
Image of Socrates
If he who does not know kept silent, discord would cease.
- Socrates
Collection: Silence
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I am a Citizen of the World, and my Nationality is Goodwill.
- Socrates
Collection: Citizens
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Do it because it's in your heart. Not because you want something in return. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
- Socrates
Collection: Writing
Image of Socrates
Get married, in any case. If you happen to get a good mate, you will be happy; if a bad one, you will become philosophical, which is a fine thing in itself.
- Socrates
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Socrates
The perfect human being is all human beings put together, it is a collective, it is all of us together that make perfection.
- Socrates
Collection: Perfect
Image of Socrates
Only the extremely ignorant or the extremely intelligent can resist change.
- Socrates
Collection: Change
Image of Socrates
The highest realms of thought are impossible to reach without first attaining an understanding of compassion.
- Socrates
Collection: Compassion
Image of Socrates
There's no good answer to a question you didn't hear
- Socrates
Collection: Answers
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If what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all
- Socrates
Collection: Want
Image of Socrates
Whom do I call educated? First, those who manage well the circumstances they encounter day by day. Next, those who are decent and honorable in their intercourse with all men, bearing easily and good naturedly what is offensive in others and being as agreeable and reasonable to their associates as is humanly possible to be... those who hold their pleasures always under control and are not ultimately overcome by their misfortunes... those who are not spoiled by their successes, who do not desert their true selves but hold their ground steadfastly as wise and sober - minded men.
- Socrates
Collection: Life
Image of Socrates
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live.
- Socrates
Collection: Food
Image of Socrates
Whenever, therefore, people are deceived and form opinions wide of the truth, it is clear that the error has slid into their minds through the medium of certain resemblances to that truth.
- Socrates
Collection: Errors
Image of Socrates
I have lived long enough to learn how much there is I can really do without.... He is nearest to God who needs the fewest things.
- Socrates
Collection: Long
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Through your rags I see your vanity.
- Socrates
Collection: Vanity
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Slanderers do not hurt me because they do not hit me.
- Socrates
Collection: Hurt
Image of Socrates
The beginning is the most important part, especially when dealing with anything young and tender.
- Socrates
Collection: Important
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Wisest is he who knows he knows not.
- Socrates
Collection: Knows
Image of Socrates
Wars and revolutions and battles are due simply and solely to the body and its desires. All wars are undertaken for the acquisition of wealth; and the reason why we have to acquire wealth is the body, because we are slaves in its service.
- Socrates
Collection: War
Image of Socrates
A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house
- Socrates
Collection: Army
Image of Socrates
Those then who know not wisdom and virtue, and are always busy with gluttony and sensuality, go down and up again as far as the mean; and in this region they move at random throughout life, but they never pass into the true upper world; thither they neither look, nor do they ever find their way, neither are they truly filled with true being, nor do they ever taste of pure and abiding pleasure.
- Socrates
Collection: Moving
Image of Socrates
Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of - for credit is like fire; when once you have kindled it you may easily preserve it, but if you once extinguish it, you will find it an arduous task to rekindle it again. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.
- Socrates
Collection: Inspirational
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Be of good hope in the face of death. Believe in this one truth for certain, that no evil can befall a good man either in life or death, and that his fate is not a matter of indifference to the gods.
- Socrates
Collection: Death
Image of Socrates
Man must rise above the Earth - to the top of the atmosphere and beyond - for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.
- Socrates
Collection: Airplane
Image of Socrates
A man can no more make a safe use of wealth without reason than he can of a horse without a bridle.
- Socrates
Collection: Horse
Image of Socrates
The soul, like the body, accepts by practice whatever habit one wishes it to contact.
- Socrates
Collection: Practice
Image of Socrates
Admitting one's ignorance is the first step in acquiring knowledge.
- Socrates
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Socrates
See one promontory, one mountain, one sea, one river and see all.
- Socrates
Collection: Nature
Image of Socrates
Is there anyone to whom you entrust a greater number of serious matters than your wife? And is there anyone with whom you have fewer conversations?
- Socrates
Collection: Numbers
Image of Socrates
Just as you ought not to attempt to cure eyes without head or head without body, so you should not treat body without soul.
- Socrates
Collection: Eye
Image of Socrates
Besides, it is a shame to let yourself grow old through neglect before seeing how you can develop the maximum beauty and strength of body; and you can have this experience if your are negligent, because these things don't normally happen by themselves.
- Socrates
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Socrates
Fellow citizens, why do you burn and scrape every stone to gather wealth and take so little care of your children to whom you must one day relinquish all?
- Socrates
Collection: Children
Image of Socrates
I call that man idle who might be better employed.
- Socrates
Collection: Men
Image of Socrates
True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all.
- Socrates
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Socrates
He said that there was one only good, namely, knowledge; and one only evil, namely, ignorance.
- Socrates
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Socrates
For this fear of death is indeed the pretense of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being the appearance of knowing the unknown; since no one knows whether death, which they in their fear apprehend to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good.
- Socrates
Collection: Real
Image of Socrates
If I had engaged in politics, O men of Athens, I should have perished long ago, and done no good either to you or to myself.
- Socrates
Collection: Men
Image of Socrates
An unexamined life is a life of no account.
- Socrates
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Socrates
When our feet hurt, we hurt all over.
- Socrates
Collection: Hurt
Image of Socrates
I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul.
- Socrates
Collection: Money
Image of Socrates
Whenever a number of individuals have a common name, we assume them to have also a corresponding idea or form.
- Socrates
Collection: Names
Image of Socrates
But already it is time to depart, for me to die, for you to go on living; which of us takes the better course, is concealed from anyone except God.
- Socrates
Collection: God
Image of Socrates
I have good hope that there is something remaining for the dead.
- Socrates
Collection: Immortality
Image of Socrates
May I consider the wise man rich, and may I have such wealth as only the self-restrained man can bear or endure.
- Socrates
Collection: Wise
Image of Socrates
I only know that I know nothing
- Socrates
Collection: Knows
Image of Socrates
One ought not to return injustice, nor do evil to anybody in the world, no matter what one may have suffered from them.
- Socrates
Collection: Evil
Image of Socrates
All that we know is nothing can be known.
- Socrates
Collection: Knows
Image of Socrates
For who is there but you? - who not only claim to be a good man and a gentleman, for many are this, and yet have not the power of making others good. Whereas you are not only good yourself, but also the cause of goodness in others.
- Socrates
Collection: Men
Image of Socrates
I know what I do not know.
- Socrates
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Socrates
So you would rather suffer an injustice than do an injustice?
- Socrates
Collection: Suffering