Sri Aurobindo

Image of Sri Aurobindo
In order to explain why the ordinary Sadhus and Yogis take to tobacco and gānja [an intoxicant], I said that these cause stimulation of the physical brain. But these have reactions. And to stimulate the brain thus is not the proper process.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Order
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Even if the being is not entirely purified, varieties of inspirations and powers may come down from above but this may lead to serious errors. Inspirations from above mixing with the impurities from below get all muddled up and the sadhak takes this for an absolute command. Many a sadhak has thus fallen into danger. Therefore, one must particularly lay stress on the purification of the being.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Stress
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The Truth-power must be brought down from above into that state of peace, and this higher power - Parashakti - will directly guide the vehicle - ādhāra - and transform it.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Guides
Image of Sri Aurobindo
To play with baubles is our ambition, not to deal with grave questions in a spirit of serious energy. But while we are playing with baubles, with our Legislative Councils, our Simultaneous Examinations, our ingenious schemes for separating the judicial from the executive functions, - while we, I say, are finessing about trifles, the waters of the great deep are being stirred and that surging chaos of the primitive man over which our civilised societies are superimposed on a thin crust of convention, is being strangely and ominously agitated.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Ambition
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The consciousness of the supreme Purusha remains above, but in the mind there may be a Purusha consciousness which they call the cosmic consciousness - it is wide, all-pervading, one. Outside this goes on the play of Prakriti.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Play
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The Purusha should assume at all times the attitude of a giver of sanction while rejecting the lower movements and accepting only truth-movements.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Attitude
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Thus to act under the guidance coming from above, this is one side of the sadhana, the dynamic side. The other one is the discrimination between the Purusha and the Prakriti. The Purusha will calmly observe, give sanction, choose, but will realise that all this does not belong to him - all these are outside him. This is the static side of the sadhana. These two aspects constitute the basis of Yoga.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Yoga
Image of Sri Aurobindo
A woman has the greatest opportunity to provide the best outcome for a baby and its potentialities. Not only by having a conscious and definite will to form the child accordingly to the highest ideal she can conceive, but first and foremost having the aspiration to work on herself.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Baby
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Life was a sorrowful throb of this Matter teaching it anguish, Teaching it hope and desire trod out too soon in the mire, Life the frail joy that regrets its briefness, life the long sorrow.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Life
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The Bhagavad-Gita is a true scripture of the human race a living creation rather than a book, with a new message for every age and a new meaning for every civilization.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sri Aurobindo
As in all infant sciences, the universal habit of the human mind - to take a partial or local truth, generalise it unduly and try to explain a whole field of nature in its narrow terms - runs riot here (in psychoanalysis). Moreover, the exaggeration of the importance of suppressed sexual complexes is a dangerous falsehood.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Running
Image of Sri Aurobindo
And, in order to possess the Truth, the plays of the lower nature must be stopped.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Order
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Our human knowledge is a candle burnt On a dim altar to a sun-vast Truth.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Sri Aurobindo
A thought is an arrow shot at the truth; it can hit a point, but not cover the whole target. But the archer is too well satisfied with his success to ask anything farther.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Archer
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The spiritual path is one of falling on your face, getting up, brushing yourself off, turning and looking sheepishly at God and then taking the next step.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The fly that touches honey cannot use it's wings; so too the soul that clings to spiritual sweetness ruins it's freedom and hinders contemplation.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Hinduism... gave itself no name, because it set itself no sectarian limits; it claimed no universal adhesion, asserted no sole infallible dogma, set up no single narrow path or gate of salvation; it was less a creed or cult than a continuously enlarging tradition of the Godward endeavour of the human spirit. An immense many-sided many-staged provision for a spiritual self-building and self-finding, it had some right to speak of itself by the only name it knew, the eternal religion, Sanatana Dharma.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The inside must be made entirely calm and quiet and there should reign an upward aspiration - a state of awaiting.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Reign
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Only when Eternity takes Time by the hand, Only when infinity weds the finite's thought, Can man be free from himself and live with God.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Men
Image of Sri Aurobindo
All existence is a manifestation of God.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: God
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Spirituality is much wider than any particular religion, and in the larger ideas of it that are now coming on us even the greatest religion becomes no more than a broad sect or branch of the one universal religion, by which we shall understand in the future man's seeking for the eternal, the divine, the greater self, the source of unity and his attempt to arrive at some equation, some increasing approximation of the values of human life with the eternal and the divine values.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Men
Image of Sri Aurobindo
There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness. When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Silence
Image of Sri Aurobindo
One has to do sadhana for the total manifestation of the Divine in oneself.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Divine
