Simon Schama

Image of Simon Schama
The synagogues of late antiquity and the early medieval period were built around imagery: imagery of remembering the Temple, but also of the celestial zodiac, too.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
Jewish history turns out not to be an either/or story - as in, either pure Judaism detached from its surroundings or else assimilation - but rather, for the vast majority, the adventure of living in between.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
My mother was an awful cook, an exceptionally awful kosher cook, but I stayed kosher until I got to college, even though I'd long stopped believing in God.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
At 11, 12, I thought I was clumsy, ugly, a mess, an unappealing person, but I did have the gift of the gab. I had the school record at Haberdashers for consecutive detentions for simply speaking out of turn.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
I am not very relaxed about bad reviews. But I am resilient. I grieve, curse and swear, put on loud music, and get on with the next job.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
Never crowd a pan with too many mushrooms. They give off an enormous amount of moisture. And there's nothing worse than a braised mushroom, other than a lot of braised mushrooms.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
I was conscious of being wordy as a child. I was a terrible talker. I memorised the Latin names of flowers at five; I was shown off as a freak. My father encouraged me to be wordier than I was: he'd been a street orator at the time of Mosley, and his ideal primary concert speech was Henry V's speech before Harfleur.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
Anyone can write an academic piece directed at other academics. To write something that delivers an argument and a gripping storyline to someone's granny or eight-year-old takes the highest quality of your powers.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
It takes a perverse determination to drain that instinctive curiosity away and make history seem just remote, dead and disconnected from our contemporary reality. Conversely, it just takes skilful storytelling to recharge that connection to make the past come alive in our present.
- Simon Schama
Image of Simon Schama
Great art has dreadful manners. The greatest paintings grab you in a headlock, rough up your composure, and then proceed in short order to re-arrange your reality.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Art
Image of Simon Schama
Histories never conclude; they just pause their prose. Their stories are, if they are truthful, untidy affairs, resistant to windings-up and sortings-out. They beat raggedly on into the future.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Sorting Out
Image of Simon Schama
Landscapes are culture before they are nature; constructs of the imagination projected onto wood and water and rock. It is... difficult to think of a single natural system that has not, for better or worse, been substantially modified by human culture. The cultural habits of humanity have always made room for the sacredness of nature.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Funny
Image of Simon Schama
Historians are left forever chasing shadows, painfully aware of their inability ever to reconstruct a dead world in its completeness however thorough or revealing their documentation. We are doomed to be forever hailing someone who has just gone around the corner and out of earshot.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Forever
Image of Simon Schama
Even for the most excitable preacher, there was nothing inherently sinful about a waffle.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Waffles
Image of Simon Schama
From 1789, perhaps even before that, it had been the willingness of politicians to exploit either the threat or the fact of violence that had given them the power to challenge constituted authority. Bloodshed was not the unfortunate by product of revolution, it was the source of energy.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Challenges
Image of Simon Schama
What can art really do in the face of atrocity?
- Simon Schama
Collection: Art
Image of Simon Schama
Nations don't start out. There is not a particular moment when they unveil the essence of themselves. They are always a work in progress.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Essence
Image of Simon Schama
Irreverence is the lifeblood of freedom.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Irreverence
Image of Simon Schama
Charlie Hebdo: Satire was the father of true political freedom, born in the 18th century; the scourge of bigots and tyrants. Sing its praises.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Father
Image of Simon Schama
There are some places where history just grabs you by the jugular. This is one of them.
- Simon Schama
Collection: War
Image of Simon Schama
The way history is currently taught in schools, jumping from Hitler to the Henrys, is like a nightmare vision of Star Wars, where you have episode four before you have episode one. The sense of going on a journey, of chronology and continuity, is incredibly important to the imagination.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Stars
Image of Simon Schama
The great theme of modern British history is the fate of freedom. The 18th century inherits, after the Civil War, this very peculiar political animal. It's not a democracy, but it's not a tyranny. It's not like the rest of the world, the rest of Europe. There is a parliament, laws have to be made, elections are made.
