Sissy Spacek

Image of Sissy Spacek
Some families can experience terrible tragedy and deal with it, and others not. I find those things fascinating.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
That was the magical thing about the Seventies: artists ruled. Because films were relatively low-budget, nobody cared. We could just go off and work.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
It's not seeing myself 40 feet tall on a movie screen - it's the work. That's what thrills me.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I'm a fool for a brilliant filmmaker. And for someone who wants to try new things.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There's nothing like not washing your teeth or washing your face or brushing your teeth in the morning.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I need to fill myself up with real life. That's kind of the well I draw from.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
It's difficult to just let go of a character. Especially after you've been preparing and researching for weeks.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I only learn from the people I work with.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Ultimately, you have to work for your own enlightenment - for smarts - or it gets boring.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
If somebody wants to think of me as a movie star, that's fine, that's great. It sort of makes me giggle.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I don't like to do something just to prove I can do it.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
New York gets under your skin, and I think once you've fallen in love with New York, you take that with you. I love New York.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I write about Texas, New York, California and Virginia, and they're all important places in my repertoire.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
My daughter is far more talented than me in the songwriting department - far more.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I think the movie business, you meet people, and you work intensely with them, and you have these relationships - there's an intimacy to it and a familiarity to the relationship because you're having to let go of all your barriers so you can let people in and work with them.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
It's really about the work - if you are doing it for the right reasons - really to illuminate the human condition.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
You want to live your life and live it just as fully and as deeply as you can. That's your deep well of reserve. That's where you get all your - the fodder for your work.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I'm a binge-watcher!
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
It's really nice when the studio is behind what you're doing, because that's often not the case.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Everybody who loves me calls me Sissy, so I guess that's just who I am. When I'm 80, they'll still be calling me Sissy. Oh, well, I guess there are worse things.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Film is an amazing art form, but so is life. When your career and your life can work together, and one can support the other, it's just great.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There's something about Southern characters.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I wouldn't sell those New York actors short.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
The human condition is the human condition, and what we try to do is illuminate the human condition.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I think people in the north and the south and the east and the west, anywhere they come from, are just as interesting, and they're humans. They have the same realm of emotions that we all have. But I'm just more drawn to the Southern character and the different types, and Southern literature is so lyrical and so wonderful.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There is a long tradition of pungent living in the South. It was wonderful to have that imprinted on me so early in life. I already had my core when I left my little town in Texas.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
When I lived in New York City, I loved it so much. But every six months, I had to go home to Texas to remember who I was. Get filled back up.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
My roots allow me to let go of the fear of failure.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
My children came along at a perfect time in my life. My career was soaring, and they didn't care who I thought I was. They just wanted to eat. It brought me down to earth.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Living in New York always felt to me like living in the middle of a carnival. It never stopped. There was something very exciting about it.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There are stories you can tell on TV that can't be told in movies anymore.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
One day, it just dawned on me that I'm from Texas, and that's what I am.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Texas is so big, and the place where I grew up was so little, and I was such a little thing growing up in the middle of it. I had two choices: I could either spend my life feeling insignificant, or I could look on the life I lived as a microcosm of the universe.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
That's what I love about acting and love and drama and art: that humanness we all share.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
We like to believe we are in control of our destinies, even though we never are and we never have been.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I feel like if I don't get a film and somebody else does, then that film never belonged to me. The ones I get belong to me.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Oftentimes you read scripts, and you get to one and you think, 'OK, is this good, or is this just better than all the other ones that I have been reading?'
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Rarely in film acting do you get to do a scene for very long.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Nature is really big and loud the farther south you get.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I used to play softball every summer back in Quitman. My two brothers demanded I be tough. There were certain girls they wouldn't let me invite over because they were too feminine and fragile.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Nothing in life prepared me for the way I felt about being a mother. Until then, I sort of felt like a blank sheet of paper. I was always trying to second-guess myself, to be what others wanted me to be.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
When I was a little kid, I used to spend a lot of time thinking about what I'd wish for if a magic fairy gave me three wishes. First, I wanted to be loved. Then, I wanted to be beautiful. And, finally, I'd wish for a million more wishes.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
In every movie, there's always some physical thing that triggers the character for me. In 'The Long Walk Home,' it was the girdle. Every time I'd put that girdle on, I'd feel my character wiggle to life.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Hollywood is like a piranha. They don't give you breathing room. You don't have time to let your career breathe.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I love a lot of the '70s musicians, like Bonnie Raitt. And I love Sheryl Crow. But probably my favorite musician is a woman by the name of Schuyler Fisk.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
There are classic horror films that, if you are a human being in this world, you have to have seen. They've become a part of our culture.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I studied homeopathy for years and years. Herbs and all kinds of acupuncture, acupressure, alternative medicine. I think it's just better to treat the whole person.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
Hollywood is a film industry, a film business. I don't approach my career in that way. I see it as 'art,' and I become involved in films that ring my bell.
- Sissy Spacek
Image of Sissy Spacek
I just make films that attract me.
- Sissy Spacek