PJ Harvey

Image of PJ Harvey
I feel like "Not For Long" was one for me just because I got to work with two people that I looked up to...
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Two
Image of PJ Harvey
Any of these contemporary war situations, whether civilian or soldier on either side - that's what I was interested in. The people who are being affected. Not so much the political speak at the top of the food chain, but the people who are affected by it on the ground.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: War
Image of PJ Harvey
You go back and look at some of the ancient writings that exist throughout the world about wars and it's the same; the human beings' articulation of events is the same. That really fascinated me.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: War
Image of PJ Harvey
I think you have to be very careful getting the balance right if you're going to talk about grand themes like war, death and nationhood. You need to use the right language or don't do it at all.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: War
Image of PJ Harvey
In the past members of my family on both my mother's and father's side have fought in the war, in the first and second World Wars. Unfortunately, they're dead and I wasn't able to speak to them, but that was in our family history too.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of PJ Harvey
I long ago learned that you can't expect people to interpret the songs in the way they had meant for you, as the writer.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Song
Image of PJ Harvey
Being a recording artist and having thousands of people listening to your music and singing your songs, and paying for it? It feels great!
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Song
Image of PJ Harvey
Folk music was to strengthen and unify people, whether it was through an uprising and rebellion or whether is was through hard work, bringing in crops. But it was to strengthen each other and that's still what music is about today.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Hard Work
Image of PJ Harvey
I am someone that follows the news and reads newspapers yet what do you believe and what don't you.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Believe
Image of PJ Harvey
There is a thread connecting you no matter how far away you are from someone and you know I have two or three relationships in my life that are like that.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Two
Image of PJ Harvey
Everything from a lifetime's worth of collecting things. You know as we go through life, and something stays and ends up on your shelf and lives there until you die? Just those little things.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Collecting Things
Image of PJ Harvey
You can sing a very aggressive word in such a way that it's very funny. You can change words, completely turn them around on their head so that they mean exactly the opposite of what they are written down. There are endless possibilities which I think Diamanda Galás is doing already. She turns everything upside down by the way she sings it. She makes you feel nauseous or horrified or ridiculous just by her voice. I think that's an incredible power.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Mean
Image of PJ Harvey
Like I have to pretend like I'm a male rapper, that I got stacks and we're in the club, and what do I want to say. And then, when writing Rare I could just be PJ.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I think a lot of people have an idealistic view - if you grow up in the country, there can't possibly be anything wrong with you.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Country
Image of PJ Harvey
When I'm writing for rappers it's kinda like switching, "Okay, you're not PJ. Now you have to act like a rapper."
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
Writing is something that I practice at every day to get better at.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
Most of the stuff that I do talk about, about being counted out and being an underdog, 'cause that's what I feel like I am.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Underdog
Image of PJ Harvey
I think of myself as a songwriter, a weaver of story and imagination in a way that a novelist might write a book.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Book
Image of PJ Harvey
Some people, like Leonard Cohen, write one album every 10 years, and labor over a song for five years at a time.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Song
Image of PJ Harvey
I've always felt that I'm affected by the world, by the way we treat each other, by the way different countries treat each other. I've always been very affected by politics, society, but I never got to a place as a writer where I felt like I could begin to deal with such things and do it well.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Country
Image of PJ Harvey
My town was even smaller. Only six hundred people. We didn't have a grocery store.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: People
Image of PJ Harvey
I find it hard myself to feel justified to sing in a very politically direct way about war or social conditions because I feel so ignorant of a lot of it.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: War
Image of PJ Harvey
If you come at the record feeling really happy and optimistic, it can be incredibly beautiful and uplifting, and if you come at it in a bleak moment, it can feel like a very dark place to share. It's all down to the listener.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Beautiful
Image of PJ Harvey
I tried to use words that were dealing with the emotional quality that any human being could recognize in the way that they felt about their country. It's to do with the world we live in. That world is a brutal one and full of war. It's also full of many wonderful things and love and hope
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Country
Image of PJ Harvey
I feel like it's very important that I'm doing what I'm doing, and I want to keep honoring that and try and do it as honestly as I can.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Trying
Image of PJ Harvey
It's so interesting to me how songs take on a shape and body of their own and grow.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Song