- Simon Schama
Collection: War
Image of Simon Schama
In its Greek origins, historia meant inquiry, and from Thucydides onwards, the past has been studied to understand its connections with the present.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Past
Image of Simon Schama
The irony about Charles II is not that he came to the throne because England needed a successor to Charles I, but because England needed a successor to Oliver Cromwell.
- Simon Schama
Collection: History
Image of Simon Schama
I don't really like the autumn. For me it is the beginning of winter and I hate the winter. White, the colour of death.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Hate
Image of Simon Schama
But it struck me that the extreme violence and cruelty of the English Civil War had gone understated.
- Simon Schama
Collection: War
Image of Simon Schama
The next worse thing to a battle lost is a battle won.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Battle
Image of Simon Schama
Almost everywhere else in Europe, the more military the state, the stronger the king - except in Britain. Here it was parliament, not the monarchy, who signed the cheques. The longer the war went on, the stronger parliament became, as the purse on which it sat grew bigger and bigger.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Kings
Image of Simon Schama
Taxation, the very thing that had triggered the British civil wars, would do so again, this time in America. The taxes may have been different, but the result would once again be disaster. What happened in America was really round two of those wars - the civil war of the British Empire, with the Hanoverians playing the part of the Stuarts, and the Americans the heirs of the revolutionaries, of Cromwell and of William III, the inheritors of a true British liberty, that had somehow got lost in its own motherland.
- Simon Schama
Collection: War
Image of Simon Schama
I'm helplessly and permanently a Red Sox fan. It was like first love...You never forget. It's special. It's the first time I saw a ballpark. I'd thought nothing would ever replace cricket. Wow! Fenway Park at 7 o'clock in the evening. Oh, just, magic beyond magic: never got over that
- Simon Schama
Collection: Love You
Image of Simon Schama
In the end, history, especially British history with its succession of thrilling illuminations, should be, as all her most accomplished narrators have promised, not just instruction but pleasure.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Illumination
Image of Simon Schama
These men were very much in the minority, but of course, being the 'Elect', they expected to be in a minority - the party of redemption. In fact they glorified in the slightness of their numbers, the self-purifying troop of Gideon's army... stormtroopers in the front line of the Reformation.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Party
Image of Simon Schama
From the days of the Founding Fathers, right to this (2008) election, how and where America fights to defend its freedom, has been the ultimate question in its politics. The one that triggers rage and sorrow; the one that asks is the price of blood too dear? Or, if it is to stay true to its convictions, does America have no coice but to put its lives on the line?
- Simon Schama
Collection: Father
Image of Simon Schama
In America, much foreign policy seems contrived to be an exercise in political theory with no attention to history whatsoever. Yet there's a great reverence for history - though it's history as thumb-sucking, security blanket-nibbling self-congratulation.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Congratulations
Image of Simon Schama
Walking on camera is damn hard. It's a Jewish problem. The rangy stride across the blasted moor is not really a Jewish thing.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Cameras
Image of Simon Schama
DIY, cricket, automobile repair. I could study it for a lifetime and not produce a word on the carburettor.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Diy
Image of Simon Schama
To collude in the minimisation of British history on the grounds of its imagined irrelevance to our rebranded national future, or from a suspicion that it does no more than recycle patriotic pieties unsuited to a global marketplace, would be an act of appallingly self-inflicted collective memory loss.
- Simon Schama
Collection: Memories
Image of Simon Schama
Charles was constitutionally incapable of being a constitutional monarch.
- Simon Schama
Collection: History
Image of Simon Schama
At 11, 12 I thought I was clumsy, ugly, a mess, an unappealing person, but I did have the gift of the gab. I had the school record at Haberdashers for consecutive detentions for simply speaking out of turn.
- Simon Schama
Collection: School
Image of Simon Schama
I first read War And Peace about 100 years after Tolstoy wrote it.
- Simon Schama
Collection: War