
Image of Plautus
To love is human, it is also human to forgive.
- Plautus
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Plautus
A mouse relies not solely on one hole.
- Plautus
Collection: Holes
Image of Plautus
It well becomes a young man to be modest.
- Plautus
Collection: Men
Image of Plautus
Bad conduct soils the finest ornament more than filth.
- Plautus
Collection: Ornaments
Image of Plautus
Property is unstable, and youth perishes in a moment. Life itself is held in the grinning fangs of Death, Yet men delay to obtain release from the world. Alas, the conduct of mankind is surprising.
- Plautus
Collection: Men
Image of Plautus
Nothing is there more friendly to a man than a friend in need.
- Plautus
Collection: Friendship
Image of Plautus
Enemies carry a report in form different from the original.
- Plautus
Collection: Enemy
Image of Plautus
It wasn't for nothing that the raven was just now croaking on my left hand.
- Plautus
Collection: Hands
Image of Plautus
If I can only keep my good name, I shall have riches enough.
- Plautus
Collection: Names
Image of Plautus
We only appreciate the comforts of life in their loss.
- Plautus
Collection: Loss
Image of Plautus
Spice a dish with love and it pleases every palate.
- Plautus
Collection: Valentines Day
Image of Plautus
He is happy in his wisdom who has learned at another's expense.
- Plautus
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Plautus
Slander-mongers and those who listen to slander, if I had my way, would all be strung up, the talkers by the tongue, the listeners by the ears.
- Plautus
Collection: Ears
Image of Plautus
He whom the Gods love dies young.
- Plautus
Collection: Latin
Image of Plautus
What is yours is mine, and all mine is yours.
- Plautus
Collection: Marriage
Image of Plautus
He is a friend indeed who proves himself a friend in need.
- Plautus
Collection: Friendship
Image of Plautus
I suspect that hunger was my mother.
- Plautus
Collection: Mother
Image of Plautus
That wife is an enemy to her husband who is given in marriage against her will.
- Plautus
Collection: Husband
Image of Plautus
For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent.
- Plautus
Collection: Curiosity
Image of Plautus
To an honest man, it is an honor to have remembered his duty.
- Plautus
Collection: Men
Image of Plautus
How often we see the greatest genius buried in obscurity!
- Plautus
Collection: Obscurity
Image of Plautus
A mouse never entrusts his life to only one hole.
- Plautus
Collection: Holes
Image of Plautus
Who wishes to give himself an abundance of business let him equip these two things, a ship and a woman. For no two things involve more business, if you have begun to fit them out. Nor are these two things ever sufficiently adorned, nor is any excess of adornment enough for them.
- Plautus
Collection: Business
Image of Plautus
It is good to love in a moderate degree; to distraction, it is not good; but to love to entire distraction, is the thing that my master's doing.
- Plautus
Collection: Love
Image of Plautus
Things which you do not hope happen more frequently than things which you do hope.
- Plautus
Collection: Happens
Image of Plautus
The gods confound the man who first found out How to distinguish hours! Confound him, too, Who in this place set up a sun-dial, To cut and hack my days so wretchedly Into small portions.
- Plautus
Collection: Cutting
Image of Plautus
It is not fair to treat as serious that which is only said in joke.
- Plautus
Collection: Serious
Image of Plautus
Woman is certainly the daughter of Delay personified!
- Plautus
Collection: Daughter
Image of Plautus
All men love themselves.
- Plautus
Collection: Men
Image of Plautus
We can more easily endure that which shames than that which vexes us.
- Plautus
Collection: Vex
Image of Plautus
That man will never be unwelcome to others who makes himself agreeable to his own family.
- Plautus
Collection: Family
Image of Plautus
The stronger always succeeds.
- Plautus
Collection: Strength
Image of Plautus
If you do anything well, gratitude is lighter than a feather; if you give offense in anything, people's wrath is as heavy as lead.
- Plautus
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Plautus
Feast today makes fast tomorrow
- Plautus
Collection: Today
Image of Plautus
I seek the utmost pleasure and the least pain.
- Plautus
Collection: Pain
Image of Plautus
Disgrace is immortal, and living even when one thinks it dead.
- Plautus
Collection: Thinking
Image of Plautus
Remind a man of what he remembers, and you will make him forget it.
- Plautus
Collection: Men
Image of Plautus
He who seeks for gain, must be at some expense.
- Plautus
Collection: Gains
Image of Plautus
Fortitude is a great help in distress.
- Plautus
Collection: Helping