Paullina Simons

Image of Paullina Simons
You have to keep your audience in your mind; if you're writing stuff that you know nobody's going to care about then you should rethink what you're doing!
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Writing
Image of Paullina Simons
With my writing, because I live it, I have to be consumed by it, and that means you have to forget your other life, which is constantly pulling you from your work.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Writing
Image of Paullina Simons
There is a very definite Russian heart in me; that never dies. I think you're born and you live your life with it and you die with it. I'm very much an American - my books tend to be about American things, but inside there's that sort of tortured, long-suffering, aching, constantly analysing Russian soul underneath the happy American exterior.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Book
Image of Paullina Simons
When I was growing up, 'Anna Karenina' was one of my favourite books.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Paullina Simons
I wish I could spend six years writing one novel.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Writing
Image of Paullina Simons
I tend to be a great optimist when it comes to the United States and the American way of life, I think precisely because I wasn't born into it.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paullina Simons
Falling in love with you in the Summer Garden in the white nights in Leningrad is the moment that propels me through life.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Summer
Image of Paullina Simons
Tatiana: "Why did we spend two days fighting when we could have been doing this?" Alexander: "That wasn't fighting, Tatiana. That was foreplay.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paullina Simons
We’ll meet again in Lvov, my love and I…” Tatiana hums, eating her ice cream, in our Leningrad, in jasmine June, near Fontanka, the Neva, the Summer Garden, where we are forever young.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Summer
Image of Paullina Simons
Ask yourself these three questions, Tatiana Metanova, and you will know who you are. Ask: What do believe in? What do you hope for? What do you love?
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Believe
Image of Paullina Simons
Awash in a flood of hostility and despair, they battled and railed and shattered their bodies on one another, unable to find one strand, one sobering swallow of solace.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Despair
Image of Paullina Simons
We thought the hard part was over—but we were wrong. Living is the hardest part. Figuring out how to live your life when you’re all busted up inside and out—there is nothing harder.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Live Your Life
Image of Paullina Simons
Alexander smoked and watched her from his tree stump bench. What are you doing? she would ask him. Nothing, he would reply. Nothing but growing my pain into madness.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Pain
Image of Paullina Simons
Up on the roof Tatiana thought about the evening minute, the minute she used to walk out the factory doors, turn her head to the left even before her body turned, and look for his face. The evening minute as she hurried down the street, her happiness curling her mouth upward to the white sky, the red wings speeding her to him, to look up at him and smile.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: White
Image of Paullina Simons
Everything comes at a price. Everthing in your life. The question you have to ask yourself is, what price are you willing to pay?
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Pay
Image of Paullina Simons
Ask yourself these three questions, Tatiana Metanova, and you will know who you are. Ask: what do you believe in? What do you hope for? But most important - ask: what do you love? ... I know who I am, she thought, taking his hand and turning to the altar. I am Tatiana. And I believe in, and hope for, and love Alexander for life.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Believe
Image of Paullina Simons
Please don't die," she whispered. "I don't think I can bury you. I already buried everyone else." "How can I die," Alexander said, his voice breaking, "when you have poured your immortal blood into me?
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paullina Simons
Please stop looking at me, she thought, afraid of his eyes and terrified of her own heart.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Heart
Image of Paullina Simons
The days of idealism had gone. Only life was left.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Gone
Image of Paullina Simons
Here I am, your one man circus freak show, having bled out for mother Russia, having desperately tried to get to you, now on top of you with this scourge marks, and you, who used to love me, who was sympathized, internalized, normalized everything, you are not allowed to turn away from me....this is what I am going to look like until the day I die. I can't get any peace from you ever unless you find away to make peace with this. Make peace with me. Or let me go for good.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Mother
Image of Paullina Simons
But on that sunlit Sunday, Alexander knew nothing, thought nothing, imagined nothing. He forgot Dimitri and war and the Soviet Union and escape plans, and even America, and crossed the street for Tatiana Metanova.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: War
Image of Paullina Simons
We can’t forget that I owe you my life.” She gazed at him. “We can’t forget that I belong to you.” “I like that sound of that,” Alexander said, hugging her tighter.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Hug
Image of Paullina Simons
Shura...are love with me?" "Turn to me," Alexander said. She turned. "Tatia, I worship you. I'm crazy in love with you. I want you to marry me.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Crazy
Image of Paullina Simons
He is just protective over me-” “Not protective, Tania. Consumed.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Protective
Image of Paullina Simons
I'm going to die with Alexander's hand on my face, Tatiana thought. That is not a bad way to die. I cannot move. I can't get up. Just can't. She closed her eyes and felt herself drifting. Through the haze in front of her she heard Alexander's voice. "Tatiana, I love you. Do you hear me? I love you like I've never loved anyone in my whole life. Now, get up. For me, Tatia. For me, please get up and go take care of your sister. Go on. And I'll take care of you.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Moving
Image of Paullina Simons
In Alexander's life there was one thread that could not be broken by death, by distance, by time, by war. Could not be broken. As long as I am in the world, she said with her breath and her body, as long as I am, you are permanent, soldier.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: War
Image of Paullina Simons
Alexander knew that before he had light instead of darkness, he had to deserve light instead of darkness.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Light
Image of Paullina Simons
If there is God, I thought...Please some day let me make love to this girl while she wears that dress." "Oh..." "Tatiasha...isn't it nice to know there is a God?
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Girl
Image of Paullina Simons
You will find a way to live without me. You will find a way to live for both of us,' Alexander said to Tatiana as the swelling Kama River flowed from the Ural Mountains through a pine village named Lazarevo, once when they were in love, and young.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Rivers
Image of Paullina Simons
All good things come to those who wait.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Patience
Image of Paullina Simons
Whenever you're unsure of yourself, whenever you're in doubt, ask yourself three questions. What do you believe in? What do you hope for? but most important, ask yourself, what do you love?
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Believe
Image of Paullina Simons
I'll take your breath any way you give it to me, Shura.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Giving
Image of Paullina Simons
Tania, last time in Morozovo, I let you go, but not this time. This time we live together or we die together.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Together
Image of Paullina Simons
He sent you to redeem me, to comfort me, and to heal me—and that’s just so far,” he added with a smile.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Comfort
Image of Paullina Simons
Tania,” he whispers, “promise me you won’t forget me when I die.” “You won’t die, soldier,” she says. “You won’t die. Live! Live on, breathe on, claw onto life, and do not let go. Promise me you will live for me, and I promise you, when you’re done, I will be waiting for you.” She is sobbing. “Whenever you’re done, Alexander, I will be here, waiting for you.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Paullina Simons
Live as if you have faith,” she said, “and faith shall be given to you.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Have Faith
Image of Paullina Simons
I don't want this life to end," said Alexander. "The good, the bad, the everything, the very old, to ever end.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Want
Image of Paullina Simons
They had no past. They had no future. They just were.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Past
Image of Paullina Simons
Alexander, you broke my heart. But for carrying me on your back, for pulling my dying sled, for giving me your last bread, for the body you destroyed for me, for the son you have given me, for the twenty-nine days we lived like Red Birds of Paradise, for all our Naples sands and Napa wines, for all the days you have been my first and last breath, for Orbeli- I will forgive you.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Heart
Image of Paullina Simons
Love is, to be loved,” said Alexander, “in return.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Love Is