Mike Rowe

Image of Mike Rowe
The skills gap is a reflection of what we value. To close the gap, we need to change the way the country feels about work.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Country
Image of Mike Rowe
Happiness comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that's consistent with those beliefs.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Knowing
Image of Mike Rowe
What you do, who you’re with, and how you feel about the world around you, is completely up to you.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Up To You
Image of Mike Rowe
Anything worth doing hurts a little.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Hurt
Image of Mike Rowe
Dirt used to be a badge of honor. Dirt used to look like work. But we've scrubbed the dirt off the face of work and consequently we've created this suspicion of anything that's too dirty.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Dirty
Image of Mike Rowe
Not all knowledge comes from college.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: College
Image of Mike Rowe
Why does a chicken coop only have two doors? ... Because if it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Doors
Image of Mike Rowe
Don't follow your passion, but always bring it with you.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Passion
Image of Mike Rowe
Short-cuts lead to long delays.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Cutting
Image of Mike Rowe
If we are lending money that ostensibly we don't have to kids who have no hope of making it back in order to train them for jobs that clearly don't exist, I might suggest that we've gone around the bend a little bit.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Rowe
People with dirty jobs are happier than you think. As a group, they're the happiest people I know.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Rowe
It’s about, when did it make sense to say one size fits everybody? It never ever ever made sense to do that, and yet we’re still selling education the same way we sold it when you and I were in high school.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: School
Image of Mike Rowe
The search for truth in cyberspace will take you through the wormhole, and there's nothing on the other side but pedants and nitpickers and bottomless ambiguity. If you're not careful, you'll spend all your time proving everything and understanding nothing.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Understanding
Image of Mike Rowe
My mothers dad dropped out of the eighth grade to work. He had to. By the time he was 30, he was a master electrician, plumber, carpenter, mason, mechanic. That guy was, to me, a magician. Anything that was broken, he could fix. Anybody anywhere in our community knew that if there was a problem, Carl was there to fix it.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Mother
Image of Mike Rowe
Innovation without imitation is a complete waste of time.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Innovation
Image of Mike Rowe
There's really not a difference between an octopus and, like, a giant pile of snot.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Differences
Image of Mike Rowe
Michael Brown and Eric Garner died because they got into a confrontation that could have been easily avoided. That's what made their deaths so tragic.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Eric
Image of Mike Rowe
Nobody makes a turd like that and lives.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Turds
Image of Mike Rowe
I rarely do anything on the show by myself. I dont want it to be about me. Squatting in the sewer in San Francisco, its really hot, were up to our knees in a river of crap. Rats and cockroaches are all over. I would never, ever walk into that environment, except for the fact that the guy who does it every day is squatting next to me.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Rivers
Image of Mike Rowe
Some jobs are just too hideous to contemplate.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Rowe
It's funny; it's a real balancing act. In TV, everybody's talking about authenticity. In order to make 'Dirty Jobs' authentic, I really can't be overly informed. The minute I am, I become a host It's a very tricky business paying a tribute to work, because TV is very bad at it.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Rowe
I'm allergic to rocks hitting me in the face.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Rocks
Image of Mike Rowe
Im a B-list celebrity trying to give it an honest look. They see me do actual work. ... I try to be the viewer with a microphone.
- Mike Rowe
Collection: Giving