Sissy Spacek

Image of Sissy Spacek
With my coloring, I'm nothing in black and white. I've seen my films sometimes on black-and-white TV. Disaster.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Our life is our life. If we waste it, we're fools.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Hollywood's fickle. It's always been that way, and it will always be that way. And it's always going to be somebody new and exciting comes along. That's just the way it works, and it will always work that way. And I think that if you give it everything to the exclusion of your own real life and family, you've sold yourself down the river.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I live a very wonderful life centered in my home and community. We're real involved with the school.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I got an automatic breadmaker. It's the greatest! I get more points for that. You computerize in the results you want, and it's no fail. I'm a modern homemaker.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Celebrity status for me came slowly. I wasn't an overnight sensation. I had time to prepare emotionally.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I'm a flower gardener.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I swore to my parents that no one would ever be able to buy me.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I follow the roles.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I think that we all fantasize about that teeny tiny time in the film industry when women ruled, back in the '40s.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There are fewer roles, and I've done so many things already that I don't want to repeat, so to find something you haven't done is harder. I don't want to play a country singer again.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There's kind of a time you get warned about where the rug gets pulled out from under you: beyond ingenue, before you get into character stuff.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I've done some of my best work in films that fell right through the cracks, so I try to not make career moves but to build a body of work.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
You get angry and frustrated wondering, 'Are there enough parts for women?'
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I think the thread running through most midwives is the passion.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I'm not paralyzed with fear, but I realize it is important to live as if there's no tomorrow, always trying to maintain your integrity and have no regrets.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
The business has been good to me.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
If you live only a movie-star life, you know only movie-star things. I needed to live a regular life with normal people around.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
What's normal? I think I'm normal... Maybe I'm abnormal because I get such a thrill from real life, just real life, everyday things.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I loved growing up in a little town. I loved knowing people. I loved going to the store and running into people. I loved going into the store and having forgotten my bag, saying, 'Charge it, put it on my bill.' I loved going to the gas station and saying, 'Pete, fill it up.' I loved that continuity of life.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
You shouldn't change what you are in the search for success.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Writing
Image of Sissy Spacek
I listened to that voice inside me-... Everyone has an inner voice; you just have to listen to it and trust it in order to be led by it. I did that, and it gave me the ability to live a life that's true to who I am and what I really wanted.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Sissy Spacek
I was always proud about being from Texas and, you know, maybe that was part of fearlessness. I love the fact that Texas is so big, but you don't feel small because of that.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Texas
Image of Sissy Spacek
When I'm pushing myself, testing myself, that's when I'm happiest. That's when the rewards are greatest.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Rewards
Image of Sissy Spacek
When I started out in independent films in the early 70s, we did everything for the love of art. It wasn't about money and stardom. That was what we were reacting against. You'd die before you'd be bought.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Art
Image of Sissy Spacek
I may be ignorant but I ain't stupid!
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Stupid
Image of Sissy Spacek
You know, your career is just your career; your life is your life!
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Careers
Image of Sissy Spacek
You know, I don’t know what the future will bring, but I’m ready for whatever comes!
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Ready
Image of Sissy Spacek
If I hadn’t left Texas, I might not have met the director Terrence Malick, and I wouldn’t have met my husband and I wouldn’t have had the children that I’ve had. Life is interesting like that.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Children
Image of Sissy Spacek
You relate to a character and you find that character within yourself. It's all parts of me. I don't leave characters behind. I just let them go.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Character
Image of Sissy Spacek
I had a dozen years to act before starting a family then found that motherhood dwarfed everything else. Once or twice a year, I take a project that appeals to me for its redeeming social value.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Motherhood
Image of Sissy Spacek
Banana Splits for Breakfast. I think I ate about five.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sissy Spacek
But you finally think, there is what there is, and you have to work within those confines and just keep chipping away at your own work.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sissy Spacek
A great screenplay is the most powerful bait in Hollywood.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Powerful
Image of Sissy Spacek
I don't take characters home with me.
- Sissy Spacek
Collection: Home