
Image of Socrates
If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.
- Socrates
Collection: Life
Image of Socrates
False language, evil in itself, infects the soul with evil.
- Socrates
Collection: Evil
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Talk in order that I may see you.
- Socrates
Collection: Order
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Be true to thine own self.
- Socrates
Collection: Inspirational
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To fear death is nothing other than to think oneself wise when one is not. For it is to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not even turn out to be the greatest blessings of human beings. And yet people fear it as if they knew for certain it is the greatest evil.
- Socrates
Collection: Death
Image of Socrates
Virtue is the beauty of the soul.
- Socrates
Collection: Soul
Image of Socrates
The partisan when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions.
- Socrates
Collection: Caring
Image of Socrates
Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace, and making the soul of him who is rightly educated graceful, or of him who is ill-educated ungraceful.
- Socrates
Collection: Music
Image of Socrates
There is but one evil, ignorance.
- Socrates
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Socrates
The cure of many diseases remains unknown to the physicians of Hellos (Greece) because they do not study the whole person.
- Socrates
Collection: Dark
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It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit.
- Socrates
Collection: Men
Image of Socrates
It is better to be at odds with the whole world than, being one, to be at odds with myself.
- Socrates
Collection: Odds
Image of Socrates
- Socrates
Collection: Causes
Image of Socrates
The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.
- Socrates
Collection: Writing
Image of Socrates
Listen not to a tale-bearer or slanderer, for he tells thee nothing out of good-will; but as he discovereth of the secrets of others, so he will of thine in turn.
- Socrates
Collection: Secret
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Man's life is like a drop of dew on a leaf.
- Socrates
Collection: Men
Image of Socrates
The real artist, who knew what he was imitating, would be interested in realities and not in imitations; and would desire to leave as memorials of himself works many and fair; and, instead of being the author of encomiums, he would prefer to be the theme of them.
- Socrates
Collection: Real
Image of Socrates
Why should I resent it when an ass kicks me?
- Socrates
Collection: Ass
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I am very conscious that I am not wise at all.
- Socrates
Collection: Wise
Image of Socrates
There is no greater magnificence than to defeat oneself. That is the magnificence.
- Socrates
Collection: Magnificence
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The poets are only the interpreters of the Gods.
- Socrates
Collection: Poet
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Is it not, then, better to be ridiculous and friendly than clever and hostile?
- Socrates
Collection: Clever
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The best seasoning for food is hunger; for drink, thirst.
- Socrates
Collection: Hunger
Image of Socrates
I believe that we cannot live better than in seeking to become better, nor more agreeably than having a clear conscience.
- Socrates
Collection: Believe
Image of Socrates the acquisition of this blessing human nature can find no better helper than Love. I declare that it is the duty of every man to honour Love, and I honour and practice the mysteries of Love in an especial degree myself, and recommend the same to others, and I praise the power and valour of Love to the best of my ability both now and always.
- Socrates
Collection: Blessing
Image of Socrates
Wisdom is knowing how little we know.
- Socrates
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Socrates
All of the wisdom of this world is but a tiny raft upon which we must set sail when we leave this earth. If only there was a firmer foundation upon which to sail, perhaps some divine word.
- Socrates
Collection: Foundation
Image of Socrates
To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be certain is to be ridiculous.
- Socrates
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Socrates
I am quite ready to acknowledge . . . that I ought to be grieved at death, if I were not persuaded that I am going to other gods who are wise and good (of this I am as certain as I can be of any such matters), and to men departed who are better than those whom I leave behind. And therefore I do not grieve as I might have done, for I have good hope that there is yet something remaining for the dead.
- Socrates
Collection: Wise
Image of Socrates
To live well and honorably and justly are the same thing.
- Socrates
Collection: Life
Image of Socrates
I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can...And, to the utmost of my power, I exhort all other men to do the same...I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly conflict.
- Socrates
Collection: Life
Image of Socrates
How many things I can do without!
- Socrates
Collection: Life
Image of Socrates
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.
- Socrates
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Socrates
The soul then, as being immortal, and having been born again many times, and having seen all things that exist, whether in this world or in the world below, has knowledge of them all . . . all enquiry and all learning is but recollection.
- Socrates
Collection: Soul
Image of Socrates
If all the misfortunes of mankind were cast into a public stack in order to be equally distributed among the whole species, those who now think themselves the most unhappy would prefer the share they are already possessed of before that which would fall to them by such a division.
- Socrates
Collection: Fall
Image of Socrates
Often when looking at a mass of things for sale, he would say to himself, 'How many things I have no need of!'
- Socrates
Collection: Needs
Image of Socrates
One who is injured ought not to return the injury, for on no account can it be right to do an injustice.
- Socrates
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Socrates
If the whole world depends on today's youth, I can't see the world lasting another 100 years.
- Socrates
Collection: Years
Image of Socrates
This is...self-knowled ge-for a man to know what he knows, and what he does not know.
- Socrates
Collection: Men
Image of Socrates
Antiphon, as another man gets pleasure from a good horse, or a dog, or a bird, I get even more pleasure from good friends. And if I have something good, I teach it to them, and I introduce them to others who will be useful to them with respect to virtue. And together with my friends I go through the treasures of wise men of old which they left behind written in books, and we peruse them. If we see something good, we pick it out and hold it to be a great profit, if we are able to prove useful to one another.
- Socrates
Collection: Wise
Image of Socrates
The only thing I know is that I know nothing
- Socrates
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Socrates
I must first know myself, as the Delphian inscription says; to be curious about that which is not my concern, while I am still in ignorance of my own self, would be ridiculous. And therefore I bid farewell to all this; the common opinion is enough for me. For, as I was saying, I want to know not about this, but about myself: am I a monster more complicated and swollen with passion than the serpent Typho, or a creature of a gentler and simpler sort, to whom Nature has given a diviner and lowlier destiny?
- Socrates
Collection: Farewell
Image of Socrates
It is a base thing for a man to wax old in careless self-neglect before he has lifted up his eyes and seen what manner of man he was made to be, in the full perfection of bodily strength and beauty. But these glories are withheld from him who is guilty of self-neglect, for they are not wont to blaze forth unbidden.
- Socrates
Collection: Eye
Image of Socrates
I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler.
- Socrates
Collection: Sports
Image of Socrates
The soul is cured of its maladies by certain incantations; these incantations are beautiful reasons, from which temperance is generated in souls.
- Socrates
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Socrates
I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live.
- Socrates
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Socrates
By means of beauty all beautiful things become beautiful.
- Socrates
Collection: Beautiful