Ralph Marston

Image of Ralph Marston
Be thankful for it all. And beyond your many blessings, will be many, many more.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Blessing
Image of Ralph Marston
What has happened has happened and it is now behind you. Take the best of it all as you move positively forward.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Moving
Image of Ralph Marston
Gratitude is the smile of love.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Ralph Marston
Every day you spend drifting away from your goals is a waste not only of that day, but also of the additional day it takes to regain lost ground.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Drifting Off
Image of Ralph Marston
Do what is right, and you'll have no lasting regrets. Do what is right, and put yourself on the side of truth, goodness, and the best of life.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Regret
Image of Ralph Marston
One positive step can put an end to negative momentum. Now is when you can take it.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Negative
Image of Ralph Marston
So go ahead and face that fear, make that effort, move forward into new territory and fully live the grand possibilities with which you're blessed. Boldly face life, and you'll find it to be better than you ever imagined.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Moving
Image of Ralph Marston
A world of abundance surrounds you, if only you will step up and claim it. Make life happen through you rather than letting it happen to you. It will make all the difference in the world.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Gay
Image of Ralph Marston
Make the decision to love this day, this place, this moment, this special experience of life with the people around you. And there will be so very much to love.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: People
Image of Ralph Marston
Perfection in any endeavor is an aiming point. Let the desire for it push you, but don't let the absence of it stop you.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life
Image of Ralph Marston
Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious. Many of life's best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Real
Image of Ralph Marston
If you so choose, every mistake can lead to greater understanding and effectiveness. If you so choose, every frustration can help you to be more patient and more persistent.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Mistake
Image of Ralph Marston
What a joy it is that the road ahead is an uphill climb. For where it leads is all the way to the top.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Joy
Image of Ralph Marston
In every kind of endeavor, there are ample opportunities for extra effort. Grab those opportunities, embrace that extra effort and transform ordinary mediocrity into bright and shining excellence.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Ralph Marston
If you focus on the obstacles, then you give them more power. Instead focus on your purpose, on your most authentic and fundamental intentions.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Success
Image of Ralph Marston
The sooner you act, the bigger difference you can make.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Differences
Image of Ralph Marston
Spread the seeds of encouragement far and wide, and delight in the bountiful harvest that they will surely bring.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Ralph Marston
Don't waste time on excuses. Just get it done.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Done
Image of Ralph Marston
What you are longing for is longing for you.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life
Image of Ralph Marston
If you're to succeed at any endeavor, the first and most important person you must convince is yourself. Success comes not from merely a belief that you can do it. Success comes when you absolutely know you can achieve it
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Success
Image of Ralph Marston
Sure, it's easy to be upbeat when everything is going your way. Anyone can do that. It is far more important, however, to take a positive approach in circumstances that most people would view as negative.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Motivational
Image of Ralph Marston
There's nothing that says you have to succeed in the same way as someone else. In fact, there's nothing that says you must define success in the same way as someone else.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Way
Image of Ralph Marston
Doubt is merely a thought. When experience proves it wrong, it will quickly go away.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Doubt
Image of Ralph Marston
No matter what the situation may be, there is always something positive you can do about it.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: May
Image of Ralph Marston
Let each moment be guided by positive purpose. And let your whole life express the beauty of who you truly are.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Purpose
Image of Ralph Marston
Live each moment from your own inspiration, not from your desire to look good in the eyes of others.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Ralph Marston
The real person you are is revealed in the moments when you're certain no other person is watching. When no one is watching, you are driven by what you expect of yourself.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Ralph Marston
Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it. [at least it will feel like it!]
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Ralph Marston
Step confidently forward in the precisely the direction that is the most challenging to you. Because in that same direction, you'll also find what is most rewarding to you.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Recovery
Image of Ralph Marston
It's difficult to follow your dream. It's a tragedy not to.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Dream
Image of Ralph Marston
Those who are passionate about what they do have an advantage that is nearly impossible to overcome. In passion there is energy, creativity, resilience and persistence. Passion will get it done.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Passion
Image of Ralph Marston
You become what you think about most. When you continually focus on the fear of failure, failure will become real for you. Look instead at the possibilities. Look at what could happen if only you would attempt it. Sure, it might not succeed completely. Yet even then you will learn something.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Real
Image of Ralph Marston
Be appreciative of what's right with your life. In your gratitude is power to make it even better
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Ralph Marston
It doesn't matter how much you want. What really matters is how much you want it. The extent and complexity of the problem does not matter was much as does the willingness to solve it.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Doe
Image of Ralph Marston
You may very well have good reasons for resentment, frustration and anger. But that doesn't mean those negative responses are good for you, or that you must choose them.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Mean
Image of Ralph Marston
Let the fear go, and live your life with the power of love.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Stay Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it. The time you spend living in fear is time you cannot spend living in love. The time you spend hiding and retreating from life is time you cannot spend growing and advancing and achieving.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Shining
Image of Ralph Marston
Breathe in the sweet air of limitless possibility, and make life as rich as you know it can be.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Sweet
Image of Ralph Marston
You can choose instead to live in the enriching, empowering light of your own highest visions. You can always choose to grow, to achieve, and to fulfill by immersing your awareness in life's ever-present goodness.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Light
Image of Ralph Marston
The strongest leaders do not command, they empower
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Empowering
Image of Ralph Marston
Look, really look, at how beautiful this day is. Let go of the worries and anxieties and judgments, and see the beauty.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Ralph Marston
Feelings come and feelings go. There is no need to fear them and no need to crave them. Be open to your feelings and experience them while they are here. Then be open to the feelings that will come next. Your feelings are a part of your experience. Yet no mere feeling, however intense it may seem, is your permanent reality.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Reality
Image of Ralph Marston
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Ralph Marston
There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Ralph Marston
Greatness comes from living with purpose and passion.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Passion
Image of Ralph Marston
Winners win not because they're allowed to, but because they decide to.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Winning
Image of Ralph Marston
The best way to handle good fortune is to do something positive and useful with it. The best way to handle misfortune is exactly the same.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Way
Image of Ralph Marston
Your life is magnificent not because someone says it is, but because you choose to see it as such
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life Is
Image of Ralph Marston
Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Powerful