Paul Gauguin

Image of Paul Gauguin
If I did what has already been done, I would be a plagiarist and would consider myself unworthy; so I do something different and people call me a scoundrel. I'd rather be a scoundrel than a plagiarist!
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: People
Image of Paul Gauguin
The missionary is no longer a man, a conscience. He is a corpse, in the hands of a confraternity, without family, without love, without any of the sentiments that are dear to us. Emasculated, in a sense, by his vow of chastity, he offers us the distressing spectacle of a man deformed and impotent or engaged in a stupid and useless struggle with the sacred needs of the flesh, a struggle which, seven times out of ten, leads him to sodomy, the gallows, or prison.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Stupid
Image of Paul Gauguin
for Christ's sake, were the mountains blue, then chuck on some blue and don't go telling me that it was a blue a bit like this or like that, it was blue wasn't it? Good - make them blue and that's enough!
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Blue
Image of Paul Gauguin
On an instrument you start from one tone. In painting you start from several.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Tone
Image of Paul Gauguin
Oh yes! He loved yellow, did good Vincent...When the two of us were together in Arles, both of us insane, and constantly at war over beautiful colors, I adored red; where could I find a perfect vermilion?
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Paul Gauguin
Go on working, freely and furiously, you will make progress and sooner or later your worth will be recognised, if you have any.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Progress
Image of Paul Gauguin
The work of a man is the explanation of the man.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Work
Image of Paul Gauguin
The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise. The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Children
Image of Paul Gauguin
Literary poetry in a painter is something special, and is neither illustration nor the translation of writing by form.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Gauguin
Beware of luxury! Beware of acquiring the taste and need for it, under the pretext of providing for the morrow.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Luxury
Image of Paul Gauguin
No one wants my painting because it is different from other people's peculiar, crazy public that demands the greatest possible degree of originality on the painter's part and yet won't accept him unless his work resembles that of the others!
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Paul Gauguin
You may dream freely when you listen to music as well as when you look at painting. When you read a book you are the slave of the author's mind.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Dream
Image of Paul Gauguin
However depressed I may be I am not in the habit of giving up a project without having tried everything, even the 'impossible', to gain my end.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Determination
Image of Paul Gauguin
Out in the sun, some painters are lined up. The first is copying nature, the second is copying the first, the third is copying the second... You see the sequence.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Copying
Image of Paul Gauguin
There is no such thing as exaggerated art. I even believe that there is salvation only in extreme.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Art
Image of Paul Gauguin
I am entering into the truth, into nature.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Truth
Image of Paul Gauguin
A nude by Degas is chaste. But his women wash in tubs!
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Degas
Image of Paul Gauguin
I made a promise to keep a watch over myself, to remain master of myself, so that I might become a sure observer.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Promise
Image of Paul Gauguin
Beautiful colors exist, though we do not realize it, and are glimpsed behind the veil that modesty has drawn over them.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Paul Gauguin
A great sentiment can be rendered immediately. Dream on it and look for the simplest form in which you can express it.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Dream
Image of Paul Gauguin
I am a great artist and I know it, it is because I am that I have been able to endure so much suffering.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Healing
Image of Paul Gauguin
A hint - don't paint too much direct from nature. Art is an abstraction! study nature then brood on it and treasure the creation which will result, which is the only way to ascend towards God - to create like our Divine Master.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Art
Image of Paul Gauguin
Night is here. All is at rest. My eyes close in order to see without actually understanding the dream that flees before men infinite space; and I experience the languorous sensation produced by the mournful procession of my hopes.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Dream
Image of Paul Gauguin
Perhaps I have no talent, but all vanity aside - I do not believe that anyone makes an artistic attempt, no matter how small, without having a little - or there are many fools.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Believe
Image of Paul Gauguin
Do you know what will soon be the ultimate in truth?
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Photography
Image of Paul Gauguin
But I owe something to Vincent, and that is, in the consciousness of having been useful to him, the confirmation of my own original ideas about painting. And also, at difficult moments, the remembrance that one finds others unhappier than oneself.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Ideas
Image of Paul Gauguin
Without delay I began work, without hesitation and all of a fever.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Fever
Image of Paul Gauguin
I was aware that on my skill as a painter would depend the physical and moral possession of the model.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Skills
Image of Paul Gauguin
The critics can say stupid things and we can enjoy them, if we have the legitimate feeling of superiority - the satisfaction of a duty accomplished.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Stupid
Image of Paul Gauguin
If instead of a figure you put the shadow only of a person, you have found an original starting point, that strangeness of which you have calculated.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Shadow
Image of Paul Gauguin
Slyly, banteringly, but also overbearingly, the critic - the one who does not swallow anything whole, who waits until posterity has consecrated it before... howling - is among those who howl their admiration the way they howl their insults: don't be afraid, don't tremble - the beast doesn't have any nails or teeth, or even brain: it is stuffed.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Waiting
Image of Paul Gauguin
Lacking many of the essential implements, it irritated me to be reduced to impotence in the face of artistic projects to which I had passionately given myself.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Essentials
Image of Paul Gauguin
Art is either a plagiarist or a revolutionist.
- Paul Gauguin
Collection: Art