Taryn Manning

Image of Taryn Manning
It's really hard for actors to cross over and get any respect as a singer, and if I could just keep it separate and not use my music in movies, it's cool.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Cool
Image of Taryn Manning
Alison Lohman is an amazing actress. I was so proud to work with her.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Amazing
Image of Taryn Manning
My singing is my hobby. It's me and my brother. We just enjoy writing music.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Music
Image of Taryn Manning
It could be fun to sing with Prince or Michael Jackson. Justin Timberlake has an amazing new sound now.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Amazing
Image of Taryn Manning
I'm more like an animalistic rock chick.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
The most interesting place I've gone on location was New Orleans.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I went through the process of auditioning like every other struggling actress in this town.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
It's just different in the music world. You come more with an entourage.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
There's definitely a whole different vibe on the set when there's like basically royalty working with us. We could have whatever we wanted. I felt like Britney Spears.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
That's why I'm an actress, to do something completely opposite from myself.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I just get focused on whatever is in front of me. When I was filming Crossroads, it had all my focus. Now I'm all focused on finishing my recording so I can get that out. It's just day by day.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I play, in real life, Kim, who is actually Marshall Mathers ex-wife as of now. She lies and says she is pregnant because she really wants to keep him and he figures her out.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
After reading Eminem's autobiography, which I did because I'm so interested in him as an artist, I respect him a lot. Even though he seems angry and mad, he's had to fight so many demons in his life.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
My dad was a musician and I traveled around with him, so it was something that I knew.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
Some people might say I need to learn how to relax.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
There's really nothing else I'm going to do with my life. I'd be useless if I weren't singing or acting.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
When we saw our plane on TV as breaking news, it was the most surreal experience. A lot of the women were crying. There was a gentleman who was writing in his journal and crying. Seeing that isn't easy.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
As a brother and sister, our tastes were pretty different growing up. He liked a lot of early hip hop. My dad didn't understand it and would try to talk him out of it.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I would say our sound is soul pop.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
It was Britney's movie. I liked that movie. It didn't get too much love, but a lot of people really liked it.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
Even though it seems like there are a lot of parts, there is really tons of downtime in the acting world.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I just had to find something else to fulfill me. Always being a singer and writing, it was a blessing. My brother started making music that was the kind of music I always saw myself singing.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I would go visit my mom on Sundays, and my brother was working on stuff. I'd go in there and sing a little melody, then we started working with words and the next thing you know it was just born organically without really trying.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
After we wrote The Wreckoning, our record label did listen.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I'm definitely the worker. My brother is the jokester.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
We wanted to write a whole song about partying and then taking Yellow Cabs home. That's the weirdest topic we've ever thought of centering a song around.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
It's actually harder to write a fun song.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
If you are being weird or silly you can be excused because you are just playing a character.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
The Wreckoning is a darker song. But the record is positive.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
Through teaching myself how to be happy and get through things, I hope I can also do that for other people.
- Taryn Manning
Image of Taryn Manning
I'm very, very, very, very spiritual. I grew up in an organized religion, I went to Sunday school as a kid. I'm very grateful that there was religion. I think it instills a good moral compass.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Taryn Manning
I've made money doing things I love. DJing was a hobby. When I bought my turntables my mom said, "Oh what now, Taryn?" But it became pretty fruitful right away. I come from a very music-oriented family.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Mom
Image of Taryn Manning
My whole thing is I like to hang around winners, I like winning spirits, I have zero tolerance for jealousy.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Zero
Image of Taryn Manning
I feel the craziest people are sometimes the most intelligent.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Taryn Manning
I've had ups and downs but always maintained I was a working actor, which is a beautiful thing.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Taryn Manning
Acting, I love it and I feel that I'm good at it, but the thing that makes me feel most alive is when I'm playing guitar and singing.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Guitar
Image of Taryn Manning
Every time I'm not on a project, I'm writing or in the studio or doing gigs DJing.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Writing
Image of Taryn Manning
With acting, I get to escape into this character and embody it. With music it's like, "Hey guys, this is my diary, here's all my feelings."
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Character
Image of Taryn Manning
There's really nothing else I'm going to do with my life. I'd be useless if I weren't singing or acting
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Singing
Image of Taryn Manning
The reason I love acting is because I feel like acting is all about listening.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Listening
Image of Taryn Manning
It's just different in the music world. You come more with an entourage
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Different
Image of Taryn Manning
The most interesting place I've gone on location was New Orleans
- Taryn Manning
Collection: New Orleans
Image of Taryn Manning
I never wanted to stop. I feel like to the day I die I'll play guitar and sing.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Guitar
Image of Taryn Manning
It could be fun to sing with Prince or Michael Jackson. Justin Timberlake has an amazing new sound now
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Fun
Image of Taryn Manning
My dad was a musician and I traveled around with him, so it was something that I knew
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Dad
Image of Taryn Manning
Pride is the community coming together and showing that love is real.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Real
Image of Taryn Manning
I'm not a part of any organized practices, but I believe heavily on love and the universe and what you give is what you get.
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Believe
Image of Taryn Manning
The Wreckoning is a darker song. But the record is positive
- Taryn Manning
Collection: Song