Mitali Perkins

Image of Mitali Perkins
Good humor pokes fun at the powerful — not the weak.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Mitali Perkins
American and Vietnamese characters alike leap to life through the voice and eyes of a tenyearold girl-a protagonist so strong, loving, and vivid I longed to hand her a wedge of freshly cut papaya.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Girl
Image of Mitali Perkins
It’s a lovely adaptation that honors Lois Lowry’s vision and authority…the film…illuminates and explores the beauty, danger and pain of our free, creative lives. Plenty to talk about in families and other communities. Go see it.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Pain
Image of Mitali Perkins
Books have always been my home. I ransacked the library regularly from the time we moved to the States. I read on the fire escape. I read at the dinner table. I read late into the night in my room. This unhindered foraging and feasting on books - away from controlling, condemning eyes - empowered me to identify and resist misogyny, xenophobia, shadism, and other forms of injustice.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Book
Image of Mitali Perkins
America inevitably "brings the distant near" because apart from members of the Native Nations, all of us originated in faraway places. Sadly, proximity within the United States doesn't automatically generate friendship. But if we choose to cross borders that may at first bring discomfort and open our hearts to those who seem like strangers, I believe that we can be transformed and united as individuals, families, communities, and even as a country.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Country
Image of Mitali Perkins
We adults all stay sixteen or so in some corner of the soul.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Soul
Image of Mitali Perkins
Research is always a high priority in my fiction. Songs, fashion, politics, television, movies, trends - I try to get those details right.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Fashion
Image of Mitali Perkins
I learned to read when I was three, so I skipped right over picture books and didn't learn to appreciate art in books until much later.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Art
Image of Mitali Perkins
I hope and pray that despite an unhealed past full of atrocities and deep divisions in the present, God can and will make "the distant near" and a "brother of the stranger" in America's future.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Brother
Image of Mitali Perkins
There weren't too many books featuring other cultures and countries when I was growing up as an immigrant kid here in the States.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Country
Image of Mitali Perkins
If you have a chance to see Children Of War, you can watch expert trauma counselors try to help bring healing to young people who have experienced atrocities in conflict.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Children
Image of Mitali Perkins
Keep reading and writing, learn how to revise, and push through rejections. My second book, Monsoon Summer, was rejected over 20 times and finally came out 11 years after my first book! I'm glad I didn't give up. Neither should you.
- Mitali Perkins
Collection: Summer