image of Tony Robbins
Success is buried on the other side of rejection.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we can be
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Life
Image of Tony Robbins
I'm always loading my brain with new ways of looking at something.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Brain
Image of Tony Robbins
You feel what you're focused on.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Feels
Image of Tony Robbins
At any moment in time, our reality is based on whatever we focus on.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Reality
Image of Tony Robbins
We live in a culture that expects instantaneous gratification for everything, and the web has only enhanced that in many ways. It empowers in many ways, but it also makes people believe 'I should have everything right now.'
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Believe
Image of Tony Robbins
What we call stress is just extension of being busy without meaning. When you do things that are not meaningful to you, just to get the sense of completion, just to feel like you got something done, your spirit feels empty. So, the most important thing for people to realize is that you have to control the flow of information in your life.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Tony Robbins
Each day that we live, we're taking in new information, ideas, concepts, experiences, and sensations. We need to consciously stand guard at the doors of our minds to make sure that whatever we're allowing to enter will cause our lives to be enriched, that the experiences we pursue will add to our stockpile of possibility.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Motivational
Image of Tony Robbins
New Year = A New Life! Decide today who you will become, what you will give how you will live.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Change
Image of Tony Robbins
Find the center of what you believe matters most to you in life ,and act on it today! The moment is now!
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Believe
Image of Tony Robbins
Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Tony Robbins
Each time you indulge in the emotion of anger or the behavior of yelling at a loved one, you reinforce the neural connection and increase the likelihood that you'll do it again.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Motivational
Image of Tony Robbins
Where focus goes, energy flows. And if you don't take the time to focus on what matters, then you're living a life of someone else's design.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
Do what you did in the beginning of a relationship and there won't be an end.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Relationship
Image of Tony Robbins
The way to go from discord to harmony is to go from concentrating on differences to concentrating on similarities.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tony Robbins
Give something back by becoming more
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Positive Thinking