Molly Ringwald

Image of Molly Ringwald
I can't stand films that make the kids out to be heroes and the parents to be imbeciles.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Hero
Image of Molly Ringwald
A lot of people don't realize that not everybody gets high.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Depression
Image of Molly Ringwald
I write in bed, too. I find it very comforting. I want to sort of, like, crawl in a fetal position if I have to.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Ringwald
I think that it is real important for someone to be really honest and open emotionally. I'm really an emotional person. If I'm that way and the guy isn't that way I just really feel like a jerk.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Real
Image of Molly Ringwald
My parents always raised us with the idea of having college in mind. You sort of need a college education. It's part of life. It's something that you do - like going to your prom.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: College
Image of Molly Ringwald
I don't like being alone. I haven't been alone since I got a boyfriend.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Like Being Alone
Image of Molly Ringwald
Automatically everybody thinks of me as an actress who is trying to sing. And if I weren't me I'd probably think the same thing.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Thinking
Image of Molly Ringwald
Not all women write the same. But I don't understand why the model is that you're supposed to write like a man, and that means you're a real writer.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Real
Image of Molly Ringwald
I've always been the go-to girl for all of my girlfriends in terms of relationship advice or clothing advice.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Girl
Image of Molly Ringwald
I can't' really sing a song unless I really connect with the lyrics.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Song
Image of Molly Ringwald
Books have always been really important to me; they're my saving grace.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Book
Image of Molly Ringwald
I've always been the bookish type, and I've never really hidden that about myself.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Type
Image of Molly Ringwald
Usually the kids are portrayed as very one-dimensional. Like these mindless animals that just have three things on their minds: getting laid, getting drunk, and driving real fast over Mulholland Drive.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Real
Image of Molly Ringwald
To preach abstinence, I think, is absolutely not the right message to give to kids.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Kids
Image of Molly Ringwald
Jazz is my comfort music, like comfort food.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Comfort
Image of Molly Ringwald
I've done kissing scenes with people who have been loaded. I'd think, 'Do you actually have to drink that Jack Daniels to kiss me?'
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Kissing
Image of Molly Ringwald
When I was a little kid I thought I would grow up to be black and sing jazz in nightclubs.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Growing Up