Top Historical Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Historical quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Samantha Shannon
I fell even more deeply in love with Tolkiens legendarium after studying Old English literature at uni, as I got a sense of the historical events and cultures that Tolkien used to create his world. My favourite of his imaginary locations is Lothlorien.
- Samantha Shannon
Collection: Historical
Image of Paul Ricoeur
We are not capable of producing a concept of time that is at once cosmological, biological, historical and individual
- Paul Ricoeur
Collection: Historical
Image of William Ernest Hocking
However rich we may become in knowledge of the deeper causes of historical results, we forgo all understanding of history if we forget this inner continuity,--i.e., the conscious intentions of the participants in history-making and their consciously known successes.
- William Ernest Hocking
Collection: Historical
Image of John D. Rockefeller
I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers
- John D. Rockefeller
Collection: Historical
Image of Sebastian Horsley
One of the many troubles of growing older is that it gets progressively harder to find a famous historical figure who hadn't yet amounted to anything by the time he was your age.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Historical
Image of Thomas Nagel
The more details we learn about the chemical basis of life and the intricacy of the genetic code, the more unbelievable the standard historical account becomes
- Thomas Nagel
Collection: Historical
Image of Glen Cook
Every ounce of my cynicism is supported by historical precedent.
- Glen Cook
Collection: Historical
Image of Stefan Zweig
A word is nothing unless it has values and an atmosphere, unless you grasp its historical significance.
- Stefan Zweig
Collection: Historical
Image of Sharon Kay Penman
Abigail Adams could become my favorite historical sleuth.
- Sharon Kay Penman
Collection: Historical
Image of Andrew Sullivan
Is it not a rather fantastic historical irony that the torture techniques that the North Vietnamese used against McCain that forced him to offer a videotaped false confession are now the techniques the Bush administration is using to gain "intelligence" about terror networks. How is it possible to know that everything John McCain once said on videotape for the enemy was false, because it was coerced, and yet assert that everything we torture out of terror suspects using exactly the same techniques is true?
- Andrew Sullivan
Collection: Historical
Image of Goldwin Smith
Ancient history, besides the still unequalled excellence of the writers, is the best instrument for cultivating the historical sense.
- Goldwin Smith
Collection: Historical
Image of Franz Boas
The historical development of the work of anthropologists seems to single out clearly a domain of knowledge that heretofore has not been treated by any other science
- Franz Boas
Collection: Historical
Image of Josip Broz Tito
Any movement in history which attempts to perpetuate itself, becomes reactionary.
- Josip Broz Tito
Collection: Historical
Image of William Paterson
The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.
- William Paterson
Collection: Historical
Image of Holmes Rolston III
McIntosh is persuasive in his arguments that the scientific facts of evolution cannot stand alone ... science shows that historical evolution, whatever its contingencies, is itself on a trajectory of values development. McIntosh has well-researched his sources and integrated them with seminal insight.
- Holmes Rolston III
Collection: Historical
Image of Friedrich Kellner
The butchering may continue as it will, it shall remain the historical guilt of the Western powers that they did not promptly provide the sharpest preventative measures against the continued attack-politics Germany undertook. Possibilities existed for this, but no measures were seized upon.
- Friedrich Kellner
Collection: Historical
Image of Irving Fisher
Thus, our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess
- Irving Fisher
Collection: Historical
Image of Chris Hedges
Human beings can be redeemed. Empires cannot. Our refusal to face the truth about empire, our refusal to defy the multitudinous crimes and atrocities of empire, has brought about the nightmare Malcolm predicted. And as the Digital Age and our post-literate society implant a terrifying historical amnesia, these crimes are erased as swiftly as they are committed.
- Chris Hedges
Collection: Historical
Image of Ernest Bevin
A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse, another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead.
- Ernest Bevin
Collection: Historical
Image of F. F. Bruce
Some writers may toy with the fancy of a ‘Christ-myth,’ but they do not do so on the ground of historical evidence. The historicity of Christ is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It is not historians who propagate the ‘Christ-myth’ theories.
- F. F. Bruce
Collection: Historical
Image of Michael Ventura
Be careful how you choose your enemy, for you will come to resemble him. The moment you adapt your enemy's methods your enemy has won. The rest is suffering and historical opera.
- Michael Ventura
Collection: Historical
Image of Ahad Ha'am
Historical truth is that, and that alone, which reveals the forces that go to mould the social life of mankind.
- Ahad Ha'am
Collection: Historical
Image of Franz Karl Achard
Everyone now agrees that a physics lacking all connection with mathematics ... would only be an historical amusement, fitter for entertaining the idle than for occupying the mind of a philosopher.
- Franz Karl Achard
Collection: Historical
Image of Polybius
Monarchy degenerates into tyranny, aristocracy into oligarchy, and democracy into savage violence and chaos.
- Polybius
Collection: Historical
Image of Karl Hess
We do not want to lead or be led. We want to be free.
- Karl Hess
Collection: Historical
Image of Paul Volcker
A global economy requires a global currency.