Image of PJ Harvey
Ever since time began: What song is not about love? Whether it's about love from man to woman or parent to child, or grandmother to granddaughter... It just goes on and on. Or whether it's the love of one's country.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Country
Image of PJ Harvey
If anything, I hope being an artist opens up more opportunities 'cause I feel there's a lot of things I could do, like musically and stylistic-wise that I can write, but I don't really have an avenue to show it 'cause most of the things I'm writing are in Hip Hop.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Wise
Image of PJ Harvey
I've so much left to explore, it's enormously exciting to me. It's a passion. I just try and get better at what I do, and I study it very hard, like it is my life degree.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of PJ Harvey
I just love having no clothes on outside, and the only time to do that is when the sun's shining. It's a wonderful sensation to not have any clothes on.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Clothes
Image of PJ Harvey
I feel like I'm being put inside a box, and I'm not necessarily getting a chance. Like I'm not getting the shot that I deserve. So that's what Rare is about 'cause I feel because I am the way that I am, and I don't necessarily fit the mold of a lot of different artists that's out, it's like I'm not getting the chance to show what I can do. So, that's basically all the frustration of that, and everything is pretty much Rare for me anyway.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Artist
Image of PJ Harvey
Fly with me, touch the face of the true God. And then cry with joy at the depth of my love.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Religious
Image of PJ Harvey
You shouldn't separate the piece from the way it's intended. I always feel like words shouldn't be unraveled from the music. They're all linked so much together.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Together
Image of PJ Harvey
People want to build musicians into mythical beings.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: People
Image of PJ Harvey
To think of myself as a role model is extremely flattering, but I could never accept that, because Im just learning like everybody else.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Thinking
Image of PJ Harvey
I don't like things to be handed to me on a plate; that means nothing. I like to go through layers of unraveling and every time I listen to something, it makes me feel something different. Now I'm aware of the conflict that's going on, but at the time I just let what was happening happen.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Mean
Image of PJ Harvey
We just kind of lost our way. But we were looking to be free. One day we'll float. Take life as it comes.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Life
Image of PJ Harvey
I have learnt through doing interviews throughout my life that the way that somebody can write about something can change entirely how it was meant, or what actually happened.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
Maybe you're a singer or not, but what taps into the soul leads to the heart, and that's really what I came away with, with the starting point for the record being that I could speak as a human being and feel things very deeply.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Heart
Image of PJ Harvey
I would listen most particularly to the countries whose language I didn't understand, didn't know what they were singing. But being a singer myself, I could understand because of the emotion.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Country
Image of PJ Harvey
I've always felt profoundly about what's going on in the world on a daily basis. What I hadn't felt was that I was at a point in my writing career where I could write about these things in songs and do it well.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Song
Image of PJ Harvey
Some things lend themselves well to songs, some things don't, and I'm learning that a lot at the moment. It's still a relatively new way of writing. It's only really the last five to 10 years that I've taken my writing seriously in this way, as something I can keep working toward. I think I feel myself much more before as simply a songwriter.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Song
Image of PJ Harvey
I'm a very private person, so obviously I don't enjoy talking about more personal matters. But at the same time I care very much about my work and I would like people to know that it exists. So I appreciate that there's a meeting point, where I would like people to know about the work that I'm doing, and that requires me to talk about it.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Talking
Image of PJ Harvey
I'm finding that writing poetry is strengthening my songwriting, because you're learning to make a piece of writing work on a page with nothing else. I was also finding within poetry I felt a lot more free to write about very different matters, to write about social issues or things that are going on around me.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I do write a lot of prose. It's not disciplined enough yet that it's actually become stories, or short stories. The idea of writing a novel seems impossible.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
Love for money is my sin, any man calls, I'll let him in.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Sex
Image of PJ Harvey
I don't hold onto anything, because it's a waste of energy to do so, really. There's nothing that I can do about the way people want to write about me. I just try and concentrate on my work and do that as well as I can.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I'm doing quite a lot of painting on stones - little funny fish and animals.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Animal
Image of PJ Harvey
Ideas for songs can come from something as simple as a photograph and letting my imagination run wild on an old photograph that I found, or to a film that I have seen or to just most of the time, just daily walking through life and keeping your eyes open.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Running