Phil Collins

Image of Phil Collins
The stereotypical rock-star-trashing-a-hotel-room thing? Those days had passed by the time I was in a band big enough to do it.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Stars
Image of Phil Collins
I've been a long-distance father.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Father
Image of Phil Collins
I feel terrible for women that have had Phil Collins tattoos. Their poor husbands have to deal with.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Phil Collins
There's something perverse isn't there, if you're playing in front of 100,000 people and there's 2000 people down the front who don't like, you think: what is it that they don't like?
- Phil Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Phil Collins
When you're young you want to show people what you can do, no matter what the cost. Whereas when you're older, and you realise that maybe a drum machine is better than you playing, then use the drum machine.
- Phil Collins
Collection: People
Image of Phil Collins
I used to go to my local pub and it was like a sanctuary, nobody dared ask for an autograph. You went in there for a ploughman's and a pint, and you went home and watched TV. Believe me, there's more to watch on British TV than American, except for CNN right now. But yeah, I miss it.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Believe
Image of Phil Collins
I'm not sure at all about the current prog rock scene.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Rocks
Image of Phil Collins
Take a look at me now, cause there's just an empty space. And you coming back to me is against all odds and that's what I've got to face.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Odds
Image of Phil Collins
To be honest, producing records interests me less at the moment and I really don't want to get involved in album projects that are going to take up a lot of time
- Phil Collins
Collection: Albums
Image of Phil Collins
Would you respect me if I didn't have this gun? Cause without it, I don't get it, and that's why I carry one.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Phil Collins
You'll regret the day you ever messed with Philadelphia Collins and sons
- Phil Collins
Collection: Regret
Image of Phil Collins
I can't consider myself a drummer any more.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Drummer
Image of Phil Collins
Tattoos don't impress me. For me it's just another awkward part of fame. It's extraordinary - tattoos in basketball and soccer, it's quite extraordinary.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Phil Collins
Believe it or not, Japanese is actually easier than some European languages!
- Phil Collins
Collection: Believe
Image of Phil Collins
I think I was the best drummer!
- Phil Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Phil Collins
I have some rhythms on my computers, that are actually called "trance", they go from 1-30 or 40. They're grooves that come on the synth. If I could somehow use them, I would.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Use
Image of Phil Collins
As a composer I approached the drums differently than a non-composing drummer. I embraced drum machines.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Machines
Image of Phil Collins
You leave a country, they stop playing you on the radio.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Country
Image of Phil Collins
Drummers get bored. You tell them to play something simple, and it gets more complicated as they do it. If they're not a composer, if they don't have any kind of investment in the music, they'll just add a bit there and another bit there, and you think no! Don't do that. So you end up using a drum machine.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Simple
Image of Phil Collins
I do miss things about Britain. I think there was a misconception, there definitely was, that I left because of bad press, and being pilloried. I left Britain because I fell in love with someone who lived in Switzerland - that was the main thing.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Phil Collins
The whole having records and selling records and being on TV, that was something that I didn't ever think would be for me. I thought that would be for other people. All I wanted to do was make a living playing the drums.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Phil Collins
They're the only ones brave enough to give me these opportunities [on being offered a soundtrack!]
- Phil Collins
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Phil Collins
I suppose Phil Collins offers something for everybody, and in hipdom that's not cool. But in the real world, there's no shame in that at all.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Real
Image of Phil Collins
In 1977 we played America and Europe three times, and Japan - my marriage suffered as a result. My then wife took the kids to Canada to be near her parents
- Phil Collins
Collection: Kids
Image of Phil Collins
You know, a song is like a kid. You bring it up. And sometimes something you thought was going to be fantastic, by the time it's finished, is a bit of a disappointment...Beyond a certain point, the music isn't mine anymore. It's yours.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Song
Image of Phil Collins
Like last night I had a sequence with a gun and, to be honest, for me to be threatening with a gun and not be comical is quite hard.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Gun
Image of Phil Collins
I very rarely listen to the in-flight stuff.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Stuff
Image of Phil Collins
I suppose you can't take kids into consideration all the time, but I just wish there could be a bit of flexibility.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Kids
Image of Phil Collins
Catering on planes, like on British Rail, is a standing joke, but I don't really have a problem with it. I don't quite know what people expect.
- Phil Collins
Collection: People
Image of Phil Collins
Everyones a hypercrit and if you don't agree you're a liar as well
- Phil Collins
Collection: Liars
Image of Phil Collins
I just figured if I'm going to call myself a songwriter throughout my life, then writing for most genres of music is something I should at least attempt.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Phil Collins
When destiny calls you, you’ve got to be strong. I may not be with you, but you’ve got to move on.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Strong
Image of Phil Collins
Wait for it, wait for it! Anticipation is half the fun, So I’ve been told...
- Phil Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of Phil Collins
You know, I’ve released some great records and I’ve released some dogs. But frankly, the fun is in creating the thing.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Fun