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The consciousness of the seer, is a greater power for knowledge than the consciousness of the thinker. The perceptual power of the inner sight is greater and more direct than the perceptual power of thought.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Sight
Image of Sri Aurobindo
They proved to me by convincing reasons that God does not exist; Afterwards I saw God, for he came and embraced me. And now what am I to believe- the reasoning of others or my own experience? Truth is what the soul has seen and experienced; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: God
Image of Sri Aurobindo
My God is love and sweetly suffers all.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Watch the too indignantly righteous. Before long you will find them committing or condoning the very offence which they have so fiercely censured.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Long
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Live according to Nature, runs the maxim of the West; but according to what nature, the nature of the body or the nature which exceeds the body? This first we ought to determine.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Running
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The deeper we look, the more we shall be convinced that the one thing wanting, which we must strive to acquire before all others, is strength strength physical, strength mental, strength moral, but above all strength spiritual which is the one inexhaustible and imperishable source of all the others. If we have strength everything else will be added to us easily and naturally.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The aggressive and quite illogical idea of a single religion for all mankind, a religion universal by the very force of its narrowness, one set of dogmas, one cult, one system of ceremonies, one ecclesiastical ordinance, one array of prohibitions and injunctions which all minds must accept on peril of persecution by men and spiritual rejection or eternal punishment by God, that grotesque creation of human unreason which has been the parent of so much intolerance, cruelty and obscurantism and aggressive fanaticism, has never been able to take firm hold of the Indian mentality.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Aurobindo
When thou findest thyself scorning another, look then at thy own heart and laugh at thy folly.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Heart
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Delight is the secret. Learn of pure delight and thou shalt learn of God. What then was the commencement of the whole matter? Existence that multiplied itself for sheer delight of being and plunged into numberless trillions of forms so that it might find itself innumerably.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Secret
Image of Sri Aurobindo
After having stopped the lower activities of the mind, it must be made receptive; and, instead of weaving all kinds of empty and idle thoughts, the mind should receive intuitions from above.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Intuition
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The human mind moves always forward, alters its viewpoint and enlarges its thought substance, and the effect of these changes is to render past systems of thinking obsolete or, when they are preserved, to extend, to modify and subtly or visibly to alter their value.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Moving
Image of Sri Aurobindo
While doing work if the mind continues to be active let it be so, but there must be at the same time a capacity for silence.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Silence
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Rather hang thyself than belong to the horde of successful imitators.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Successful
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Even in rags I am a god,fallen I am divine,high I triumph when down-trod,long I live when slain!
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Long
Image of Sri Aurobindo
By your stumbling, the world is perfected.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: World
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Your mind has some clearness and capacity for right thinking; it opens towards the heights, but for its own sake, - to receive light from above for its own activity.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Each religion has helped mankind. Paganism increased in man the light of beauty, the largeness and height of his life, his aim at a many-sided perfection; Christianity gave him some vision of divine love and charity; Buddhism has shown him a noble way to be wiser, gentler, purer, Judaism and Islam how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Sri Aurobindo
What comes from outside, one mistakes it as coming from inside. So many thoughts etc. move about outside in the universal - these manifest inside you. All these you must push away as foreign to you and the inside must be made peaceful, calm and quiet; then it will start descending from above.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Mistake
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Man's freedom is relative and it cannot be held solely responsible for the imperfection of his nature.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Men
Image of Sri Aurobindo
All fanaticism is false, because it is a contradiction of the very nature of God and of Truth. Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only, - those that happened to be in a line from the Bible and to have Jewish or Arabian prophets for their founders.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Book
Image of Sri Aurobindo
There is no greater pride and glory than to be a perfect instrument of the Master.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Pride
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Nothing in the many processes of Nature, whether she deals with men or with things, comes by chance or accident or is really at the mercy of external causes.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Men
Image of Sri Aurobindo
If Hell were possible, it would be the shortest cut to the highest heaven. For verily God loveth.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Cutting
Image of Sri Aurobindo
The supreme state of human love is...the unity of one soul in two bodies.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Love
Image of Sri Aurobindo
We have to create strength where it did not exist before; we have to change our natures, and become new men with new hearts, to be born again. We need a nucleus of men in whom the Shakti is developed to its uttermost extent, in whom it fills every corner of the personality and overflows to fertilise the earth. These, having the fire of Bhawani in their hearts and brains, will go forth and carry the flame to every nook and cranny of our land.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Heart