Top Archer Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Archer quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of John Flanagan
An ordinary archer practices until he gets it right. A ranger practices until he never gets it wrong.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Archer
Image of Georg Cantor
My theory stands as firm as a rock; every arrow directed against it will return quickly to its archer. How do I know this? Because I have studied it from all sides for many years; because I have examined all objections which have ever been made against the infinite numbers; and above all because I have followed its roots, so to speak, to the first infallible cause of all created things.
- Georg Cantor
Collection: Archer
Image of Zhuangzi
When an archer shoots for enjoyment, he has all his skill; when he shoots for a brass buckle, he gets nervous; when he shoots for a prize of gold, he begins to see two targets.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Archer
Image of Fred Bear
If asked to sketch a picture of the typical archer I would be hard put. They seem to come in all shapes, sizes, colors and backgrounds. Inwardly they seem to have in common a love for the outdoors, a reverence for wildlife, and a close tie with history. There is nothing they seem to enjoy more than telling tall tales around a campfire or talking about archery to others. It would be difficult to find a more interesting group of people.
- Fred Bear
Collection: Archer
Image of Eugen Herrigel
The shot will go smoothly only when it takes the archer himself by surprise.
- Eugen Herrigel
Collection: Archer
Image of Eugen Herrigel
Don't think of what you have to do, don't consider how to carry it out! The shot will only go smoothly when it takes the archer himself by surprise. It must be as if the bowstring suddenly cut through the thumb that held it. You mustn't open the right hand on purpose.
- Eugen Herrigel
Collection: Archer
Image of Maurice Thompson
But you must be patient and careful; nor should you expect to become an accomplished archer without long and severe training.
- Maurice Thompson
Collection: Archer
Image of Jeffrey Archer
Making a million legally has always been difficult. Making a million illegally has always been a little easier. Keeping a million when you have made it is perhaps the most difficult of all.
- Jeffrey Archer
Collection: Archer
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
The system wants you to be either a bow or an arrow; refuse both, because there is a third choice: To be an archer!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Archer
Image of Ernest Sosa
In competitive archery, risk assessment has minimal bearing on quality of performance, since the archer has so little choice over shot selection. By contrast, in a hunt, shots vary in quality according to how well selected they may be.
- Ernest Sosa
Collection: Archer
Image of Lora Leigh
You know how to be a good boy?" Anna widened her eyes in surprise. "Why, Archer, I'm certain I never recognized that quality in you.
- Lora Leigh
Collection: Archer
Image of Kristin Cashore
A quote from 'Fire' where Fire projected a thought to her best friend Archer: "Love doesn't measure that way, she [Fire] thought to him [Archer]. And you may blame me for your feelings, but it isn't fair to blame me for how you've chosen to behave.
- Kristin Cashore
Collection: Archer
Image of Charles Baudelaire
The Poet is like the prince of the clouds, who haunts the tempest and laughs at the archer. Exiled on the ground in the midst of the jeering crowd, his giant's wings keep him from walking.
- Charles Baudelaire
Collection: Archer
Image of Edith Wharton
But marriage is one long sacrifice.... Chapter 21, Medora Manson speaking to Newland Archer
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Archer
Image of David Foster Wallace
And he wishes, in the cold quiet of his archer's heart, that he himself could feel the intensity of their reconciliations as strongly as he feels that of their battles.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Archer
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
But you comfort me, Gimli, I'm glad to have you standing nigh with your stout legs and your hard axe. I wish there were more of your kin among us. But even more would I give for a hundred good archers of Mirkwood." - Legolas
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: Archer
Image of Alexander Smith
Each time we love,We turn a nearer and a broader markTo that keen archer, Sorrow, and he strikes.
- Alexander Smith
Collection: Archer
Image of Edith Wharton
Archer had always been inclined to think that chance and circumstance played a small part in shaping people's lots compared with their innate tendency to have things happen to them.
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Archer
Image of Charles Baudelaire
The Poet is a kinsman in the clouds Who scoffs at archers, loves a stormy day; But on the ground, among the hooting crowds, He cannot walk, his wings are in the way.
- Charles Baudelaire
Collection: Archer
Image of Aisha Tyler
One thing we do really well on Archer and one thing I've always tried to do in my comedy and my writing and my podcast is to never speak down to my audience.
- Aisha Tyler
Collection: Archer
Image of Ella Wheeler Wilcox
You never can tell when you send a word, Like an arrow shot from a bow By an archer blind, be it cruel or kind, Just where it may chance to go!
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Collection: Archer
Image of Zhuangzi
An archer competing for a clay vessel shoots effortlessly, his or her skill and concentration unimpeded. If the prize is changed to a brass ornament, the hands begin to shake. If it is changed to gold, he or she squints as if going blind. The abilities do not deteriorate, but belief in them does, as he or she allows the supposed value of an external reward to cloud the vision.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Archer
Image of Zhuangzi
When an archer is shooting for nothing, he has all his skill. If he shoots for a brass buckle, he is already nervous. If he shoots for a prize of gold, he goes blind or sees two targets - He is out of his mind! His skill has not changed. But the prize divides him. He cares. He thinks more of winning than of shooting- And the need to win drains him of power.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Archer
Image of Confucius
The archer who misses his mark does not blame the target. He stops, corrects himself and shoots again.
- Confucius
Collection: Archer
Image of Dinesh D'Souza
The capitalist has this over the politician and the clergyman; he has in practice done more to raise the standard of living of the poor than all the government and church programs in history....Monsanto and the Archer Daniels Midland Company have fed more hungry people than all the...soup kitchens combined.
- Dinesh D'Souza
Collection: Archer
Image of Paulo Coelho
I am a very good archer. I use archery as my way of meditation. I cannot sit down and just meditate in the classical sense. I am very active. So, I use archery. I have my bow, my arrow and I use this tension and relaxation in the second after throwing the arrow. And it is my way to meditate and this is the only thing that clears my mind. When I do archery, I am totally there with my bow, my target, my arrow, and I don't think, I am communion with the universe.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Archer
Image of Ann Coulter
Like the archers of Agincourt, John O'Neal and the 254 Swiftboat Veterans took down their own haughty Frenchman.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Archer
Image of Confucius
In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself.
- Confucius
Collection: Archer
Image of George Eliot
Things are achieved when they are well begun. The perfect archer calls the deer his own While yet the shaft is whistling.
- George Eliot
Collection: Archer
Image of Sri Aurobindo
A thought is an arrow shot at the truth; it can hit a point, but not cover the whole target. But the archer is too well satisfied with his success to ask anything farther.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Archer
Image of Heinrich Heine
The arrow belongs not to the archer when it has once left the bow; the word no longer belongs to the speaker when it has once passed his lips, especially when it has been multiplied by the press.
- Heinrich Heine
Collection: Archer
Image of Soren Kierkegaard
As the arrow, loosed from the bow by the hand of the practiced archer, does not rest till it has reached the mark, so men pass from God to God. He is the mark for which they have been created, and they do not rest till they find their rest in him.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Collection: Archer
Image of Federico Garcia Lorca
Seville is a tower full of fine archers.... Under the arch of the sky, across the clear plain, she shoots the constant arrow of her river.
- Federico Garcia Lorca
Collection: Archer
Image of James Russell Lowell
Who is it needs such flawless shafts as fate? What archer of his arrows is so choice, or hits the white so surely?
- James Russell Lowell
Collection: Archer