- Paul Volcker
Collection: Historical
Image of Theodor Mommsen
History has a Nemesis for every sin.
- Theodor Mommsen
Collection: Historical
Image of David Korten
An active propaganda machinery controlled bv the world's largest corporations constantly reassures us that consumerism is the path to happiness, governmental restraint of market excess is the cause our distress, and economic globalization is both a historical inevitability and a boon to the human species.
- David Korten
Collection: Historical
Image of Theodosius Dobzhansky
The evolution of life, and the evolutionary origin of mankind, are scientifically established as firmly and completely as any historical event not witnessed by human observers. Any concession to anti-evolutionists, suggesting that there are scientific reasons to doubt the facticity of evolution, would be propagating a plain untruth.
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
Collection: Historical
Image of Rick Perlstein
No historical analogies are exactly precise.
- Rick Perlstein
Collection: Historical
Image of Immanuel Wallerstein
That is why we may say that the historical development of capitalism has involved the thrust towards the commodification of everything.
- Immanuel Wallerstein
Collection: Historical
Image of Immanuel Wallerstein
Capitalism is first and foremost a historical social system.
- Immanuel Wallerstein
Collection: Historical
Image of Wes Craven
A collection of masks, depicting historical figures in life and what I like to call the eternal repose.
- Wes Craven
Collection: Historical
Image of Jean Nouvel
My interest has always been in an architecture which reflects the modernity of our epoch as opposed to the rethinking of historical references. My work deals with what is happening now—our techniques and materials, what we are capable of doing today.
- Jean Nouvel
Collection: Historical
Image of Hugh B. Brown
Prophecy and history predict and record a great and universal apostasy which was to be followed by a restoration as predicted by John in Revelation. The fact of the great apostasy is attested by both sacred and secular writ, and history bears witness that it became universal. We proclaim this fact of history not as an attack on any church. We do not assume any position of "holier than thou" or "wiser than thou," but we announce this historic fact of the apostasy as a vindication of the claim that there has been in fact a restoration of the gospel.
- Hugh B. Brown
Collection: Historical
Image of Megan Chance
I read a ton of fiction - historical, contemporary, literary, commercial, I love it all.
- Megan Chance
Collection: Historical
Image of Mary Jo Bang
Bertrand Russell said, 'Electricity is not a thing like St. Paul's Cathedral; it is a way in which things behave.' And it's not 'they' who say, but Walter Benjamin who said, 'Things are only mannequins and even the great world-historical events are only costumes beneath which they exchange glances with nothingness, with the base and the banal.' In September, 1940, Benjamin died under ambiguous circumstances in the French-Spanish border town of Portbou, while attempting to flee the Nazis.
- Mary Jo Bang
Collection: Historical
Image of Alan Coren
Disneyworld... is a historical reconstruction as sanitised as the Kremlin's, and a future vision as uncognisant of contemporary pointers as Peter Pan's. It is a magic carpet under which everything has been swept.
- Alan Coren
Collection: Historical
Image of Louis Bachelier
There is no useful information contained in historical price movements of securities.
- Louis Bachelier
Collection: Historical
Image of Hamish Bowles
I have Tom Ford, Gucci, Saint Laurent, McQueen, and odd pieces that Ive just acquired because I happened to have come across them and felt they have some historical resonance.
- Hamish Bowles
Collection: Historical
Image of Patricia McConnell
My friends in prison were mostly women more like myself: not historical figures who I did not relate to as peers, but hookers and addicts.
- Patricia McConnell
Collection: Historical
Image of Adolf Ivar Arwidsson
Swedes, we are not - Russians, we do not want to become ... so let us be Finnish.
- Adolf Ivar Arwidsson
Collection: Historical
Image of Shelby Foote
I've never known, at least a modern historical instance, where the truth wasn't superior to distortion in every way.
- Shelby Foote
Collection: Historical
Image of Stanislao Cannizzaro
It often happens that the mind of a person who is learning a new science has to pass through all the phases which the science itself has exhibited in its historical evolution.
- Stanislao Cannizzaro
Collection: Historical
Image of Frederic Morton
The Rothschilds have conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before.
- Frederic Morton
Collection: Historical
Image of Joseph Boyden
Fascinating, often hilarious, always devastatingly truthful, The Inconvenient Indian is destined to become a classic of historical narrative. For those who wish to better understand Native peoples, it is a must read. For those who don't wish to understand, it is even more so.
- Joseph Boyden
Collection: Historical
Image of Moses Hess
Judaism is an historical religion.
- Moses Hess
Collection: Historical
Image of Andrew Lam
In non-fiction you have to stay true to historical events, be they personal or national .
- Andrew Lam
Collection: Historical
Image of John E. Rankin
The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history. Its purpose is to destroy the United States.
- John E. Rankin
Collection: Historical
Image of Archibald F. Bennett
There is no more fascinating subject in which a person may become occupied than an examination into the history of his ancestry.
- Archibald F. Bennett
Collection: Historical