Sutton Foster

Image of Sutton Foster
I think the one thing of me that they really wanted to capitalize on is my dorkiness
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sutton Foster
People have asked if I would go back to my 20s, and I'm like, "Only if I could hold onto the wisdom and the things that I've learned." But in reality, I don't think I'd want to even go back then. I'm so happy with where I'm at. My life is very content. Everything feels really good. I wouldn't want to change any of that. I'm happy for all the ups and the downs, and everything that has led me to where I am. I wouldn't want to lose any of that.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sutton Foster
If you're in a relationship and someone was cheating, it could be a complete reflection of the relationship itself.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Cheating
Image of Sutton Foster
As actors, you meet people that you are working with and it's tricky. It's blurry... how do you decipher things? I have definitely dated [a co-star], oh yeah, multiple times. It's easy.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Stars
Image of Sutton Foster
I am much more settled in who I am. I think a lot of your 20s is trying to figure out who you are - you're on your own, you've got you first job, you've got your first apartment, you're living away from your parents, you're just discovering who you are. I have deep, long friendships now and real relationships and I am so excited about the rest of my 40s.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sutton Foster
I think if I had just slowed down a little bit it could have a little easier. I multiplied how difficult it needed to be instead of just saying, fair enough. You don't have to make it hard.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sutton Foster
I am okay that has changed and I have some more wrinkles and my body is changing.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Wrinkles
Image of Sutton Foster
I love to teach, I love to draw, I love animals. So I don't feel like I am relying on one thing to lead me in my career.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Animal
Image of Sutton Foster
When I look at my longterm goals for the rest of my life, there are so many things other than performing that make me happy.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Goal
Image of Sutton Foster
I've never had to deal with ageism - so far - in my career; I have been able to navigate my career and getting older and the roles and opportunities that have come to me.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sutton Foster
What I thought 41 would be at 26 is definitely not what I feel now. I still feel incredibly youthful on the inside, in my brain.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Brain
Image of Sutton Foster
I'm probably in better shape now than I was when I was in my 20s.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Shapes
Image of Sutton Foster
I have met a lot of guys in their 40s who have the maturity of a 15 - year-old and men in their 20s who have older sensibilities. They just need to live in their own apartment. That's kind of a deal breaker.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Maturity
Image of Sutton Foster
I don't know why he [Darren Star] is so good at writing for women. Maybe he just likes women. I'm not quite sure what the magic recipe is, other than he just knows how to entertain an audience, and he knows when to be gooey and sweet, and when to be provocative and naughty.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Sweet
Image of Sutton Foster
I don't wear a lot of makeup in real life and I try to take care of my skin. I clean it, I moisturize it, but mainly I just try to drink a ton of water.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Real
Image of Sutton Foster
I try to exercise, I try to think of it less as vanity and more like, how do I stay healthy from the inside out? I try to make my insides happy and healthy and I think that reflects on the outside.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Exercise
Image of Sutton Foster
I actually feel very proud of my age.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Age
Image of Sutton Foster
I feel excited about getting older as an actress, too. I think there are some amazing opportunities around the corner and I don't need to hold on to myself or who I was when I was 25.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sutton Foster
I've never lied about my age.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Age
Image of Sutton Foster
I think cheating can inherently mean a deeper problem, someone is acting out.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Cheating
Image of Sutton Foster
Coming from the theatre I have played some fabulous characters where I get to wear gowns and I get to be a princess or someone from the 1920s, or I get to wear showgirl costumes. I'm used to wearing a wardrobe that changes how I feel.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Princess
Image of Sutton Foster
I know a lot of people that have been in long-term relationships where cheating has happened, and their marriages and their relationships are actually stronger because it was a mirror that reflected back on a problem that was happening. It's hard.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Cheating
Image of Sutton Foster
I have a tendency to make my partner my everything and that is unfair and it doesn't end up working out because you can't rely on that one person to fulfill all of your needs emotionally.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Work Out
Image of Sutton Foster
I do believe in sexual monogamy.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Believe
Image of Sutton Foster
I was married in my 30s, in a long relationship for about seven years, got divorced, and then I had a string of flings, and then was single for two years.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Years
Image of Sutton Foster
I found myself again and then found love.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Found Love
Image of Sutton Foster
One of the things that I loved about when I met my husband was that he picked me up and he paid - I know that sounds old-fashioned but for me, most of my life, I always would split the bill or would always pay, or I would be very assertive about my independence and my financial responsibility. And I am a very strong woman and very strong-willed - but there was something really great about him taking care of me and treating me and opening the door and driving, and I am perfectly OK with that. And he still does it to this day.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Strong Women
Image of Sutton Foster
My ex-husband is not on social media or Facebook, which I find fascinating and I do not follow any [others]. I know that one of them follows me, which I find interesting.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Husband
Image of Sutton Foster
I don't think it necessarily makes me want to go back to my 20s, but what I love about playing any type of character is the escapism.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Character
Image of Sutton Foster
I'm a T-shirts, sweatpants and jeans kind of gal, I dress really simply and comfortably.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Jeans
Image of Sutton Foster
As long as they're not still living with their parents, [dating younger men] could be viable.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Men
Image of Sutton Foster
I don't know, think for that relationship in particular age doesn't really come into play.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sutton Foster
I'm actually excited about being in my 40s. I mean, that's ironic considering the show I'm on, but I have never felt like I need to feel or look the same as when I was 20.
- Sutton Foster
Collection: Mean