Robert Henri

Image of Robert Henri
You will never draw the sense of a thing unless you are feeling it at the time you work.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Drawing
Image of Robert Henri
In certain books—some way in the first few paragraphs you know that you have met a brother.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Brother
Image of Robert Henri
There is only one reason for art in America, and that is that the people of America learn the means of expressing themselves in their own time, and their own land.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
You pass people on the street, some are for you, some are not.
- Robert Henri
Collection: People
Image of Robert Henri
Art tends toward balance, order, judgment of relative values, the laws of growth, the economy of living – very good things for anyone to be interested in.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
Get the few main lines and see what lines they call out.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Lines
Image of Robert Henri
Art is, after all, only a trace – like a footprint which shows that one has walked bravely and in great happiness.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
Look for echoes. Sometimes the same shape or direction will echo through the picture.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Echoes
Image of Robert Henri
Drawing is not following a line on the model, it is drawing your sense of the thing.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Drawing
Image of Robert Henri
The pursuit of happiness is a great activity. One must be open and alive. It is the greatest feat man has to accomplish, and spirits must flow. There must be courage. There are no easy ruts to get into which lead to happiness. A man must become interesting to himself and must become actually expressive before he can be happy.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Pursuit Of Happiness
Image of Robert Henri
The big painter is one who has something to say. He thus does not paint men, landscape or furniture, but an idea.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Henri
When we respect the nude, we will no longer have any shame about it.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Beauty
Image of Robert Henri
The object, which is back of every true work of art, is the attainment of a state of being, a state of high functioning, a more than ordinary moment of existence. In such moments activity is inevitable, and whether this activity is with brush, pen, chisel, or tongue, its result is but a by-product of the state, a trace, the footprint of the state.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
The work of the art student is no light matter. Few have the courage and stamina to think it through. You have to make up your mind to be alone in many ways. We like sympathy and we like to be in company. It is easier than going it alone. But alone one gets acquainted with himself, grows up and on, not stopping with the crowd. It costs to do this. If you succeed somewhat you may have to pay for it as well as enjoy it all your life.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
I paint for the sole purpose of magnifying the privilege of being alive.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Purpose
Image of Robert Henri
A Curve does not exist in its full power until contrasted with a straight line.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Curves
Image of Robert Henri
Don't worry about your originality. You couldn't get rid of it even if you wanted to. It will stick with you and show up for better or worse in spite of all you or anyone else can do.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Worry
Image of Robert Henri
In every human being there is the artist, and whatever his activity, he has an equal chance with any to express the result of his growth and his contact with life. I don't believe any real artist cares whether what he does is 'art' or not. Who, after all, knows what art is?
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
It seems to me that before a man tries to express anything to the world he must recognize in himself an individual, a new one, very distinct from others.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Henri
The pernicious influence of the prize and medal giving in art is so great that it should be stopped. History proves that juries in art have been generally wrong.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
The man who has honesty, integrity, the love of inquiry, the desire to see beyond, is ready to appreciate good art.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
There is nothing more entertaining than to have a frank talk with yourself. Few do it-frankly. Educating yourself is getting acquainted with yourself.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Educating Yourself
Image of Robert Henri
I have heard it very often said that an artist does not need intelligence, that his is the province of the soul
- Robert Henri
Collection: Artist
Image of Robert Henri
Beauty is an intangible thing; can not be fixed on the surface, and the wear and tear of old age on the body cannot defeat it. Nor will a "pretty" face make it, for "pretty" faces are often dull and empty, and beauty is never dull and it fills all spaces.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Space
Image of Robert Henri
The reason for the survival of the award system is purely commercial.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Awards
Image of Robert Henri
Strokes carry a message whether you will it or not. The stroke is just like the artist at the time he makes it. All the certainties, all the uncertainties, all the bigness of his spirit and the littlenesses are in it.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Artist
Image of Robert Henri
The most vital things in the look of a landscape endure only for a moment. Work should be done from memory; memory of that vital moment.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Memories
Image of Robert Henri
There has never been a painting that was more beautiful than nature. The model does not unfold herself to you, you must rise to her. She should be the inspiration for your painting. No man has ever over-appreciated a human being.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Robert Henri
Self-acquainta nce is a rare condition.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Self
Image of Robert Henri
The true artist regards his work as a means of talking with men [and women], of saying his say to himself and to others. It is not a question of pay.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
Work always as if you were a master, expect from yourself a masterpiece.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Masters
Image of Robert Henri
In great art there is no beginning and end in point of time. All time is comprehended.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
To paint is to know how to put nothing on canvas, and have it look like something when you stand back.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Looks
Image of Robert Henri
The fun of living is that we have to make ourselves, after all.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Henri
Painting should never look as if it were done with difficulty, however difficult it may actually have been.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Looks
Image of Robert Henri
The artist should have a powerful will. He should be powerfully possessed by one idea
- Robert Henri
Collection: Powerful
Image of Robert Henri
In a tree there is a spirit of life, a spirit of growth and a spirit of holding its head up.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Tree
Image of Robert Henri
Lines are results, do not draw them for themselves.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Drawing
Image of Robert Henri
If you do not act on a suggestion at first, you grow dull to its message.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Procrastination
Image of Robert Henri
A mountain seen in the haze of distance must nevertheless look a solid heavy mountain.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Distance
Image of Robert Henri
Count on big lines to express your ideas.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Henri
I am interested in the size of your intention. It is better to overstate the important than to understate it.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Important
Image of Robert Henri
If you work from memory, you are most likely to put in your real feeling.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Memories
Image of Robert Henri
By my teaching I hope to inspire you to personal activity and to present your vision.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Teaching
Image of Robert Henri
The model is not to be copied, but to be realized.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Models
Image of Robert Henri
There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Usual
Image of Robert Henri
You can do anything you want to do. What is rare is this actual wanting to do a specific thing: wanting it so much that you are practically blind to all other things, that nothing else will satisfy you.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Work
Image of Robert Henri
It is the common defect of modern art study. Too many students do not know why they draw.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Henri
The ignorant are to be found as much among the educated as among the uneducated.
- Robert Henri
Collection: Education